Registration Form 2015-2016 ONOWAY SKATING CLUB
Skater’s Full Name______
Program Level ______Day ______
Birth date: Month______Day______Year______Sex: M or F (please circle)
Parent/Guardian ______Address ______
Phone (h)______(w/cell) ______E-mail ______
Any medical conditions or allergies requiring special care? (Heart, diabetes, respiratory, etc.)
In case of medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact parent/guardian/spouse as listed above. In the event this individual cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician selected to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia and/or surgery for myself or the skater as named above.
Signature of skater or parent/guardian if skater is under the age of 18 years.Date
Liability Waiver
In consideration of benefits to us in the acceptance of this application, the undersigned agrees to save harmless, the Onoway Skating Club, its officers, coaches and chaperones for any claims for injuries sustained during skating practices, exhibitions or competitions. We further agree there will be no claims for any loss of property while participating in any function pertaining to Onoway Skating Club. The undersigned agrees to abide by all rules of the club, Skate Canada rules and be responsible to pay all fees due and owing to the Onoway Skating Club.
Signature of skater or parent/guardian if skater is under the age of 18 years.Date
I also hereby grant permission to the Onoway Skating Club to publish the registrants name and pictures in local newspapers, club newsletters, and/or programs.
I also hereby grant permission to the Onoway Skating Club to publish the registrant’s pictures on our website.
Signature of skater or parent/guardian if skater is under the age of 18 years.Date
Family Name ______
Volunteer Agreement
The volunteer commitment set out by the Onoway Skating Club has been explained to me and I,______understand that I must sign up for at least one volunteer position and perform the associated duties by the end of the skating season in order to receive my post dated cheque back from the treasurer. If I do not meet the volunteer requirements set out above, my cheque will be cashed. I have given a cheque post dated for April 1, 2016 to the volunteer coordinator on ______, 2015, in the amount of $100. The cheque number is ______.
By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I fully understand the volunteer requirements expected of me this skating season.
Signature of skater or parent/guardian if skater is under the age of 18 years.Date
Fundraising Agreement
The fundraising commitment set out by the Onoway Skating Club has been explained to me and I,______understand that I must fundraise a minimum of $100PROFIT for the organization by the end of the skating season in order to receive my post dated cheque back from the treasurer. If I do not meet the fundraising requirements set out above, my cheque will be cashed.
I have given a cheque post dated for April 1, 2016 to the fundraising coordinator on ______, 2015, in the amount of $100. The cheque number is ______.
By signing this contract, I acknowledge that I fully understand the fundraising requirements expected of me this skating season.
Signature of skater or parent/guardian if skater is under the age of 18 years.Date
Skater 1______Program Fee ______
Skate Canada$32.65 / Skater 2______
Program Fee (-20%)______
Skate Canada$32.65 / Skater 3______
Program Fee (-20%) ______
Skate Canada$32.65
Ag Society Fee$1 / $1 / $1
Sub Total
______/ Sub Total
______/ Sub Total
Grand Total ______Chq # ______Cash ______