MDONS Fall Retreat
October 24, 2015 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM Lucy’s at Comedy Works South
Welcome/ Introductions:Present: Barbara Wenger, Carol Sjerven, John Cockrell, Stacey Gates, Monica Rasmussen, MJ LaRoche, Sarah Eppers, Sandi Vannice, Mariah Hall, Zita Fenner, Krista Treichel, Lori Maloney
Absent: Yuki Asakura, Tiffany Lease, Teresa Trabert
Introductions around the room. Lori Mahoney came on this year to help with programs and Monica Rasmussen returns in role of community outreach co-chair with Stacey. Acknowledged all present and highlighted 9 volunteer years with Sarah Eppers and Sandi’s contributions in various roles back to 1999.
Approval of September Board Meeting/Fall Retreat Minutes
Presidential/ Past President Updates - Barb Wenger
Thank you to all board and committee members for their contributions. Goal of Fall Retreat is to have vision for strategic plan for upcoming year(s). All members are encouraged to help with new ideas and goals for other committees. Please send your yearly reports to the secretary by December 15, 2015. Lori will be scribe today for strategic plan pillars as we proceed. A copy of the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan was circulated for all present to review. We would like to recruit members and keep those who are active. Election underway for treasurer and secretary. Will end voting 10/26/15.
A lot has been happening this year. Fall Retreat is falling earlier due to multiple events. For upcoming years, per our ONS charter we only need 4 meeting per year. Discussion started with our group around when the best time frame for those meetings will be. We will keep with our plan for a January board meeting and plan the 2016 dates at that time. For the business meeting, which is yearly in February, we do not, per ONS national, need to display entire budget but just discuss need and costs and be certain these match. Members can request a copy of the budget reports however. We do need to notify membership if we plan any celebratory (not meeting function) events if they cost greater than $250. As per Brian Taylor of ONS, business meeting with meals such as this one, are covered business meetings.
Tentative planned meetings for 2016: January, February (MDONS dinner meeting – business meeting acceptable if we have a quorum present, April (or early May) and Fall Retreat.
Will send out survey for board meeting dates in near future. Other meeting information can be conducted via email.
Discussion re board’s time and any possibility to meet pre dinner meetings or after dinner meetings. Felt pre dinner meetings would not be possible and post dinner meetings probably too late. The treasurer will continue to provider quarterly reports which won’t necessarily correspond with board meetings. Treasurer reports are completed March, June, September and December.
ONS Congress this year falls from April 28-May 2, 2016.
Keep in mind the ONS Chapter Strategic Plan 2012-2016 as we go through committee reports:
· Plans or goals for next year/ vision
· Budget: last year/ next year
· Need additional members? An important goal is to be certain to develop deeper involvement in all of the committees to help with succession and functionality.
· What went well? What needs changed?
Committee Reports:
1. Secretary - Mary Jane LaRoche
Need to work on a communication plan between website, Facebook and secretary now that MDONS more active with these formats. MJ will work to train new incoming secretary once election results are in and will organize/archive information from her 2 year term. Need committees to send their reports by December 15, 015. Several report not submitted for archives during term, notably fall conference. Will need to obtain website administrator access for oncoming secretary. Agreed to send thank you card to Maude for years of service. Mary Jane sent around board contact information to be updated and will send out to all with those updates.
2. Treasurer - Krista Treichel ( See attached budget from Krista)
Budget sent for scanning into minutes and for discussion. Krista will order a new checkbook as down to end of current book. Traci Brown, the body language speaker at fall conference, donated $100 toward our scholarship fund. Will remove Teresa from checking account and continue with Barb as signer on account. Overall MDONS on budge or under budget. Report of funds and current, projected budgets will be completed by Krista.
· Operational: $2,000, includes mailings
· Programs: $2400+
· Membership: $3,700; paid quarterly from ONS in about $1,200 a quarter
· Outreach: $400, no expenses this year
· Fall Conference: $5-6,000 estimated earned. $43000 from vendors, most obtained thus far at conference. Did not exceed attendance (approx. 120) at fall conference or outgrow space for attendees but tight space for vendors at JW Marriott. Could consider in future postcards used by attendees at each table with stamps from each vendor visited for a door prize per Carol’s suggestion. Need one vendor from Walgreen’s to pay vendor fee still. Discussion around CE through virtual support for fall conference and to see what available/cost to support virtual CE potential in future.
· Krista’s estimate is $35,000 to 35,700 fall conference costs not $48,000 noted in Teresa’s text (see below). Also, as working dinner, the fall conference committee post conference debriefing dinner is covered. This dinner is usually once a year and also acknowledges all the work committee does yearly and will be held in November this year.
· Health Policy: $100
· Research: $1150
· Nominations/Scholarship: ?Increase to $2,000; gave out $1,100 in 4 scholarships
· Virtual Community: no budget
· Newsletter:? (cost of Microsoft Publisher is $99)
· Other: cost of MDONS t-shirts and business cards. T-shirts can be used at events and as gifts.
2. Programs - John Cockrell, Zita Fenner and Lori Mahoney
John reports that sponsorship has not been problematic and has tentative sponsors for many of 2016 meetings. He has two meeting spots left for 2016. He is finding that pharmaceutical company restrictions/rules have not been as problematic and that companies are more collaborative with 2 speaker format that MDONS has been using the last 2 years. He did note some unintentional duplicative marketing with sponsors and he will be more mindful of this with future programs. He has a letter that he sends to all sponsors upfront with expectations. There is an ONS Edge meeting on Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting coming up next week and flyer/announcement has been sent out. John does not feel we need to order a speaker or microphone. These had been budgeted last year. Speaker honorarium is now at $200. We will budget for a new projector and keep $2,400 as budget for programs. There was an issue with seat availability at some meetings and non-RN taking seats, meetings being overbooked in 2015. A plan to review the PayPal lists and RSVP numbers and print lists to check at the door will hopefully help with this problem. Lori Mahoney will take this on and help John. Zita continues to obtain the CEs from Denver Health. The online evaluations for fall conference worked well and we will plan to use online CE evaluations for monthly meetings as well. Zita will work on ILNA categories for events. Mary Jane mentioned APRNs are also having to track pharmacology hours for certification. Meetings are averaging 40-50 attendees with 35 at the July meeting. There was the combined INS/MDONS meeting last March and this will be scheduled again in March 2016. The plan for donations to a worthy charity from meeting fees will continue with this October’s fees being donated. The membership needs assessment survey has a list of oncology organizations listed to help choose which organization will receive the donation. We can post announcements on the website stating which charity has been chosen for the donation.
3. Research - Yuki Asakura and Sarah Eppers
Membership needs survey is still underway and we will plan to extend this a little longer to get more input from membership. Research supports 2 meetings a year and the every 2 year membership assessment survey. The research grant has not been awarded but needs a reminder announcement to be sent out – perhaps with the November meeting flyer. Sandi mentioned a future goal could be to increase the research focus of MDONS. Noted no poster displayed at fall conference this year. Discussed MDONS members who might be a good fit as possible committee members for research.
4. Membership - Carol Sjerven and Maude Becker
4. Maude will be stepping down from membership and MDONS board/committee at this time but we will send a card to thank her for her years of service.
Downloaded membership list last night and 731 members on national site for our chapter. Carol will be reviewing list as several names administrators, 16 are duplicates, 9 are pharmaceutical representatives, and 19 appear to be out of state, so perhaps real number somewhere around 692. She will email the out of state members to be certain they are on correct chapter roster. A suggestion was made to have the list of volunteer/committee positions (hand out Carol created that was inserted in fall conference folders and attached below) that are open posted at meetings/events. Carol and Barb will be speaking with ONS national regarding the ongoing concern that actual MDONS members are not getting our announcements. Carol and Mary Jane get periodic emails from members and we instruct them on how to select to allow MDONS emails on the national website. We can also consider a physical letter or post card to members regarding this issue. Carol also mentioned a letter to pharmaceutical members/representatives regarding meeting etiquette.
MDONS needs volunteers like you to continue to be successful! You can participate as either committee member or even become a chair/ board member for a specific committee. Joining a committee or the board is personally rewarding and gains notoriety with employers.
Non-elected positions include: Membership, Nominations, Programs, Research, Communications, Fall Conference, Health Policy, and Community Outreach. Some committees need more than one member. Elected positions include: President, President Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. Elected positions require holding a non-elected position for at least one year prior. The Board meets 4-5 times/ year does not require extensive time requirements, and all board members attend MDONS dinner functions for free.
Brief Descriptions of each position:
· President and President Elect: Develops strategic planning, monitoring, mentoring, and priority setting for the chapter. Facilitates chapter and board meetings and collaborates with other board members to submit the annual report to ONS.
· Treasurer: Exercises fiduciary responsibility while maintaining the MDONS budget.
· Secretary: Provides for continuity of chapter proceedings through record keeping of all official activities of the chapter.
· Nominations: Identifies, recruits, and manages the entire local elections process. Coordinates and tracks all MDONS scholarships.
· Programs: Coordinates with pharmaceutical sponsors and CEU speakers to host 6-8 educational dinner programs per year.
· Research: Organizes 3 research-based dinner meetings or journal clubs per year. Designs and distributes biennial membership surveys.
· Communications/ Virtual community: Uses creative skills on newsletters, assists with the MDONS web page/Facebook.
· Fall Conference: Obtains speakers, sponsors, and CEU’s to assemble annual full day conference.
· Membership: Maintains and updates membership lists and assists members with chapter emails.
· Health Policy: Updates members with legislative happenings that affect oncology nursing.
· Community Outreach: Investigates and communicates outside activities that aid in oncology care. Prior years include: 9News Health Fair, Mallets for Melanoma, Relay for Life, Light the Night, Food Drives, and various Donations.
If interested in learning more about committees/board positions check our website or contact Barb Wenger at
5. 5. Fall Conference - Teresa Trabert and Krista Treichel
Text from Teresa: “Final Fall Conference report will not be available until November. I can send it to you to send out to the board at that time with new electronic evaluation and CNE Cert with ILNA info. Discuss recording sessions for membership to access later as a non CNE cont education link on our website. Hope to keep committee members. Could use one more if there were an interested party but not struggling. Really need to discuss items with our committee and our meeting takes place next week. Budget: 2015 I think cost were @45000. 2016 asking for 48000. Asking for committee fund to be changed to October instead of January. Request board permission to get funding for this month. Will have formal report after our debriefing meeting takes place.”
Krista: Donation from Fall Conference speaker Traci Brown to scholarship fund of $100. Will archive her note card under Fall Conference.
Krista provided financial information under the treasurer report.
6. 6. Health Policy - Stacey Gates
7. Stacey will have submitted 3 updates on health policy this year and it is the most active this committee has been. Earlier this year Stacey, Barb and Yuki met with Senator Bennett regarding MDONS support for the Medicare Part B lobbying recommendations. A letter was presented at fall conference to Barb on behalf from ONS from our own state representative Diane DeGette acknowledging MDONS for all of our work with ONS in the past years for the oncology population. We will archive the three letters. Health policy updates have also been posted on our website and linked to the newsletter. There has been a lot of activity on the health policy front with new regulations for APRNs including APRN ability to help new mentor prescriptive authority process.
Committee budget is for $100 which was not utilized this year.
8. 7. Outreach - Stacey Gates and Mariah Hall; Monica Rasmussen (new co-chair)
9. Several worthy organizations to support with monthly donations. MDONS has been active in events throughout the year. Stacey provided a list of 2015 events at the September meeting which are again attached below. We will continue with several of these and partner with organizations such as University and Kaiser when able. Monica mentioned Step Up For Cancer as a potential organization to support. Will be good to have designated MDONS lead on events. The Cancer League of Colorado was also mentioned as a possible organization to explore potential volunteer activities with MDONS.