Most people arriving from another country have problems communicating in the host language, at least initially. As the doctor needs to know your background in order to offer you the best possible care, we ask you to answer these questions, in other words to complete your health record and return it to your doctor.


GENDER: Male O Female O

PASSPORT or ID CARD Noº:...... Date of arrival in Spain: ......

Date of birth:...... Place of birth (locality and country):......

Current address: Street...... Nº...... Locality ...... Tel......

Reason for immigration: Asylum O, To join relatives O, Economic O, Student O,

Other O (please specify) …………………………………………………..

Marital status: Single O, Married O, Separated/Divorced O, Widowed O

Countries visited before arrival in Spain:......

Date of last residence in your own country:......

Please answer the questions below in order to provide data on your health. Please tick the appropriate circles.


1-Are you allergic to any medicines or substances? Yes O No O

State which products......

Main health problems

2- Do you suffer from any illness(es)?

Yes O Which?......


No O

3-Have you ever had or do you have any infectious or contagious illness?

Tuberculosis...... Yes O No O

Hepatitis...... Yes O No O

AIDS/HIV...... Yes O No O

Malaria……………. Yes O No O

Syphilis...... Yes O No O

Parasitosis...... Yes O No O

Others (please specify)......

4-Have you ever had or do you have any psychiatric illness?

Yes O Please specify......

No O

5-Have you ever been operated?

Yes O ¿for what?......

No O

6-¿What medicines are you currently taking? ......


Family planning/ Gynaecology/obstetrics

7-Are you pregnant? No O Yes O Date of most recent period:......

8-¿Do you use contraception? No O Yes O What type?:

Condom O, Vasectomy O, Tying tubes O, IUD O, Pill O, Vaginal ring O

Injection O, Patch O, Spermicide cream O, Diaphragm O , Withdrawal O, Base temperature O,

Cervical mucus O, Douche O, Rhythm method O

9- Menopause Yes O Date...... Have you had post-menopausal bleeding? Sí O, No O

No O

10-Number of children ...... Number of abortions … Number of stillbirths ......

11- Do you have breast examinations? Yes O, No O . Date of latest......

12- Do you have vaginal cytology checks? Sí O, No O Date of latest......


13-Do you take exercise (minimum: 30 minutes, 3 days a week)?...... Yes O No O

14-Do you smoke (Have you consumed tobacco every day during the last month?)...Yes O No O

15-Do you drink alcohol every day?...... Yes O No O

16-Do you take any other type of drugs?...... Yes O No O



17-Did you receive all the regulatory vaccinations as a child?...... Yes O No O

(please attach a photocopy of your vaccination calendar if you have it or can obtain it)

Cultural and educational data

18-Your educational level:...... Illiterate O, Primary O , Secondary O, University O

19-Your knowledge of Spanish: None O, I speak a little O, I speak it well O, I write it O

20-What is your religion?:......

Economic data

21-Work situation: Self-employed O, Long-term contract O, Temporary contract O, Unemployed receiving benefit O, Unemployed (no benefit) O, Housewife O, Retired O, Other O:......

22-Income:...... None O, Under 599 Euros O, Over 599 Euros O

23-Type of employment:...... Domestic service O, Catering O, Construction O, Agriculture O,

Commerce O, Liberal profession O, Prostitution O, Other O......

24-Housing: Own home O Rented O Lodgings O Homeless O

Number of rooms......

Number of people in accommodation unit......

25-Do you live …? : Alone O, With partner O, With partner and children O, With other relatives O, With friends O, Other O......