Acknowledgement of Woodruff Primary School

Parent-Student Handbook Policies and Procedures


Please read the policies and procedures outlined in the Woodruff Primary School Parent-Student Handbook. You will want to keep this handbook as a reference throughout the year. It also contains the school calendar. Please sign this page and send to your child’s teacher within the first week of school. Some of the policies and procedures are outlined below. A more detailed description of each item will be found in the handbook.

·  Students may enter at 7:15 a.m. at the front of the school and wait in the cafeteria. Lobby doors are not open prior to 7:15 a.m. Doors at other entry areas do not open until 7:30 a.m.

·  Students who are eating breakfast should be in the serving line by 7:45 a.m.

·  Students should be in classrooms by 7:50 a.m. to unpack book bags, complete morning procedures, and hear announcements. Students are counted tardy at 7:55 a.m.

·  If a parent needs to speak to the teacher in the mornings, he/she should do so between 7:30 – 7:45 a.m. After 7:45 a.m., a meeting should be scheduled, as the teacher is responsible for the supervision and instruction of students promptly at 7:45 a.m.

·  Students are encouraged to learn the way to their classes as quickly as possible, so they can walk on their own. A parent who needs to walk a student to class should arrive between 7:30 - 7:45 a.m. and enter through the front lobby to obtain a visitor’s pass.

·  Our Check-In System requires a driver’s license scan to issue visitors’ passes.

·  Early dismissals should be made by 1:45 p.m.

·  Students should have no more than 3 tardies or early dismissals to receive the Woodruff Primary School perfect attendance awards.

·  Students must be in the classroom for three hours (8:00 – 11:00 a.m.) in order to be counted present for the school day.

·  Parents should have car tags in order to pick up a child at car dismissal. Without a car tag, the parent will need to sign the child out and present a driver’s license.

·  Classroom volunteers and chaperones will need to have background checks.

·  Cupcakes, cookies, and candies cannot be distributed to students to celebrate birthdays. Instead, we encourage non-edible gifts, such as pencils, stickers, etc.

·  The child’s teacher should be notified by 8:00 a.m. when parents are planning to eat lunch with a student, so they can be included on the lunch count. We ask that parents eat the school lunch and not bring restaurant food into the cafeteria.

·  Transportation changes cannot be made over the phone. A note should be sent with the child or the parent should come into the office to make a transportation change.

·  Deposits into meal accounts should be made upon receipt of low balance notices. Parents should send meals until a positive balance is in the account.

·  Truancy court referrals will be made for excessive absences and tardies.

I have read the policies and procedures outlined in the Woodruff Primary School 2014 – 2015 Parent-Student Handbook.

Teacher’s Name ______Student’s Name: ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Woodruff Primary School


200 Lucy P. Edwards Road

Woodruff, SC 29388

Phone: 864-476-3174

Fax: 864-476-7067

Web Site:

Ann H. Hodge, Principal

Meredith Welch, Assistant Principal

Casey Dover, Administrative Assistant

2014-2015 Theme:

Table of Contents

Welcome from the Principal p. 4


Facts and Highlights


Goal, Mission, Vision, and Beliefs

School Mascot, Colors, Motto, Promise, and Theme


District & School Calendars

School Map

Room Numbers

School Personnel


Car Rider Procedures & Traffic Patterns

Drop-Off Procedures

Pick-Up Procedures

Child Passenger Restraint Requirements

Visitor Passes


Locked Doors & Keyless Entry System

ATTENDANCE pp. 21-24

School Day Schedule


Early Dismissals

Attendance Requirements

Spartanburg District Four Attendance Policy

Enrollment Information

Registration Forms

Withdrawal Information

Addressing Concerns


Social Emotional Development

Counseling Services

Student Behavior and School Rules/Procedures

School Bus Transportation and Bus Rules

Dress Code


Lost and Found




Report Cards

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Preschool Home Visits


Standardized Testing Schedule

Homework Policy

HEALTH & SAFETY pp. 36-41

Medication Procedures

Criteria for Students Being Sent Home

Head Lice

Health Screenings


Students with Special Health Care Needs

Accidents and Emergencies

School Insurance

Emergency Contacts and Phone Numbers

Change of Clothes

Naptimes and Rest Times

Diapering and Potty Training

Outside Play and Weather

Supervision of Children

Emergency Drills

Opening and Closing of School Due to Weather Conditions

Pets and Other Live Animals

NUTRITION pp. 42-46

Breakfast Program

Preschool Snack Program

Lunch Program

Meal Accounts

Free or Reduced Meal Applications

Lunches from Home/Outside Food

Snack Foods & Birthday Celebrations

Class Parties


Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)

Spirit Days

Volunteer Program

School Improvement Council & Title I Committee


Field Trips, Chaperones, Background Checks

Agencies & Services


Confidentiality of Student Records

Returned Checks

Deliveries to School

Public Release of Information

School Pictures and Yearbooks

Library Policies and Procedures

Textbooks and Lost Book Charges

Gifted and Talented Screening


Title I Program, Parent Involvement Policy, Resource Center, Compact

Professional Qualifications of Staff

Spartanburg District Four Policies

Welcome to Woodruff Primary School!

Unity Poem

I dreamed I stood in a studioand watched the sculptors there.
The clay they used was a young child's mind,and they fashioned it with care.

One was a teacher;the tools he used were books, and music, and art.
One, a parent with a guiding hand,and a gentle, loving heart.

Day after day the teacher toiled,with touch that was deft and sure,
While the parents labored by his sideand polished and smoothed it o'er.

And when at last their task was done,they were proud of what they had wrought.
For this thing they had molded in the childcould neither be sold nor bought.

And each agreed he would have failedif he had worked alone,
For behind the parent stood the schooland behind the teacher, the home.

--Author Unknown

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This poem illustrates what an impact adults make in a child’s life. The hopes and dreams that you have for your children are the same ones that the Woodruff Primary staff and I have for them. It does not matter what age they come to us because we will love, nurture, and provide the best learning environment possible for them. We want to get to know each child individually so that his/her experience at Woodruff Primary School will be the best it can be. Working with you as a team can make that happen. We want to make decisions with you about what is best for your child. We encourage you to attend conferences, keep in contact with your child’s teacher as needed, attend evening events, volunteer, and join our PTO. It is important to us that you feel involved in your child’s education.

I am thrilled to begin my first year as principal of Woodruff Primary. In the past fifteen years I have worked closely with teachers and administrators to make school-wide decisions and to evaluate our programs. I am so proud to be a part of a school with national accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). I encourage you to read more about NAEYC at in order to understand how our beliefs coincide with the organization that is the biggest advocate for high-quality early care in the country.

The absolute best part of the job is the people. The teachers are dedicated and provide a rigorous curriculum for the students while understanding the importance of making the children feel safe and loved so they can build confidence as they grow. They also understand that all children are different and want them to be successful. All members of the Woodruff Primary staff, along with our district administrators and our school board, have a part in making the school successful. We not only do it because we want to, we do it because the students, parents, and community deserve it.


Ann H. Hodge



Woodruff Primary School Facts and Highlights

Woodruff Primary School serves approximately 850 young children between the ages of three through seven in Spartanburg District Four. Our school enrolls children in preschool through second grade. We occupied the current facility in 1984. Today, it houses 4 three-year-old preschools, 8 four-year-old preschools, 7 kindergartens, 9 first grades, and 8 second grades. A unique feature of our school is that our full-day preschool program is available to every four-year-old in our district.

Our school currently holds accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), AdvancED, and the South Carolina Department of Education. One hundred percent of our faculty are highly qualified under “No Child Left Behind” criteria. Our school has received a rating of “excellent” on the annual state report card since 2001. In 2013-2014, Woodruff Primary received an “A” rating with an index of 98.3 under the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

School honors include being named a Community Champion for Early Childhood Development by the Mary Black Foundation (2009) for working to improve the early care and education of children ages birth to five in Spartanburg County. It was named a Red Carpet School by the SC Department of Education (2010) for its family-friendly environment and customer service to the parents and community. WPS was recognized as an Exemplary Writing School by the Writing Improvement Network and the SC Department of Education (2003-06, 2007-10, and 2011 - 2014).

Our faculty members are committed to giving back to the early childhood profession. They routinely present at early childhood and early literacy conferences throughout the state. They host professionals from visiting schools and student teachers from local colleges and universities. In partnership with USC Upstate, they mentor early childhood clinical students each semester.

In addition to serving students in preschool through second grade, infants and toddlers are served in the Woodruff Primary School Childcare Center. One childcare room is provided through the Early Head Start program and the other is provided in conjunction with our Family Literacy Program, which allows young mothers who are currently enrolled as students themselves to utilize our childcare center. The Spartanburg District Four Adult Learning Center, serving lower Spartanburg County, is also housed at Woodruff Primary School. We provide many programs and services to our community and enjoy strong support from our parents and community members. We feel very fortunate to be able to serve the families and children of this area.

Woodruff Primary School Philosophy

Early childhood educators at Woodruff Primary School believe that the early years are critical in a child’s development. Experiences during these years set the foundation for all future learning. We believe our work is extremely important to young children and future society.

Early childhood is a distinct time in a child’s development, and it is different from the elementary years. Therefore, early childhood education should be designed to accommodate the needs of the young child. This requires that early childhood educators possess an extensive knowledge of early childhood development and brain research.

As early childhood educators, we believe it is our responsibility to accept children where they are. We believe it is our responsibility to meet their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs in order to educate them. Above all, we believe young children must feel safe and secure in order to learn. It is our responsibility to provide an orderly, safe environment where young children are nurtured and supported. We must be explicit in communicating expectations and procedures for young children. We must provide many opportunities for practice.

Young children are active. They learn through play and engaging activities. Therefore, we provide many opportunities for child-initiated learning to support their individual interests and stages of development. We provide activities that support them in becoming critical thinkers and problem solvers.

We recognize that children progress at different rates. As early childhood educators, we understand the stages of early literacy development and how to support children at the various stages of reading, writing and spelling. Ongoing assessments are authentic and embedded in our curriculum. We provide additional resources through reading interventions to ensure our goal of having every child reading on grade level before leaving Woodruff Primary School.

Social-emotional development is critically important in early childhood. Young children can become easily frustrated when they do not have the language skills to communicate their needs. We anticipate these times and support children as they deal with frustrations and upsets. We teach them how to calm themselves and use their words. We teach them how to solve conflicts with others.

We believe the parent is the child’s first and most important teacher. Therefore, we strive to develop close home-school relations. We view ourselves as team members with parents as we work toward common goals. We appreciate our supportive community and realize through the education of its most precious citizens that we are making a significant contribution to this community.

Goal, Mission, Vision, & Beliefs

The goal of Woodruff Primary School is student achievement

in a safe, secure learning environment.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of Woodruff Primary School to support students as they develop skills and strategies that help them achieve success.

Vision Statement

The vision of Woodruff Primary School is to have each student reading on or above grade level before completing second grade.

Beliefs of Woodruff Primary School

We believe…

·  Student achievement is the priority for our school.

·  School, home, and community share in the responsibility for providing a supportive learning environment.

·  An environment that is both physically and emotionally safe promotes student achievement.