/ BABAO c/o Karina Gerdau-Radonić
Bournemouth University
Faculty Science and Technology
Dept. of Archaeology, Anthropology and Forensic Science
Christchurch House, Talbot Campus,
Fern Barrow, Poole,
Dorset, BH12 5BB
e-mail: / Grant Award Application
Compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998
In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the personal data provided on this form will be processed by BABAO and may be held in a computerised database or in manual files.


We welcome proposals from individuals working in the commercial sector. Preference will be given to those projects which enable scientific research, such as isotopic analyses, or synthetic site studies beyond the remit of developer funded work. Grants to cover staff time and the subsequent costs to the employer incurred during research or involvement in external projects will also be considered.

1. Name of applicant Address for correspondence

First name:
Surname: / Address:
Tel no: / Postcode:
Email: / Country:
BABAO membership number:

Please contact the membership secretary () well in advance of the deadline if you do not have your BABAO membership number

2. Present position

Present appointment and employer (if funding is requested to cover costs incurred to any commercial organisation that is not your present employer, please give details)

3.  Details of grant requested

Title of project (not more than 15 words) / Sum requested (max £1500)

4. Project summary

Information on your project may be placed upon the BABAO website. Please use this space to provide a description of your research in a way that could be used for a general – i.e. non-expert - readership. (Maximum 100 words)

5. Project information

Please provide concise details of your planned research project in the following boxes in order that the research validity and potential of your project can be assessed. (Maximum 500 words in each box)

Research question(s), non-commercial archaeological / osteological project details or problem
Aims & objectives
Materials: please give dates of excavation and stage of any associated commercial project (e.g. assessment). Please indicate where material is currently curated
Research methods
Please state why this project cannot be covered by developer funding.
How will this project assist in your personal and professional development?
How will this project achieve the objective of bridging the gap between commercial work and that of academia?
How will your results be disseminated to the public at large?
Other Planned Outputs from this Research
(Research is expected to be presented at the BABAO conference [either paper or poster] in the year following the award.)

6. Ethical aspects of the proposal

a) Are there any ethical implications arising from the proposed research? Please include issues of client confidentiality which may prove problematic to the dissemination of your results.

Yes / No

If yes, please give details below of what they are and how you intend to address them.

7. Budget summary

a) Give a summary of the total costs that will be incurred; then complete the detailed breakdown below.

Summary / Cost (£)
Accommodation and subsistence
Staff buy-out
Services of external specialists
Other (please specify in section 7b)

b) Please itemise and justify expenditure requested and explain why this cannot be covered by developer funding.

Description / Justification / Cost (£)

c) If you are requesting PARTIAL funding please specify the difference between the total project costs (given in section 7a) and the total amount requested from BABAO (section 3). Please explain how any additional costs will be met.

8. Declaration, signature and date

I have enclosed a letter of support from each of the institutions curating material I intend to study / I confirm that all of the material to be investigated is curated by my institution*

*Please delete as appropriate

I agree to complete the intended research within the BABAO timeframe, and will provide a break-down of my spending to the BABAO committee.

Signature of applicant / Date

All applicants must be members of BABAO by 1st April in year of submission.

Closing date for applications: 9th May 2016.

Please attach a 2 page summary CV (of the main applicant) to this application, and e-mail to Karina Gerdau-Radonić ().