All Subjects MCQ Practice Examination

45 questions - allow 60 minutes

  1. Knee extension is controlled by

a)  L2, 3

b)  L3

c)  L3, 4

d)  L3, 4, 5

e)  L4, 5

  1. Pectoralis major

a)  arises from the medial half of the clavicle

b)  forms the posterior axillary wall

c)  draws its nerve supply from C5, 6, 7

d)  is a lateral rotator of the arm

e)  is an accessory expiratory muscle

  1. The cephalic vein

a)  begins on the ulnar side of the dorsum of the hand

b)  hooks around Lister’s tubercle.

c)  pierces the deep fascia in the mid forearm

d)  drains into the median basilic vein

e)  forms the axillary vein

  1. Sartorius

a)  arises from the anterior inferior iliac spine

b)  forms the floor of the adductor canal

c)  passes posterior to the lateral condyle of the femur

d)  inserts into the subcutaneous upper part of the fibula

e)  is innervated by a branch of the femoral nerve

  1. All of the following are ligaments of the hip joint EXCEPT

a)  iliofemoral

b)  quadratofemoral

c)  pubofemoral

d)  ligamentum teres

e)  ischiofemoral

  1. In the hand the interossei

a)  are antagonists to extensor digitorum

b)  in the dorsal group adduct the digits

c)  in the palmar group abduct the digits

d)  flex the metacarpophalangeal joints

e)  extend the metacarpophalangeal joints

  1. In an intercostal space

a)  the neurovascular bundle lies between external and internal intercostals

b)  the transversus is the deepest muscle layer

c)  the posterior intercostal arteries are branches of the internal mammary

d)  the nerve is the most protected of the neurovascular structures

e)  the transversus muscle assists in inspiration

  1. The trachea

a)  is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve

b)  commences at the level of C7

c)  has its blood supply in part from the superior thyroid

d)  has its diameter controlled by the trachealis muscle

e)  finishes at the level of T6

  1. The SA node is supplied by the right coronary artery in what % of patients

a)  10%

b)  20%

c)  40%

d)  60%

e)  90%

  1. The spleen

a)  lies between the 8th and 10th ribs

b)  drains into the portal venous system

c)  is separated from the tail of the pancreas by the splenic flexure

d)  when enlarged does so towards the iliac fossa

e)  draws its parasympathetic nerve supply from the coeliac plexus

  1. The posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine continues as the

a)  ligamentum flavum

b)  cruciform ligament

c)  tectorial membrane

d)  apical ligament

e)  alar ligament



1.  / Last 9th / p 26 / C
2.  / Last 9th / pp 54-55 / A
3.  / Last 9th / p 93 / E
4.  / Last 9th / pp 152 - 153 / E
5.  / Last 9th / p 167 / B
6.  / Last 9th / pp 119-120 / D
7.  / Last 9th / pp 246 & 251 / B
8.  / Last 9th / p 260 / D
9.  / Last 9th / p 273 / D
10.  / Last 9th / p 355 / B
11.  / Last 9th / p 542 / C