Classroom Sanctions
ClassroomAction / Non-verbal
T/CS/LSA/TA / Verbal
T/CS/LSA/TA / Time-out
(5 min)
Space/table in class
T/CS/LSA/TA? / Time out *
(15 min)
Partner class
Provide work
Miss playtime to complete think sheet. (3 think sheets recorded in behaviour bk)
T/CS / Visit to * SMT/DHT/HT
Withdrawn from class am/pm/day
T/CS provide work
Letter of apology
Withdrawal of privileges
Recorded in behaviour bk / Visit to *
Withdrawn from class am/pm/day
Recorded in behaviour book
(sign/dated by child)
Level? / Low / Low / Low / Medium / High / High
Follow up
Q: what happens when they are sent…come back?
Q: How is situation resolved
…avoided? / T/Peer to review behaviour with child / T/CS review behaviour with child and liaise with
SENCO/Key Stage manager
T/CS inform parent of lost learning time - (verbal) / Letter of apology to copy & file
D/HT inform parent/arrange meeting (via phone call)
Liaise with SENCO to discuss/create PSP, set up home/school report book,
and discuss involvement of other agencies such as PBSS / Witness statements required/signed/dated
Verbal contact with parent – set up/review PSP
Parent Contract
Observations in class by DHT/HT
Letters home re: (risk of) exclusion
Not on task
Not sitting down/properly
Disrupting/distracting/interrupting someone else
Talking when adult/peer speaking
Not paying attention
Tapping/fiddling/fidgeting without the need to
Swinging on chairs
Constant ‘chatter’
Hiding others things
Irritating others / Medium
Damaging small items
Leaving …without permission
Telling lies
Unsafe movement around sch.
Deliberately not eating meal
Answering back/tutting
Not lining up
Teasing/name calling
Not following instructions repeatedly / High
Damaging others/school property
Verbal abuse/bullying
Spitting at someone
Racism (to HT)
Aggressive behaviour
The ‘look’ or a frown
Move closer to child…
Finger to lips/ear
Hands on hips
Hand cups ear
Tactical ignorance/discuss with child at more appropriate time / Verbal
Describe what you see
State what you want to see
Reminder of rules
Express disappointment
Use humour
Divert attention ‘Can you help’
Redirect ‘ yes…but…’
Reminder of choice and consequence ‘If you.continue..’ / Time-out given by LSA/TA (in room)… CS/T (another room)
‘What are you doing/should be doing?’
‘I understand that/can see that
‘I find it difficult …when you…
‘I want you to… take some time out to think about it’
‘I want you to listen…’
‘I want you to calm down..’ / To SMT/DHT/HT
To isolate child/take further action
Describe what you see
‘…you’re talking/pushing’ / State what you want to see
‘…turn around, thank you’
‘…give… his.., thank you’
Then focus on those who are / Rule reminder
‘…our rule is ‘, ‘remember our rule about lining up’, …what is our rule about ’ / Question & feedback
‘…what’s happening here..?
‘How’s it going?’
* Child to be accompanied by peer/adult
If a child completes 3 think sheets in a week – CT to staple sheets together and send to DHT. DHT to log in behaviour book, contact parent/carer and consider involvement of SENCO. Think sheets sent to DHT at the end of each Thursday.