Cognitive Tutor First Login

Use the following directions to access Cognitive Tutor for the first time.

  1. Make sure your laptop number matches the number you are assigned. You will always use this same laptop. Every time. No exceptions. (If there is an issue with your laptop, please see me immediately!)

Before we use Cognitive Tutor:

Pop Up Windows

  1. Log onto the computer and open Firefox à You MUST use Firefox every time!
  2. At the very top left side of your screen, click on the “Firefox” tab (It’s next to the apple)
  3. In the drop down menu, click “Preferences.”
  4. Go to the “Content” tab (it is the third tab from the left).
  5. Make sure that “Block pop-up windows” is NOT checked.
  6. Close the “Preferences” window


  1. Still in Firefox (we will always use Firefox) go to
  2. Do NOT click the red button.
  3. Click “Do I have Java?” which is beneath the red button.
  4. Now click the red button that reads “Verify Java Version.” (If there is no red button, go to step 12a)
  5. If there was no red button, click the white block/Lego piece in the center of the grey rectangle.
  6. If an option box drops down click “allow”
  7. If a window pops up, click “Run”
  8. If Java needs to be updated, you should NOT update it (hit “Skip”).
  9. You are now done with

Getting to Cognitive Tutor:

  1. Are you on Firefox? You should be…
  2. Go to
  3. On the left side of the page, click “Cognitive Tutor.”
  4. Click the link below “Cognitive Tutor”

Logging In

  1. Enter the following information
  2. School ID: Pottsgrove hs-19464
  3. Username: First Initial Last Name (ex. John Doe = jdoe)
  4. No password is required for your first login.
  5. Hit “Log-in” (STOP - before you make a password read step #21)
  6. When the website prompts you to create a password, use your network password in all caps.
  7. Hit “Submit.” Then, you may have to login in again with your username and password.
  8. Once logged in, choose the “Cognitive Tutor Lite” (It is a light blue button).
  9. If Java needs to be updated, you should NOT update it (hit “Skip”).
  10. If a window pops up, check “Do not show again”
  11. Then Click “Run”
  12. You should now be in the tutor.
  13. In the future, remember, we ALWAYS use FIREFOX!!!!!!