Presidents test

Coach Copeland

World History II

Directions- Name the president and the number of president he was.

  1. 1897-1901- assassinated in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz, won Spanish American war which we gained Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Samoa became US possessions,1st president to ride in an automobile
  2. 1801-1809- wrote the Declaration of Independence, founded UVA, and pushed for religious freedom, made LA purchase
  3. 1969-74- removed our troops from Vietnam with something called Vietnamization, resigned from office because of the Watergate Scandal, 1st prez to visit Communist China
  4. 1817-25- Had a doctrine which told all European countries not to re- colonize America and he also passed the MO compromise
  5. 1913-21- 14 points, opened panama Canal in 1914, and purchased the Virgin Islands, president during WWI
  6. 1789-97- leader of American troops during revolutionary War,Father of our Country, home at Mount Vernon
  7. 1877-81- election(tie) ended military reconstruction in the south,1stpresident to use the telephone, won election by 1 vote,tied with Samuel Tilden
  8. 1993-2001- brought troops into Kosovo and Somalia(Blackhawk Down) and was impeached because of lying about an affair with an intern,wife is currently running for president
  9. 1837-41- had a gang on Seinfeld named after him
  10. 1945-53- gave order to have the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,president during Korean War
  11. 1797-1801-appointed midnight judges, including John Marshall, sent diplomats to France to negotiate treaty(XYZ affair),1st president to have a political party
  12. 1885-89,1893-97- only president to serve terms non-consecutive, 1st democratic president since the Civil War
  13. 1981-89- former actor who helped bring an end to the former Soviet Union, oldest American president, told Mr. Gorbachev to “tear down this wall”
  14. 1829-37- removed Native Americans from their land by the Indian Removal Act of 1830,had the Spoils System, hero of Battle of New Orleans
  15. 1921-23- died from a stroke, known for a scandal called the Teapot Dome Scandal, Poker Cabinet and himself gambled away White House china
  16. 1869-77. hero of the Civil War for the Union, accepted Robert E. Lees surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
  17. 1850-53-passed the Compromise of 1850, which stopped the Civil War for a time, supported the Fugitive Slave Act,one of 2 presidents to have double letters in his 1st and last names
  18. 1889-93,Grandad was an earlier president,1st president to use electricity, shuffled the papers to admit SD and ND as states
  19. 1989-93- went to war with Iraq trying to take out Saddam Hussein, hated broccoli
  20. 1923-29,man of few words who made a vet he could say less that 2 words,his response to the lady was “you lose”
  21. 1809-1817-president who brought the US into the War of 1812 against Great Britain
  22. 1841-45- annexed TX in 1945. 1st president to take over for a deceased president
  23. 1881- assassinated in a train station
  24. 2001-present –president during the September 11th, 2001 attacks
  25. 1933-45- saw the US through the Great Depression and World War II
  26. 1825-29- negotiated the Treaty of Ghent, and helped gain FL by the Adams Otis Treaty with Spain, Dad was earlier president, liked to swim in the Potomac River
  27. 1961-63 assassinated in Dallas, TX, 1st Roman Catholic President, bad incident was the Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis
  28. 1841-died of pneumonia after the longest Inauguration speech, given in the rain
  29. 1865-69- 1 of 2 presidents impeached because of firing the Secretary of War, vote was 35-19 to remove him from office
  30. 1977-81- president from GA, worked the family peanut farm
  31. 1849-50- died from drinking cold milk and cherries at a July 4th celebration
  32. 1909-13- had a hard time fitting in his custom made bathtub
  33. 1974-77- played football at Michigan,male model,studied the assassination of JFK
  34. 1929-33- blamed for starting the Great Depression, built Boulder Dam
  35. 1845-49- president who started a war with Mexico. Manifest Destiny
  36. 1897-1901- assassinated in 1901 in a train station
  37. 1857-61- president who was in the Dred Scott decision, allows SC to secede,hated being president, told Lincoln that he hoped he enjoyed it
  38. 1901-09- led group called the Rough Riders during the Spanish American War
  39. 1881-85- had 26 wagons of furniture sold from the White House,had 80 pairs of pants
  40. 1963-69- brought troops into Vietnam, from TX, Civil Rights Act of 1964
  41. 1861-65 assassinated by John Wilkes Booth,president during Civil War
  42. 1953-61- leader of land forces in Europe during World War II, “I like Ike” was his campaign slogan
  43. 1853-57- fought in the Mexican War,fell off his horse and hurt his knee

44. - max terms a president can serve today

45. 1st president of the Confederacy

46.-49. 4 presidents who have been assassinated

50. - War from 1914-1918

51. War from 1939-1945

52. War from 1861-65

53. President who had a cabbage thrown at him

54. Age you can become a president

55-58-4 presidents on Mount Rushmore

59. President during the Revolutionary War

60. President who served the most numbers of terms

61. What was the speech given by Lincoln commerating the turning point of the Civil War?

62. What was the law passed by Lincoln that freed the slaves behind Confederate lines?

63. Who was president on the Sunday before Taylor took over?

64. Hoover sent MacArthur to open fire what group of WW I veterans?

65. What was added to the Monroe Doctrine after the Spanish American War?

Bonus-Name as many similarities between Lincoln and Kennedy