2.16.2018 Jackson County Land Conservation and Agriculture Committee Meeting Minutes

Land Conservation and Agriculture Committee (LCAC) members present: Tom Reid, Hoyt Strandberg, Rick Olson, Larry Blaken, Ron Carney

Others present: DeWayne Snobl, Mike Goehring, Nikki Jacobs, Gaylord Olson II

LCAC Chair Ron Carney called the meeting to order at 8:00 am.

Strandberg, Reid motion to approve the January 19, 2018 Land Conservation and Agriculture Committee meeting minutes. Motion carried.

The next LCAC meeting will be held on Friday, March 16, 2018 at 8:00 am.

Wildlife Damage Claims and Abatement – DeWayne Snobl – see report

Blaken, Olson motion to approve the 2017 WDACP Claims for Koebler and Saddle Mound Cranberry. Motion carried.

Blaken, Reid motion to set the Monday after the conclusion of the regular gun deer season as the last day for deer donations to be accepted by participating county processors and the processors be reimbursed by Jackson County. Motion carried.

Land Conservation Department – Gaylord Olson II

Olson, Strandberg motion to approve the Land and Water Resource Management Plan Program cost-share payment for Spors. Motion carried.

Blaken, Reid motion to approve the County Conservationist as the authorized representative for the Jackson County Land Conservation and Agriculture Committee to sign grants and documents for Land Conservation Department programs. Motion carried.

Blaken, Reid motion to approve the bills. Motion carried.

Strandberg, Olson motion to adjourn to closed session pursuant to S. 19.85 (1) (c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll Call vote: Reid-yes, Strandberg-yes, Olson-yes, Blaken-yes, Carney-yes. Motion carried unanimously. Closed session begins at 9:20 am.

Reid, Blaken motion to return to open session. Roll Call vote: Reid-yes, Strandberg-yes, Olson-yes, Blaken-yes, Carney-yes. Motion carried unanimously.

Returned to open session at 10:05 am.

The Land Conservation and Agriculture Committee will forward the annual performance review for the County Conservationist to the Personnel Office.

Blaken, Reid motion to adjourn. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.

Minutes submitted by Gaylord E. Olson II