Optional Resources


Calhoun, J. C. (1850, March 4). The fourth of March speech.National Center for Public Policy Research, Washington, DC. Retrieved from

Confederate States of America – Mississippi Secession.(n.d.). The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Retrieved from

Copeland, D. A. (2000).Debating the issues in colonial newspapers: Primary documents on events of the period.Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Jackson, A. (1832, Dec. 10). Proclamation Regarding Nullification. The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Retrieved from

Lincoln, A. (1858, June 16). "House Divided" Speech. Africans in America, Public Broadcasting Service, Arlington, VA. Retrieved from

Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Massachusetts. (1788, Feb. 6). The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Retrieved from

Ratification of the Constitution by the State of South Carolina. (1788, May 23). The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Retrieved from

Smith, J. (n.d.). Instructions. Retrieved from

Taney, R. B. (1857). Majority decision of the United States Supreme Court in the case of Scott v. Sanford.Africans in America, Public Broadcasting Service, Arlington, VA. Retrieved from

United States Congress. (1791). Constitution of the United States: Bill of Rights. The Avalon Project, Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. Retrieved from

Webster, D. (1850, March 7). The seventh of March speech. Retrieved from


Ash, J. (Writer, Director).(2010). Division [Television series episode]. In J. Root & M. Jackson (Executive producer), America – The Story of Us. Retrieved from

Bordewich, F. & Bourne, J. (2012, May 4). Monitoring and financing the Civil War [Video]. Retrieved from C-SPAN Video Library at

Burns, K. & Barnes, P. (Writers). (2005). The story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony: Revolution [Video]. Retrieved from

Gallagher, G. et al. (2010, Nov. 20). The home front of the Civil War [Video]. Retrieved from C-SPAN Video Library at

Hart, T. & Whitmore, V. (1990).Dark passages [Video]. Retrieved from

Holzer, H., McPherson, J., & Davis, W. (2012, May 31). Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis as commanders-in-chief [Video]. Retrieved from C-SPAN Video Library at

McCurry, S. (2012, Jan. 26). The Civil War politics of the Confederacy [Video]. Retrieved from C-SPAN Video Library at

Harrison, C., Diamond, J. M., Coyote, P., Lambert, T., Diamond, J. M., Lion Television Ltd., National Geographic Television & Film. National Geographic Society (U.S.). (2005). Guns, germs, and steel [Video]. United States: National Geographic. Retrieved from


United States War Department. (1880-1901). The War of the rebellion: A compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Washington, DC. Retrieved from

The Library of Congress. (2003). A century of lawmaking for a new nation: U.S. congressional documents and debates, 1774-1873. Retrieved from