Hello, may I please speak with _____?

1a. Contact answered the phone: Go to 2

1b. Gatekeeper says contact is unavailable:

This is (___) calling for ISV Company Name, an IBM Business Partner. I’m calling to make sure he/she has the most up to date information on how to address issues such as <key customer pain points> (example: automating, streamlining and managing your company’s end-to-end business processes). Would you be able to tell me when would be a good time to call him/her back? Does he/she have a direct extension?

1c. Gatekeeper asks “What is this about?”:

This is (___) calling for <ISV Company Name>. I’m calling to make sure he/she has the most up to date information on how to address issues such as <key customer pain points> (example: automating, streamlining and managing your company’s end-to-end business processes). Is he/she available?

1d. Gatekeeper says “They don’t take sales calls.”

That’s fine. This is not a sales call but a service call. I’m calling to make sure he/she has the most up to date information on how to address issues such as <key customer pain points> (example: automating, streamlining and managing your company’s end-to-end business processes). When’s the best time for me to call and reach him/her?

1e. Contact no longer with company:

Well then, perhaps you can help me. Would you be able to put me in contact with the <Decision Maker’s title or the person responsible for your <Department or Function>? Before you transfer me to him/her, could you give me <Decision Maker’s title> direct extension?

1f. Voice Mail Reached:

Good Morning/Good Afternoon, this is (___) calling for <ISV Company Name, an IBM Business Partner. I’m calling to discuss how to <key benefit 1 and key benefit 2> (examples: lower your operational costs and boost organizational productivity) with <ISV Company Name> and IBM System p servers. I am hoping we can set up a time to speak, in the near future, to ensure that you have the best information available as you consider how to address issues such as <key customer pain points> (example: automating, streamlining and managing your company’s end-to-end business processes).

If 1st or 2nd attempt to reach the contact:

I will try to reach you again in (______). Thank you for your time.

If 3rd/last attempt to reach the contact:

Please feel free to visit us online at <ISV Company Web site or call us at <ISV inbound telephone number>. Thanks for your time.


Hello, this is (_____) calling on behalf of <ISV Company Name>. I know you weren’t expecting my call so I’ll be brief. I’m calling to discuss how to <key benefit 1 and key benefit 2> (examples: lower your operational costs and boost organizational productivity) with <ISV Company Name> <statement of type of solution> (examples: IT infrastructure or Business Intelligence) solutions running on IBM System p servers.

Mr./Ms._____, may I ask, are you confronted with <key customer pain points> (examples: an IT environment where business processes could be streamlined and simplified; a lack of concise information at the points where it is needed, the need to take control over server sprawl)?

Continue: Well, I’d like to discuss with you how <ISV Solution Name> running on IBM System p5 servers can help <pain resolution, solution benefits> (examples: provide an executive information dashboard, a customer relationship support system at the points of customer contact; save on IT costs through server consolidation>. Would you be interested in having this conversation now or in the near future?

If needs more information/not interested: Go to A

Referral: Go to B

If not correct decision maker: Go to C

If early interrupt/not interested: Go to D

If “now”: Go to 3

A. Not interested/Needs more information:

Mr./Ms.______, <ISV Company Name> understands you have increased pressure to get the most out of your limited resources in today’s IT environment. We can introduce to you solutions that help <IT managers and/or applicable job title> like yourself meet the challenges they are facing. We would like to provide you with important details on how you can improve your bottom line capabilities. Would you be interested in this important information?

If Yes: Great! Mr./Ms.______. Go to 4.

If No: No problem, Mr./Ms.______. Go to B.

B. Referral

Is there anyone else in your company that would benefit from discussing this topic? We would be happy to extend an invitation to them.

If Yes: Edit record and restart with new contact.

If No: Okay, thanks. Go to 5. Close the call.

C. If Not correct decision maker:

Can you please tell me the name of the person who is responsible for statement of type of solution (examples: IT infrastructure or Business Intelligence)? Is there a direct phone number for that person? Can you please transfer me?

If Yes: Thank you.

If No: Can you please transfer me to the receptionist? Thank you.

(Edit record and restart with new contact.)

D. If early interrupt/not interested:

OK, no problem. If you would like to learn more about <ISV Company Name> and IBM System p servers at your convenience, please visit our Web site at <ISV Company Web site>, and IBM System p’s site at www.ibm.com/systems/p.


IBM and <ISV Company Name> offer potential solutions to help provide <key customer benefits (examples: IT cost reduction without compromising reliability, security and performance; the ability to respond quickly to executive requests for information; your tellers with the customer information they need to encourage deeper use of your bank’s services)?

§  <ISV Paragraph> (Be conversational; no more than 2-4 sentences about your solution, its benefits and how the benefits address customer pains.)

§  <Keep the most applicable text re System p servers below, or write your own. If you have done a joint solution brief with IBM, consider inserting some of the joint benefit text from it in this section of the script.>

We recommend IBM System p5 servers for <ISV Solution Name>. IBM embraces a total system approach to server computing—optimizing the entire server environment for performance and reliability at affordable prices. IBM System p5 servers offer intrinsic value in performance, price/performance, availability and scalability. Through openness, virtualization and collaborative innovation, System p5 servers offer IT organizations unique capabilities to help them do more with less—less cost, management and complexity and more efficient utilization, optimization, and flexibility.

<Include next sentence if targeting small-medium sized businesses:>System p5 Express offerings are available to meet the needs of your size business and are packaged in popular configurations at attractive prices.

<Include next sentence if your solution supports AIX 5L:>AIX 5L helps enable your systems – no matter what the size - to handle more data and users more efficiently.

<Include next sentence if your solution supports Linux on System p5 (POWER):> System p5 servers offer unique reliability, availability and serviceability features for Linux® and can help provide mission-critical applications a higher level of support than other 32- or 64-bit Linux environments.

Optional section, if prospect seems interested in more on server value.

These powerful systems also offer:

§  A broad range of models, purposed for <Type of ISV workload> (examples: database, ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence) in enterprises of various sizes

§  Leadership performance1

§  Advanced POWER Virtualization, which can help simplify and optimize your IT infrastructure and increase the business value of IT investments

§  Capability to run IBM AIX 5L, Linux® or both on a single server to leverage your hardware investment for multiple applications

§  Exceptional reliability and scalability features

§  Large memory capabilities, advanced floating-point computing, 64-bit addressability and compelling price/performance

1 ibm.com/systems/p/benchmarks, as of 03/31/2006

Would you be interested in learning more about <ISV Solution Name> on System p servers?

If Yes: Continue

If No, or Not right now: Go to 4

How important is implementing a solution for <Type of ISV workload> (examples: database, ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence) to your company? (Capture Response as Need)

a. Extremely – capture additional info

b. Somewhat – capture additional info

c. Not at all / Not answered

What specific pain points are you seeking to address?

(Capture response as text comments for lead owner)

Is there a planned time frame for implementing a solution? (Capture response as Timeframe)

a. 0-3 months

b. 4-6 months

c. 7-12 months

d. 1 year +

e. Not answered

Can you tell me what role you might play as your organization evaluates implementing this type of solution? (Capture response as Authority)

a. Decision Maker

b. Influencer

c. Evaluator/Recommender

d. Other (comment line)

e. Not answered

Do you have a budget set for implementing a <Type of ISV workload> (examples: database, ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence) solution? (Capture response as Budget)

a. Yes (Capture budget info for text comments)

b. No (Capture budget plans/info for text comments)

c. Unknown

Would it be alright to have a <ISV Company Name> Account Executive contact you to further discuss ISV Solution Name>?

a. Yes

b. No

What is the best day of week and time of day to contact you?

Just to confirm, your phone number and extension are ____?


Would you like to receive some additional information via mail or e-mail regarding ISV Solution Name>? (Capture as More Info preference)

a. Yes – via e-mail

b. Yes – via mail

c. No interest at this time

If e-mail:

May I have your e-mail address? ______

<EMEA: Insert local opt-in question>

I just need a moment to verify the spelling of your name and your contact information.

I have your full name as (say and spell complete name). Is that correct?

May I have your title please?

I’d like to confirm your company name, _____? Is that correct?

I’m showing your company address as ____? Is that correct? (#, Street, Suite, City, State, Zip Code)


Thank you for your time on behalf of <ISV Company Name>. If you have any additional questions or would like to speak with a sales representative, please feel free to give us a call at <ISV inbound telephone number> or visit us on the web at <ISV Company Web site>. Thank you. Have a nice day.