Florence Unified School District #1

March 2012 Board Report

Jennifer Pesato, Director of Curriculum


  • Correlation Charts for all grades K-12 in Reading and Math have been created to show the AZ Standards side by side with the new Common Core Standards
  • The Common Core Standards are currently being placed in all Reading and Math Curriculum Maps 2nd through 10 grades.
  • Common Core implementation plan for 2012/2013 includes full implementation of Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Fourth Grade and Eighth and 50% implementation in all other grades for Literacy and Math.
  • Fourth Grade Literacy and Math Curriculum maps are being created for next year’s implementation.
  • A draft Curriculum and Instruction plan was created for the district that includes Common Core Implementation, New Evaluation Tool, STEM incorporation, District Improvement and Implementation of College Readiness standards. I.S. Team is currently reviewing the draft and then it will be sent to Principals for review.


Professional Development

  • I conducted a two day training with Liz Ridout for the Principals and Administration on the Common Core Standards, Conceptual Teaching and Beyond Textbooks
  • I trained the Math and Reading Coaches on the Common Core Standards; the coaches will be training their grade level teachers on April 6th
  • I will be training the 9-12 English teachers on Common Core standards on April 6th.
  • I will be attending ADE’s AZ Counts Training for Math K-8 Common Core on Monday, April 2nd.
  • Liz and I attended Scottsdale Community College’s Math Symposium for our 6-8th Grade Math Teachers.

TIPS (Teacher Induction Program and Support for New K-12 Educators) - Formerly known as BEST


  • The next round of visits will focus on Instructional Delivery and take place in April.
  • Next session will focus on video reflection.


  • A draft of the Teacher Evaluation tool was created and presented to the Board for review.