14 - 16 mar 2017doc.: 15-16/0184r00

Minutes of 802.15.4v EUBat the Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC, Canada in March 2017

IEEE 802.15.4v

Regional Sub-GHz Bands, EUB
Date: 14 - 16 mar 2017
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Jay Holcomb / Itron, Inc. / Liberty Lake, WA / 509-891-3281 /
Officer presiding:
Phil Beecher,
Chair / Wi-SUN Alliance / Brighton, UK / +44 7765 400948 /


Minutes of the IEEE 802.15.4v EUBInterim meeting in the Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC, Canada

These are the Minutes of the IEEE 15-4v EUBInterim meeting atthe Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, Canada

Tuesday, 14 March, 2017, AM1

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 08:00.
  2. 7+1 attendees
  1. Reviewed the opening/closing report,
  2. The scope of this amendment is to add new frequency ranges in select countries that regulations have changedand to clean up others.
  1. The current agenda is in document
  1. The following motion was made:

Motion: To approve the 802.15.4v EUB agenda for the March 2017 meeting, in 15-17/0145r01.

Moved by: Kunal Shah

Second: Chris Calvert

Discussion: None

Motion passes by unanimous consent

  1. Went through meeting, patent, and other IEEE guidelines.
  2. And called for potential essential patents, nothing heard.
  1. The following motion was made:

Motion: To approve the 802.15.4v EUBminutes for the January 2017 meeting,

Moved by: Kunal Shah

Second: Chris Calvert

Discussion: None

Motion passes by unanimous consent

  1. TG4v sponsor ballot recirculation #2 closed with no additional comments to resolve and passed.
  2. See:
  3. See 15-17/00078r00 for results.
  4. 2 no voters, 1 has flipped to yes, and 1 remaining no voter, that is mostly to the base standard, not this
  1. This completes today’s agenda and all were good to move ontoThursday’s agenda.
  2. To answer the one no voter, a proposal is to prepare a submission to the SC-maintenance to cover the no-voter’s concerns, especially with hos comments really on the base-standard.
  3. Then we can point the no voter to the submission, along with Revcom and others.
  1. If RevCom has questions we will need a BRC, therefore:
  1. The following TG motion was made, for a BRC:

Move that Task Group Tg4v requests 802.15 WG approve the formation of a Ballot Resolution Committee (BRC) for the Letter ballot recirculation of the P802.15.4v-D5 with the following membership: Phil Beecher (Chair), Kunal Shah, Chris Calvert, Clint Powell, Jay Holcomb and Gary Stuebing. The 802.15.4v BRC is authorized to approve comment resolutions and to approve the start of recirculation ballots of the revised draft on behalf of the 802.15 WG. Comment resolution on recirculation ballots between sessions will be conducted via reflector email and via teleconferences announced to the reflector as per the LMSC 802 WG P&P

Moved By: Kunal Shah

Seconded By: Ben Rolfe

discussion: None

Motion passes by unanimous consent

  1. We worked on the formal submission to SC-Maintenance.
  2. In summary the primary comments were to use band designation and frequency ranges in all the tables, to be consistent. We decided, thinking about the base standard and other usages, to use just the band designatorin all the tables.
  3. We did find 3 other tables in the base-standard, not in the 15.4v amendment to add to this submission.
  4. For the details see submission: 15-17/0178r00
  1. Will add the other couple of maintenance things that we have come across doing this amendment. High level summary, not conclusive.
  2. Table headers should be sentence case as we have seen some in the base standard not correct. See the style manual.
  3. There are two 920MHz bands in the original standards that are duplicated in the end, this needs cleaned up.
  4. Table 7-19 should delete the label ‘Band’ in the 2nd column. note: 15-4u has the same issue.
  1. We walked through the time line.
  2. Summary: ON course for revcom submission by 24 March, 2017,
  3. For more, see:
  1. The Chair recessed the meeting at 08:52until Thursday AM2.

Thursday, 15March, 2017, AM2

  1. The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:34
  2. 9 attendees
  1. The remaining one no-voter from earlier ballots, has not responded, so the next step is to move forward with a submission to Revcom.
  2. The chair has prepared the Revcom package and has sent to the WG chair.
  1. The following TG RevCom motion was made:

Motion: Task Group TG4v requests that the 802.15 WG reviews and approves the CSD [15-16-0131-01-0000] and requests unconditional approval from the EC to submit P802.15.4v_D05 to RevCom.

Moved By: Kunal Shah

Seconded By: Clint Powell

Discussion: None

Motion passes by unanimous consent

  1. Chair asked if there was any other business?
  2. Hearing no other business Chair asks are there any objections to adjourning?
  3. Kunal Shah moved and Clint Powell 2nd’d; motion passed to adjourn.
  4. We are adjourned at 10:46 local Thursday 16 March, 2017.
  1. The next IEEE 802.15.4v face-to-face meeting will be the Interim 08 – 11May 2017 at the Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon S. Korea.

15_TG4v minutes March 2017page 1 of 4