Math Coaches Meeting Agenda


12:00 – 3:30

1.  12:00 - Miscellaneous Topics

a.  October VCMS Conference

b.  GRCTM Conference - October 18, 4:30 pm at Swift Creek Middle School

c.  Paperwork for conference/sick days – turn into home school

d.  ActivSlates update

e.  MATHia/RtI update – Carnegie visits Sept 19-30

2.  12:15 - Group sharing discussion (5 min each)

a.  What’s working? Not working? Surprises?

b.  Questions?

c.  Best practices?

d.  Feedback I have received – admin vs. teachers

3.  1:00 - Timesheet questions/comments/revisions

4.  1:15 - October 10th planning

a.  General session (8:30-9:55) – ActivEngage

b.  Breakout sessions (10:00-10:55, 11:00-11:55)

ActivEngage / Promethean
Calculator (TI & Casio?) / Quality Questioning
Math Software / Carnegie Learning
Collaborative Teaching? / Larry Dorf?
ExploreLearning? / New Statistics SOLs
Middle School Math Curriculum - Modeling, Manipulatives, etc. – coaches in pairs for breakout sessions

c.  Lunch

d.  Afternoon (1:15-2:15, 2:20-3:30)

i.  Vertical Articulation – HS & MS, VASS

ii. Data Analysis by school - 34 Reports, AYP, SPBQ

iii.  Benchmark Table of Specifications and Benchmark blueprint

5.  1:30 - Content Committees

a.  Identify 3-5 teachers of Course 1, Course 2, and Course 3 with solid data and strong pedagogy

b.  Math Coach role: Select a group, invite teachers and facilitate the committee

c.  Committee role: produce a best practice guide that can be distributed to other teachers. What should teachers know about the class? What materials and manipulatives? Teaching strategies? Misconceptions?

d.  When? Half-day afternoon session: 12:00-3:30 – Date TBD

6.  1:45 - Middle school website (beta version)

a.  You have access to upload websites to the middle school site using this this form

b.  You can also upload notes, activities, files, etc. using that same form. That will be a later discussion

7.  2:00 - VDOE Report Card - SOL data of HCPS compared to state broken down by AYP subgroup

a.  Example of Fairfield AAT data

8.  2:15 - Curriculum planning for upcoming SOLs

9.  Next meeting

a.  October meetings canceled – VCMS Conference

b.  November training - Promethean