Appendix 3

Advice Note for water outlets in closed areas


From time to time buildings may be closed on a temporary basis, perhaps to allow refurbishment, relocation of a service or because service delivery is being temporarily suspended. During the closure period it is even more important to observe the requirements of this IPC-PGN. Depending on the reason for the closure and the duration steps will need to be put in place to ensure that flushing continues or if practicable the systems are drained down.

Following a closure decision, discussion between the relevant manager and Estates must take place to ensure that the procedures are in place and documented and to clearly define what actions named individuals shall perform.

2.0Period of Closure

The period of closure should be established at the earliest point. The duration for which an area is closed plays an important part in deciding the best course of action.

2.1Short Term Closure

Where a closure is expected to not exceed 30 days a nominated individual shall be identified to run every outlet for 2 minutes and flush every toilet twice weekly, even if it’s a non-clinical area. The nominated individual should then complete the record sheet and return it to the relevant manager.

If the building or department has been closed by Estates (for refurbishment) then Estates will undertake the flushing or drain the system down, if the ward/departmentis closed for any other reason then the manager of that area will have to identify the resource to carry out the flushing.

Before the closed area is re-occupied the Estates Department may carry out inspection and testing of the water systems to identify any remedial works that may be required.

It is the responsibility of the relevant manager to notify the Estates Department of their intention to re-open a temporarily closed area within a reasonable timeframe to allow any remedial works required, which may include disinfection of the system.

2.2Long Term Closure

In the instance that part or all of a building is to close with no planned re-opening date, or where the closure period exceeds 30 days disconnection and draining the water services within the affected area will be carried out by Estates – where this is practicable. The work will generally include:

  • Where relevant - all water tanks associated with the affected area shall be drained, cleaned and dried out.
  • All pipework and devices shall be drained and where applicable domestic hot water calorifiers [or other storage vessels] shall be opened up, cleaned and left open to the atmosphere.
  • Pipework shall be disconnected from the mains services and capped off, mains cold water services shall be isolated and capped off from the system and all relevant pipework drained.
  • Where appropriate, notices shall be posted throughout the affected area stating that all water services are disconnected.
  • The Estates Department shall be responsible to ensure that an adequate water seal exists in unused toilets to prevent odours from the foul drain system entering the premises.
  • Adequate records of actions, and amended water service schematic diagrams shall be produced by the Estates Department showing the relevant modifications and disconnections made to the water systems.

2.2.1Re-occupation after Long Term Closure

In the event of re-occupation of an area that has been closed for longer than 30 days, discussion must take place between the relevant manager and the Estates Department prior to the re-occupation exercise and relevant paperwork completed.

The Estates Department will require the following information: -

  • The planned re-opening date;
  • Any proposed changes of use of the area;
  • Any areas which will not be used.

Before the water system is put back into service, any necessary modifications and maintenance, shall be carried out prior to the cleaning and disinfection of the system, prior to bringing back into use.

Notification of Closure of Section

N.B.“Section” refers to; a ward, part of a ward, a room within a ward, a section of a building etc.

Section proposed closure:
Is all of the Section proposed for closure? / Yes / No
If No, specify:
Date for proposed closure:
Period of proposed closure:
Reason for proposed closure:
Will the use of the Section change following re-opening: / Yes / No
If Yes, specify:
Section Manager:
Date: / Signature


This section to be completed by the Estates Department

Form received by:
Date: / Signature
Has Section been included in “Flushing” Programme? / Yes / No
If Yes, start date:
Flushing to be carried out by:

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust1

Appendix 3 - Advice Note for water outlets in closed areas– V04 – Issue 1 – Feb 17

Part of IPC-PGN-27.2-Control Legionella/Legionnaires’Disease-Preventing Accumulation of stagnant water

Part of NTW(C)23 – Infection, Prevention and Control Policy