Minutes KAAMCO Cargo Operations Committee

April 25th, 2002

The meeting was held at the Holiday Inn. Mike Buckley opened the meeting at 10.00am and made the following announcements:

·  The KAAMCO convention will be held in Palm Springs California from May 3rd to May 7th.

·  The KAAMCO annual fishing trip will be on June 5th. The “Lady J” will leave from Lido Beach at 7.30AM Sharp. A flyer will be faxed shortly.

·  Our Web site is up and running. You can access the minutes at jfkcargo.org or jfkcargo.net. We will also post events such as the upcoming fishing trips resumes etc. The site is being developed and is constantly improving.

·  We are working on two major projects:

1.  A security committee chaired by Joe Clabby looking into the prevention of terrorism and cargo theft at JFK.

2.  A political awareness committee chaired by Ginger Priolo working on security matters as it relates to the TSA.

Joel Ditkowsky from the Brokers Association:

·  Thanked everyone, who attended the Semantics Dinner, which was a great success.

·  The JFK Brokers Association will hold its airline seminar on May 1st at Russo’s on the Bay. Five airlines will be on the panel. Sal Ciluffo the acting FSD will attend as well as Bill Ferri the Outbound Chief for US Customs.

·  Joel was asked by Bob Caton to form a group consisting of Brokers Association and CFS representatives to meet with the 113th precinct and the Assistant Queens DA concerning pilferage and the integrity of freight moved between airlines and container freight stations (CFS).

·  Many airlines have taken a more “user friendly” position in assessing demurrage; however there are still problems with some airlines. Letters were sent and some improvement was noted.

·  If you have problems with brokers please call Joel at (718) 471-1299 XT. 150

Jim Larsen from the Port Authority:

·  At a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce in Washington Secretary Norman Mineta made the following statements which summarized the approach taken by the Department of Transportation: “We need world class security and world class customer service.” “We don’t want check points to become choke points to our economy”

·  KAAMCO Cargo already working on a proposal and the need for partnership with the TSA.

·  We cannot lose site of the commercial access problems faced by JFK. We have only the Van Wyck Expressway serving JFK. Congestion can only increase with the rise in cargo traffic. It will have a major impact on the economic outlook of JFK.

Henry Zanetti Cargo Chief Inbound Branch:

·  USC sent letters to 6 airlines that must increase their bond by June 1st 2002.

·  Bob Caton spoke about diplomatic mail for which authorization for clearance requires approximately 10days. USC then orders the diplomatic pouches into General Order. Henry is not aware of the problem and will follow up.

Bill Ferri Cargo Chief Outbound Branch.

·  There is a census proposal in the federal register, which will require ammunitions and other commodities to be reported in AES. The dateline for comments is in the fall. No comments so far.

·  There are many bogus XTN and ITN numbers appearing on the manifest. These numbers are reference numbers issued electronically by AES. It seems that some forwarders are not trained, are not equipped, use old reference numbers or do not wait for an error response. If an airline finds a problem with AES please call KAAMCO who will work with USC.

·  In late falls no more paper SED (Shippers Export Declaration) for CCL and UCML cargo.

Robert Redes USDA Chief:

·  USDA officers have access problems to cargo terminals. They are not getting the green light when swiping and are denied entry. All USDA officers must have unlimited access to warehouses and the AOA. Some airlines have security stand alone systems that are not linked to the central Port Authority system, causing inaccurate information due to lack of timely updates. This situation is causing delays in the clearance of freight.

·  Bob Caton mentioned that some USDA officers clearing cargo are sometimes allowing brokers to look for boxes of cargo, subject to examination, away from the main area of inspection. Those brokers do not have proper identification. Bob Redes just had a meeting on this subject with USDA officers to correct this situation.

Greg Bange Supervisor USDA AMS:

·  The manifest reporting of commodities is better but still need improvement.

Denis Mc Cormick Security Manager for the Port Authority:

·  (Deleted.)

·  William Hall, Port Authority inspector is the new FSD (Federal Security Director) at JFK.

·  People arrested in Washington and other airports falsified documentation and social security numbers; in order to get port badges. The port is checking the database to ensure that the same problem does not exist here. Denis believes that the more stringent rules set up at JFK, are the reason why there is no problem at JFK.

·  Post Golf is now a 24h operation.

·  38 new police officers are being assigned to JFK.

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·  The turn around time for the processing of badges has deteriorated from 48h to a minimum of 4 days. There will be a conference call on May 2nd in an attempt to resolve the issue.

Steve Joseph from the TSA:

·  Effective April 30th dangerous goods violation will be increase from $27.500 to $30.000 per violation.

·  William Hall the new FSD for JFK will be back at the end of May and could be a speaker at our next meeting.

·  The TSA is just formulating ideas and has not set any requirements for cargo yet.

Joe Clabby, Security Team Leader:

·  Joe thanked all the attendees of the April 17th security meeting

·  All thefts should be reported timely.

·  Airlines are not reporting all thefts,

·  At the beginning of May Bob Caton will chair a meeting on what happens when cargo leaves the airport.

·  There is no database for truckers that are arrested several times.

·  There will be a homeland security program specific to JFK.

·  The security committee will provide a checklist for the reporting of cargo thefts.

Mike Buckley spoke on behalf of Ginger Priolo Political Awareness Team Leader:

·  Ginger is chair of a group looking into ways to provide high security, but will not hinder the flow of cargo at JFK.

After introduction of new attendees, Mike mentioned that we will attempt to have William Hall as our next speaker. Mike then concluded the meeting.

Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 30th. The location will be confirmed. Thank you to all for attending.

Jacques Le Vaillant

Business Administrator