Thursday, March 25 beginning at 4:30 pm through

Friday, March 26 ending at 4:30 pm

We invite you to join us in pledging to participate in the University of Dayton’s Lenten campus-wide Day of Fasting, Prayer and Solidarity. This event’s purpose is to raise the awareness of issues of poverty and hunger in the local Dayton community and beyond, and to encourage faculty, staff and students to join in solidarity through fasting, prayer, and reflecting on larger issues of hunger and poverty.

Fastingallows individuals to be in solidarity with those who have no food or limited food and can be defined as eating only one full meal and two smaller meals with no snacking in between. It brings a mindfulness of those who must go without adequate nourishment daily and who struggle to meet such a basic need that many of us often take for granted.

Money raised during the event will be donated to several Dayton local food banks that have faced increased demands due to recent economic downturns.

We invite participants to partake in the following events encompassing the campus-wide

Day of Fasting, Prayer and Solidarity:

3/25 4:30 pm Opening Prayer Service in Marianist Hall Chapel

3/26 8:30- 9:30 am Drop in for making lunches for St. Vincent’s Hotelin Liberty Hall Basement& Letter writing advocacy for Bread for the World

3/26 9:45 am – 1:30 pmOpportunity to deliver and serve lunches at St. Vincent’s Hotel (transportation provided) Please rsvp to

3/26 12:45 pmMid-day Prayer in Marianist Hall Chapel

3/26 4:30 pm Break the Fast soup and bread meal in Liberty Hall 08

Additional prayer supplements available at

Please direct questions to John DeWyze at or Bridget Ebbert at 937-229-1754

Please note: It is not recommended that anyone with impaired health should fast in any way. It is also important to note that everyone who fasts should drink enough fluids on a fast day.


Please detach and return to any Campus Ministry office by Thursday, March 25 at noon or send through Campus Mail: Campus-Wide Day of Fasting c/o John DeWyze +0408

I, ______, commit to participate in the Lenten Campus-Wide Day of Fasting, Prayer and Solidarity onMarch 25, 2010 through March 26, 2010. I pledge to pray and fast being mindful of the poor and hungry in the local Dayton community and our world.

____ I wish to make a monetary donation of ______amount to benefit local Dayton food pantries. (Donation can be made by cash, check payable to UD Campus Ministry, or flyer card- please provide your flyer card ID number here ______).

***Monetary donations may be dropped off to Liberty Hall 107 or at any of the above events***

____ I am unable to donate funds at this time but wish to support this effort through prayer.

Signed ______E-mail Address: ______

Please provide e-mail address for reminders about Day of Fasting and additional resources