C.O.O.P Behavior Plan / Agreement

Mrs. Jans

The C.O.O.P is a partnership venture of the school and community for the purpose of preparing and exposing students to enter challenging careers working with children after they have completed their higher educations. Policies of the GUHSD and federal, state and local laws dictate much of the operation of this program. It is imperative that the C.O.O.P student and his/her parents fully understand and agree to comply with the rules that given the operation of the C.O.O.P program.

It is of the utmost importance that the students enrolled in C.O.O.P be adult and mature in their work ethics and work relationships. Here are a couple requirements in school that the C.O.O.P student must abide by:

  1. In order to receive credit for the program, I will successfully complete the class lesson plan assignments on time and perform successfully in my preschool field assignment.
  2. Concerning insurance, I will do one of the following: Carry school insurance, or be covered by family health/accident insurance and have a completed insurance waiver on file at MV.
  3. I shall abide by all policies of the GUHSD Governing Board, and all laws and regulations of the federal, state and local governments pertaining to the operation of a preschool.
  4. If I am removed for any reason from the program due to failure of the class or my field requirement then I will receive a failing grade for the entire program and loss of two credits.
  5. The school rules for proper dress will be complied with. In addition, I understand that because of my contact with the community while I am working in the preschool, I will have high-than normal dress expectations requested of me. I will maintain a high level of personal appearance, hygiene and grooming, as established by the teacher-coordinators.

On the Job

  1. If I am absent, I am expected to phone the C.O.O.P office before 8:00 am. The school rules will be followed regarding tardies and absences. If you do not call in to the preschool, you will not be able to make up the missed lab.
  2. The preschool is dependent upon me, and I am expected to work in the C.O.O.P Field during the hour I am assigned. If I should, because of an extreme emergency, be unable to work during my field hours, I will contact the Preschool office and make necessary arrangements for someone else to cover me. If I notify the COOP office before 8:00 am then I will be allowed to make up the missed lab after school for a maximum of 80% of the points.
  3. I must attend periodic preschool functions/meetings in the evenings as requested by the teacher coordinators.
  4. As a C.O.O.P student, I will accept all of the responsibilities placed upon me by the program and the teacher coordinators.
  5. I understand that working in the preschool I will strive to perform an honest hour’s work, and I will strive at all times to do the best job possible.
  6. While working in the preschool I will not receive visitors, nor will I make or receive personal telephone calls.
  7. If I am injured in the Preschool, No matter how slight, I will report it to the teacher coordinator as soon as possible.
  8. I will treat the children with respect, kindness and concerned love without showing favoritism.
  9. I will use the gentle discipline techniques that I have been taught, beginning with redirection and consult with the teacher coordinators for suggestions when necessary.
  10. I will carry through with my assigned preschool responsibilities, in addition to performing the activities I have signed up for in advance.
  11. I will have a positive, cheerful and respectful attitude to all children, parents, peers and teacher coordinators.
  12. I will show initiative as I perform my field service in the preschool
  13. I will not discuss the children or private information with others outside of the C.O.O.P program.
  14. I will make safety and sanitation a preschool priority
  15. Lastly I will conduct life outside of school in such a way so as not to reflect adversely on the MV preschool and C.O.O.P Program or in any way that would make me unsuitable to work with children.

Zero Tolerance regarding the following behaviors:

  1. Excessive absences
  2. Stealing
  3. Sharing information outside of preschool
  4. Abusive language in the preschool
  5. Cell phone use while in class or lab
  6. Leaving the classroom during instructional teaching
  7. Cheating or stealing lesson plans
  8. Not respecting Mrs. Jans or the Preschool Directors
  9. Verbally or physically abusive to a child
  10. Revealing parent/child information to other parents and or teachers
  11. Lack of teamwork or motivation within the classroom or preschool


Cut along the line above

Parent signature form: Return this form to Mrs. Jans by August 17th

I have read, understand and agree to abide by all C.O.O.P rules and regulations.

______and parent and or Guardian understand the above rules and expectations of the preschool. Result in breaking the rules could be or will lead to removal of the class.


Parent Signature______

Student Siganture______

Student ID______

Teacher Coordinator______