Manufacturer: Slam Cake Vapes LLC/ 4766 Hwy 123 N. Suite 3/ San Marcos, TX 78666/512-392-0911/
1. Identification of the product covered by this certificate:
Company Name: Slam Cake Vapes LLC
Product Lines: CandySlam E-Liquid (Flavors: Puckerz, Sour Slice, Stixie Gold Wrap), Blendr Eliquid (Flavors: Trop Chop, Beat, Rainbow Worms, Fruit Crush), Crispy Queen (Flavors: Majestic Funnel, Lady Lemons Royal Raspberry, Claws), Dripping December Vapor Co.(Flavors: Strawberry Bar, Joe Crumbz, Butterscotch Baller, Muffin Mountain)
Nicotine Levels: 0 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg, 12 mg
Bottle/ Cap: 30ML, 60ML, 120ML Glass Bottle/ CRC with Tamperproof Black Glass Dropper
2. Citation to each CPSC product safety regulation to which this product is being certified:
16 CFR Title 16 Part 1700.20-Poison Prevention Packaging
(As amended by S.142- The Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act of 2015) (CNPPA) Pub. L. No. 114-116
3. Identification of the U.S. importer or domestic manufacturer certifying compliance of the product:
Rock Bottom Bottles LLC
1447 Tallevast Road
Sarasota, FL 34243
See Attached GCC from Rock Bottom Bottles LLC
4. Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results:
Michael Boling
5. Place where this product was manufactured:
Bottle Manufacturer: Rock Bottom Bottles LLC/1447 Tallevast Road/Sarasota, FL 34243
E-Liquid Manufacturer: Slam Cake Vapes LLC/ 4766 Hwy 123 N. Suite 3/San Marcos, TX 78666
6. Date and place where this product was tested for compliance with the regulation(s) cited:
Bitner Associates, Inc.
1001 Forest Trail
Sugar Grove, Ill 600554
Testing conducted from 5-2-2015 through 5-9-2015
Chicago and south, west villages thereof
7. Identification of any third-party facility on whose testing the certificate depends:
Bitner Associates, Inc.
1001 Forest Trail
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Shipments Manufactured from June 1st 2015 through today’s date.
Specific Customer Requirements: All items are manufactured within required specification of that part number and certification.
Consumer Product Safety Commission protocol CFR Title 16 Part 1700.20 administered by