Exam Outline CHC2D Exam Review

SECTION A: Multiple Choice 30 Marks

SECTION B: Matching People to Descriptions 15 Marks

SECTION C: Identify and Describe Events 20 Marks

SECTION D: Document Analysis 15 Marks

SECTION E: Essay 25 Marks

Unit 1: World War I

Events / People / Terms
Cause of World War I MANIA / Franz Ferdinand / Triple Entente
Triple Alliance
All relevant Canadian Battles (Ypres, Vimy, Somme…) / Canadian Expeditionary Force / Wilfred Laurier
Treaty of Versailles / A.Y Jackson / Conscription
The Western Front / Sam Hughes / National Resources Mobilization Act
Manifest Destiny / Sir Robert Borden / War Measures Act
Halifax Explosion / Billy Bishop / The League of Nations
The sinking of the Lusitania / Halifax Explosion / Reparations

Unit 2: 1920s and 1930s

Events / People / Terms
The On-to-Ottawa Trek / R.B. Bennett / Protective Trade Tariffs
The Stock Market Crash / Emily Murphy / CCF
The Dust Bowl / W.L Mackenzie King / The Jazz Age
Prohibition / Mary Pickford / Bennett’s New Deal
Inventions of the 20s / Cairine Wilson / The Group of Seven
The Winnipeg General Strike / Bootleggers / Social Credit
Union Nationale
The Person’s Case / The Famous Five / Residential Schools

Unit 3: WWII

Events / People / Terms
The start of WWII / Hitler / NAZI
D-Day (Battle of Normandy) / Benito Mussolini / Treaty of Versailles
Dieppe / Stalin / Corvettes
The Battle of Dunkirk / British Expeditionary Force / Internment Camps
The Battle of Stalingrad / Winston Churchill / Appeasement
The Battle of the Atlantic / The French Maginot Line / Rhineland
Hiroshima and Nagasaki / The Battle of Ortona / Non-Intervention Policy

Unit 4: Post War (Canada in the 1950s and 1960s)

Events / People / Terms
The Women’s Movement / Pierre Trudeau / Rock n Roll
Civil Rights / John Diefenbaker / Baby Boom
The Cold War Conflicts / Charles de Gaulle / The Suburbs
Igor Guzenko / FLQ / NATO
October Crisis / Tommy Douglas / The United Nations
The Quiet Revolution / Paul Anka / Warsaw Pact
The White Paper / Lester, B. Pearson / Expo 67

Possible Long Answer Questions

Use the following quotes to help you put the course into perspective. Decide as to whether you agree or disagree with each statement and formulate three clear reasons why.

Canada’s role in both World Wars served only to strengthen Canada’s

o  independent identity

The advancement of the rights of women and minorities has often coincided with conflicts.

Canadians are determined to be both an American and a British nation, but above all a nation with a distinctive Canadian personality

Canada has always been a society that has welcomed and celebrated cultural diversity