July 2014

Name: K. Krishnan

Address: Professor and Head, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Faculty of Arts, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara – 390 002, Gujarat State, India.

Email: ;

Telephone: +91-265-2792436 (Work); +91-265-2781775 (Home); +91-9427015168 (Cell)


Summary of the Research Interest and Areas of Contribution

My doctoral research presented the chemical and petrological examination of the Harappan Ceramics from three regions in Gujarat. This study demonstrated the wider applications of several scientific methods in examining the ceramics and also its cultural implications. After completion of my doctoral research, I continued my research on proto-historic and early Historic ceramics by incorporating several methods such as traditional archaeological, ethnographic and scientific. These studies have enabled me to work towards understanding craft specialization, development of technology and its impact on ancient South Asian Society. These studies have inspired several students from South Asia to conduct research on South Asian Ceramics. In addition to this, I work towards appreciating and reconstructing palaeo-climate in central and western India. I have completed several research projects dealing with ancient technology and palaeo-climatology and currently I am working with fourprojects. I am also coordinating a project which plans to establish a museum at Sidhpur, a centre of pilgrimage for the Department of Tourism, Government of Gujarat.


  • Ph.D. (1987) in Archaeology from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. The title of the Ph.D thesis is “Chemical and Petrological Studies in Ancient Indian Pottery”. This work dealt with analysing the Indus Valley Ceramics from three representative sites in Gujarat using a combination of archaeological, chemical and petrological studies. This work resulted in reconstructing ceramic manufacturing methods of the Indus Valley Period, identifying the provenance of their raw materials, clay paste preparation techniques, baking temperature and baking conditions.
  • M.A.(1982) in Indian History Culture and Archaeology from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda [Title of M.A. dissertation: Identification and Determination of the Composition of the pigments used in the Decoration of Chalcolithic Period Pottery in Gujarat]
  • B.Sc. (1979) in Chemistry as the main subject with Physics and Mathematics as subsidiaries from Kerala University

Fellowships and Awards

  • 1995:
  • June-July 1995: Visiting Fellow at the Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford; financed by the Ford Foundation
  • July-August 1995:Visiting Scientist at the Department of Scientific Research, BritishMuseum; financed by the Ford Foundation.
  • August–September 1995: Visiting Fellow at the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University; financed by the Ford Foundation
  • 1991-92 Ancient India and Iran Trust/Charles Wallace India Trust Visiting Fellow (Post-doctoral) affiliated to the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University.
  • 1988-89 Commonwealth Scholarship for Post-doctoral Research (could not avail due to institutional reasons)
  • 1983-86 University Grants Commission of India, Scholarship for Doctoral Research

Academic Employment

  • 11/1/04 till date

Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Job description: Teach courses in archaeological methods, archaeological theory, archaeomaterials and environmental archaeology. Supervise M.A. dissertations and Ph.D. thesis

  • 11/1/96 to 11/1/04

Reader, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Job description: Teach introductory and upper division courses in archaeological methods (artefact analysis, dating methods, physical and chemical methods of conservation and preservation of archaeological objects), archaeological theory, archaeomaterials and environmental archaeology. Supervise M.A. dissertations and Ph.D. thesis.

  • 5/2/88 to 11/1/96

Lecturer, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Job description: Teach introductory and upper division courses in archaeological methods and environmental archaeology. Supervise M.A. dissertations and Ph.D. thesis.

  • 1/8/87 to 5/2/88

Temporary Lecturer, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao. University of Baroda. Job description: Teach courses in foundations of Indian culture and assist in practical.

  • 1/10/86 to 31/5/87

Teaching Assistant, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. Job description: Teach courses in foundations of Indian culture and assist in practical.

Areas of Research Interest

  • Artefact Analysis and Interpretation:

By using the traditional archaeological methods as well as methods from material sciences to seek answers or explanations to cultural processes such as exchange, trade, migration etc..

  • Ceramic Petrology:

Using microscopic methods to study the provenance of the raw materials, techniques of raw material processing and also the various paste preparation techniques.

  • Ancient Technology:

Through traditional and science based methods the artefacts are studied to reconstruct ancient technology both from the manufacturing processes and also their social relevance

  • Environmental Archaeology:

Trying to understand climate culture interaction, Hominin adaptations in central India

  • Harappan Studies:

Trying to study the regional elements in the Harappan Civilization

  • Origin and Development of Urbanism in South Asia

Research Projects

  1. Completed Projects

An Analysis of ceramics and Metals (Financed by the Ford Foundation Grant to the Department)

  • A High Resolution Study of Loess/Dunal Deposits of Gujarat, with Emphasis to the Palaeoclimatology of the Southwest Indian Monsoon and its Effect on Cultural Evolution in the Region over the past 20,000 years (Pilot Project financed by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) (Total fund – Rs. 1,68,000.00 for one year) (Together with D.A. Sant and G. Rangarajan).
  • Characterization of on land Quaternary sediments fringing the Gulf of Cambay (Financed by the National Institute of Ocean Technology, department of Ocean development, Government of India) (Total fund – Rs. 3,00,000.00) (Together with D.A. Sant and G. Rangarajan).
  • Characterization of Quaternary Sediments from Lower Reaches of Narmada Valley with Special Reference to Climate Variability and Cultural Evolution (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) (Total Fund – Rs. 7,78,000.00 for three years) (Together with D.A. Sant and G. Rangarajan)
  1. Ongoing Projects

(i)Research Projects

  • Standardization of Ceramic Microstructures (Not funded).
  • Human response to Climate Change in the Upland Floodplains of the Kurnool Basin, Andhra Pradesh (Department of Science and Technology, Government of India) (Total Fund – Rs. 8,00,000.00 for three years) (Together with R. Korisettar and D.A. Sant)
  • Developing the Concept of Museum at Sidhpur (Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Limited, Government of Gujarat) (Rs. 15,00,000/- for two years)
  • Early Pleistocene Environments and Archaeology in central India (under Narmada Basin Palaeoanthropology Project)

(ii)Documentation Project

  • Documentation of Antiquities and Monuments under the national Mission of Antiquities and Monuments, Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India (Rs. 55,00,000/- till March 2012)
  1. Participation in International Projects
  • The Prehistory of the Kurnool District: Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Studies in Southern India – A multidisciplinary and multinational project by Cambridge University, U.K., and Karnataka University, India [R. Korisettar and M. Petraglia (Directors)].
  • The Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka) Project: the hinterland (phase II) A multidisciplinary and multinational project by Universities of Durham, Kelaniya, Bradford, Leicester, Sterling [R.A.E. Coningham and P. Gunawardhane (Directors)].
  • Archaeological Research and Conservation Programme.
  • Archaeological Research and Conservation Program: India and PakistanCollaborative Project funded by the US Department of State. Professor J.M. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, USA (Principal Investigator), Professor. K. Krishnan, India and Dr. Abdul Samad, Pakistan (Co-Principal Investigators).

Positions/ Membership in National/ International Bodies

  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies since 2013
  • Vice President, International Association of Asian Heritage
  • Member of the National Committee on Archaeological Sciences, Archaeological Survey of India, Government of India
  • Technical Secretary, Indian Archaeological Society.
  • Member of the Board of Studies in Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of India (Government of India), New Delhi.
  • Member of the Board of Studies in Archaeology, Deccan College, Pune
  • Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Archaeologia: Journal of Archaeology since 2007
  • Joint editor, Man and Environment, Journal of the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies since 2002 to 2008
  • Member of the Executive Committee of the Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies since 1998 to 2008
  • Founding member and Life member of Society of South Asian Archaeologists.
  • Member of the Indo Pacific Prehistory Association
  • Life member of Indian Society for Pre-historic and Quaternary Studies
  • Life member of Indian Archaeological Society
  • Four years membership in World Archaeology Congress (2013-2017)

Organizer of National/ International Programme

  • 2013 Organizer, Session on “Archaeology of Death and the Dead” in the Seventh World Archaeological Congress in the Dead Sea, Jordan, January 13-18, 2013.
  • 2012 Organising Secretary, National Seminar on “Archaeology and Cultural diversity” and the Joint Annual Conference of Indian Archaeological Society (IAS), Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) and Indian History and Culture Society (IHCS) at Baroda, November 22-24, 2012.
  • 2010 Organized (Deputy Co-ordinator) National Seminar on Recent Advances in Indian Archaeology, December 5 -6, 2010

2010 Organzied (Coordinator) International Seminar on Buddhist Heritage, Gujarat at Baroda,January 15-17, 2010

  • 2001 Organized the annual conference of Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies, Indian Archaeological Society, Indian History and Culture Society, November 22-24, 2001, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara. Also introduced the theme “Ancient Technology” in the seminar and acted as Co-ordinator of the theme session.
  • 2004 Organized (Deputy Coordinator) a workshop on “Harappan Culture in Gujarat”, December 11-12, 2004, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara

Experience as a Research Supervisor

  • Six Students have been awarded Ph.D
  • Four Students are currently working for Ph.D.
  • Guidance extended to Students outside my parent institution:
  • One Post-doctoral student from Banarus Hindu University
  • Three Doctoral Students from Deccan College, Pune
  • One Doctoral Student from Bradford, UK
  • One Doctoral Student from Durham, UK
  • One B.A. Dissertation from Cambridge, UK
  • Twelve M.A. Dissertations

Field Experience

  • Directed Excavation at Dhansi (Palaeolithic age) and explorations in central Narmada basin Madhya Pradesh (2012-2013).
  • Directed and Participated in excavations conducted by the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, since 1981. These are excavations at Zawar (1983), Nageswar (1984), Nagwada (1986-89), Loteshwar (1991), Bagasra (1996-2005), Pithad (2006-2007), Shikharpur (2009, 2011, 2012).
  • Participated in the excavations at Banawali (1988 – one season) and Dholavira (1990-1998 – five seasons) conducted by the Archaeological Survey of India.
  • Participated in the explorations and excavations at Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (2005-2008) conducted by the Universities of Kelania, Durham, Bradford, Leicester and Sterling
  • Has participated in a number of archaeological explorations from 1982 onwards.
  • Has undertaken independent archaeological explorations, which include surveys for locating archaeological sites, sampling for palaeo-climatic studies and ethno-archaeological studies.

Lectures Delivered

(A)Endowment Lectures

  • 2007 Professor K.V. Raman Endowment Lecture (two lectures), University of Madras, Chennai on January 4, 2007; Lecture1: Artefact Analyses: Investigating Culture through Material Science;Lecture 2: Indus Valley Civilization: Legacy and Mysteries.

(B)Other Lectures

  • 2013 Delivered a lecture to the Alumni Association of the Department of Architecture, faculty of Technology and Engineering, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda on March 9, 2013. Title of Lecture: From Windsheilds to Mansions: Legacy of Harappan Architecture.
  • 2010 Delivered a lecture to the Alumni Association of Department of Chemistry, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda on March 7, 2010. Title of Lecture: Applications of Material Sciences in Archaeological Studies.
  • 2010 Delivered a public lecture at the Department of History, Sambalpur University, Sambalpur as a UGC Visiting Fellow on March 3, 2010. Title of lecture: Various Dimensions of Ceramic Studies.In addition to this three lectures on Ceramic Analysis were given to post-graduate students of Archaeology
  • 2009Delivered a lecture to the students of Rajastan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur and Kyoto University, Kyoto at the archaeological excavation camp at Kanmir on February 23, 2009. Title of lecture: Beyond Wares and Shapes: Exploring the Dimensions of Ceramic Microstructure.
  • 2009 Delivered a Lecture to the visiting students of Heritage management and Archaeology, Indraprasta University, New Delhi on February 18, 2009. Title of Lecture: Applications of Scientific Methods in Artefact Analyses with special reference to Ceramics and Metals and their Cultural implications.
  • 2008 Delivered a Lecture at the Centre for Heritage Studies, Tripunithura Campus, Cochin University of Science and Technology on June 26. Title of Lecture: Dimensions of Artefact Analyses through material Science Methods.
  • 2008 Delivered a Lecture to the visiting students of Institute of Archaeology, Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi at the Department of Archaeology, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara on August 12, 2008. Title of Lecture: Applications of Scientific Methods in Artefact Analyses with special reference to Ceramics and Metals and their Cultural implications.
  • 2007 Delivered a lecture at Anuradhapura organized by University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Title of Lecture: Ceramic Technology in ancient South Asia
  • 2006Delivered a lecture at Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, Nagpur University, Nagpur on September 14, 2006. Title of Lecture: Petrography of Ancient Indian Ceramics and its Cultural Implications.
  • 2006 Delivered a lecture at Anuradhapura organized by University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka on July 27, 2006. Title of Lecture: South Asian Ceramics
  • 2006 Delivered four lectures at the Department of Archaeology, Post-graduate Research Institute of Archaeology, Deccan College (Deemed to be a University), Pune as a UGC Visiting Fellow. Title of Lectures: Ceramic Analysis – An Introduction (March 21, 2006), Introduction to Ceramic Petrology (March 22, 2006), Ceramic Petrology: Methods, Applications and Limitations (March 23, 2006), Scientific Analysis of Ceramics and its Implications in Archaeology (March 24, 2006)
  • 2005 Delivered a lecture at Anuradhapura organized by University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Title of Lecture: Scientific Analyses of Ceramics: Its scope and future prospects
  • 2003 Delivered two Lectures at the Centre for Heritage Studies, Tripunithura Campus, Cochin University of Science and Technology. Title of Lectures: (1) Artefact Analyses and its interpretations, (2) Science based dating Methods in Archaeology.
  • 1995 Delivered a Lecture at Department of Scientific Research, British Museum Research Laboratory,London. Title of Lecture: Role of Rouletted Ware in Understanding Indian Ocean Trade.

(C)Lectures Delivered in UGC Refresher Courses

  • 2009 April: Three lectures at the UGC refresher Course in History at the Academic Staff College, University of Allahabad, Allahabad

2003 October: Two lectures at the UGC Refresher Course in History at the Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Trivandrum.

2002 Three lectures at the UGC Refresher Course in History at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara



  • 2010 Krishnan, K., Rukshana Nanji and Atusha Irani. Revisiting Buddhist Gujarat. Department of Tourism: Government of Gujarat. Pages 120
  • 1992 Hegde, K.T.M., K.K. Bhan, V.H. Sonawane, K. Krishnan and D.R. Shah. Excavation at Nageswar, Gujarat, A Harappan shell working site on the Gulf of Kutch, (Monograph). Maharaja Sayajirao University Archaeology Series, 18, Baroda.

(B)Research Articles

  • 2014 Krishnan, K. and S.V. Rajesh. Ceramics. In (eds.) D.K. Chakraborty and Makhan Lal, History ofAncient India, Vol – II: Protohistoric Foundations. Vivekananda International Foundation and Aryan Books International: New Delhi: 235-262
  • 2014 Rajesh, S. V. and K. Krishnan. Chalcolithic Cultures of Gujarat (c. 3950 – 900 BCE): An Appraisal. Pracyabodha – Indian Archaeology and Tradition (Professor T.P. Verma Festschrift Volume I. B. R. Mani, Arvind K. Singh and Ravindra Kumar (eds.). B.R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi: 194-205.
  • 2013 Coningham, R.A.E., Prishanta Gunawardhana, Gamini Adhikari, K. Krishnan, Christopher Davis, Mark Manuel, Umanga Roshani Rammugoda, Harendralal Namalgamuwa, Jayampath Senanayake and Ben Stern. Glazed and Unglazed Ceramics. In Robin Coningham and Prishanta Gunawardhana, Anuradhapura Volume III: The Hinterland. BAR International Series: Oxford, U.K. : 229-331.
  • 2013 Rajesh, S. V., K. Krishnan, P. Ajithprasad and V. H. Sonawane. Evaluating the Anarta Tradition in the Light of Material Culture from Loteshwar and Other Sites in Gujarat. Man and Environment XXXVIII (2):10-45.
  • 2013 Rajesh, S. V., K. Krishnan, P. Ajithprasad and Marco Madella. Pre-Prabhas Assemblage from Gujarat, Western India. Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology 1: 181-209.
  • 2012 Rajesh, S. V. and K. Krishnan. Archaeological Explorations around Padri, Bhavnagar District in Saurashtra, Gujarat, Western India. Pakistan Heritage IV , 87-107.
  • 2012 Krishnan, K., L.S. Rao(late), V. Vinod, Smitha S. Kumar, Prabhin Sukumaran and Dilip Kumar Kushwaha. Petrography of Ceramics from Bhirrana: A Preliminary Study. Man and Environment. XXXVII (2), pp. 18-27.
  • 2012 K. Krishnan and Sikder Md Zulkernine On the Typology and Petrography of Wari-Bateswar Ceramics. Man and Environment. XXXVII (1), pp. 42-50.
  • 2012 Prabhin Sukumaran, C. Rajashekhar, Dhananjay A. Sant and K. Krishnan. Late Holocene Records from Lower Reaches of Narmada Valley, Western India. Journal Geological Society of India, 80, September, pp. 403-408.
  • 2012 Prabhin Sukumaran,Dhananjay A Sant, K Krishnan and Govindan Rangarajan. High Resolution Facies record on Late Holocene Flood Plain Sediments from Lower reaches of NarmadaValley,Western India.Journal Geological Society ofIndia, 79, January, pp.41-52.
  • 2011 Coningham,R.A.E. P. Gunawardhana, M.J. Manuel, G. Adikari, R.L. Young, A. Schmidt, K. Krishnan, I. Simpson, C.E. Davis and C.M. Batt 2011 Response to Goonatilake (Susantha Goonatilake 2011 Social construction and deconstruction of a ‘theocracy’ Antiquity, Vol. 85, September, No. 329, 1060-1065), Antiquity. Vol. 85, September, No. 329, 1065-1067.
  • 2011 Vinod, V., and K. Krishnan Potting skills: An ethnographic perspective. Man and EnvironmentXXXVI (1):88-91.
  • 2011 Prabhin Sukumaran, Imtiyaz A. Parvez,Dhananjay A. Sant, Govindan Rangarajan andK. Krishnan.Profiling of late Tertiary–early Quaternary surface in the lower reaches ofNarmadavalley using microtremors.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences41, 325–334.
  • 2010 Krishnan, K., B.R. Mani and Smitha S. Kumar. Tracing the Buddhist Ancestry of Kerala. In P. Gunawardhana, G. Adikari and R. Coningham (Eds.) Sirinimal Lakdusinghe Felicitation Volume, Neptune Publication, Battarmulla, Sri Lanka, pp 199-206.
  • 2008 Krishnan, K.And Gamini Adikari. Ceramic Analaysis of the Anuradhapura Hinterland. Archaeologia, 4, pp 42-59.
  • 2007 Robin Coningham, Prishanta Gunawardhana, Mark Manuel, Gamini Adikari, Mangala Katugampola, Ruth Young, Armin Schmidt, K. Krishnan, Ian Simpson, Gerry Mc Donnel and Cathy Batt. The state of theocracy: Defining an early medieval hinterland in Sri Lanka. Antiquity, 81 (313), pp 699-719.
  • 2006 D.A. Sant, G. Rangarajan, K. Krishnan, N. Basavaiah, C. Pandya, M.Sharma and Y.Trivedi. Flood Plain Record of the Southwest Indian Monsoon During the Last Glacial. Man and Environment XXXI (2), pp 9-20.
  • 2005 Krishnan, K, I.C. Freestone and A. Middleton. Technology of ‘Glazed’ Reserved Slip Ware – A fine Ceramic of the Harappan Period. Archaeometry 47 (4), pp 691-703.
  • 2005 Krishnan, K. And Kiran Dimri. Exploration in the Lilka River basin in Saurashtra, Gujarat: A Preliminary Report. In K.K. Chakravarty and G.L. Badam (Eds.), River Valley Cultures of India, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal and Aryan Books International, New Delhi, pp 199-204

2005 Krishnan,K.And Kajal Shah. Beyond Wares and Shapes: Gaining a Petrographic Perspective on Ancient Indian Pottery. In Biswas, A.K. (Ed.) Science in Archaeology and Archaeomaterials., D.K. Printworld, New Delhi, pp 135-156.

  • 2004 Sonawane, V.H., P.Ajithprasad, K.K. Bhan, K. Krishnan, S. Prathapachandran, Abhijit Majumdar, Ajita K. Patel and Jaya Menon. Excavations at Bagasra – 1996-2003: A Preliminary Report. Man and Environment, XXVIII (2), pp.21-50.
  • 2004 Aniruddha S. Khadkikar and K. Krishnan. Human occupation and environmental change for the last 130,000 years in MainlandGujarat, western India. In Y. Yasuda and V. Shinde (Eds.), Monsoon and Civilization: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop of the Asian Lake Drilling Programme (ALDP), Lustre Press, Roli Books, New Delhi, pp. 99-111.

2004 Sant, D.A., K. Krishnan, G. Rangarajan, N. Basavaiah, C. Pandya, M. Sharma and Y. Trivedi. Characterization of flood plain and climatic change using multi-proxy records from the Mahi River basin, Mainland Gujarat. Journal of Indian Geophysical Union (Special Issue on Environmental Magnetism and Palaeomonsoons). Basavaiah, N and A.S. Khadkikar (Eds.), January 2004, Vol 8, No.1, pp. 39-48.

2002 Krishnan, K. Studies in Harappan Technology: A Review, in Recent Studies in Indian Archaeology (K. Paddayya Ed.) Indian Council of Historical Research Monograph series 6, pp. 349-366, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi

  • 2002 Krishnan, K. A Survey of Ceramic Analysis with Special Reference to Pottery, in Indian Archaeology in Retrospect, Prehistory – Archaeology of South Asia (S. Settar and Ravi Korisettar Eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 377-387, Manohar, New Delhi
  • 2000 Bhan, K.K., Nikita Mehta and K. Krishnan. An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Copper/Brass Working in Rajasthan, Western India. Man and Environment, Vol. XXV, No. 2, pp. 35-49
  • 1997Krishnan, K and R.A.E. Coningham. Microstructural Analysis of Samples of Rouletted Ware and Associated Pottery from Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, in South Asian Archaeology (R. Allchin and B. Allchin Eds.), Vol.. 2, pp 925-937, Oxford and IBH, New Delhi.
  • 1997 Krishnan, KScientific Analysis of Pottery and Their Cultural Implications, in Ancient Ceramics: Historical Enquiries and Scientific Approaches (P.C. Pant and V. Jayaswal Eds.), pp 177-196, Agam Kala Prakashan, Delhi.
  • 1994 Herman, C.F. and K. Krishnan Micaceous Red Ware: a Gujarat Proto-Historic Cultural Complex or just Ceramics?, in South Asian Archaeology 1993 (A. Parpola and P. Koskikallio Eds.), Vol. I, pp 225-243, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Helsinki.
  • 1994Krishnan, K and Veena Rao A Study of Clay Paste Preparation Through Textural Analysis, South Asian Studies, 10, pp 113-117.
  • 1992 Krishnan, KAn Analysis of Decorative Pigments and Slips on Harappan Pottery from Gujarat, South Asian Studies, 8, pp 125-132.
  • 1990 Hegde, K.T.M., V.H. Sonawane, K.K. Bhan, Ajithprasad and K. Krishnan. Excavations at Nagwada, 1987-88: A Preliminary Report. In Adaptations and Other Essays ( N.C. Ghosh and Subrata Chakrabarty, Eds.), pp 191-195, Vishwabharati, Santiniketan.
  • 1988 Hegde, K.T.M., V.H. Sonawane, D.R. Shah, K.K. Bhan, Ajithprasad, K. Krishnan and S. Prathapachandran. Excavation at Nagwada: A Preliminary Report. Man and Environment, XII, pp 55-65
  • 1988 Krishnan, K and K.T.M. Hegde Chemical and Petrographic Studies in Pottery of Harappa Culture in Gujarat, Journal of the M.S. University of Baroda (Humanities), 1986-87, XXXV-XXXVI (1), pp 27-56.
  • 1986 Karanth, R.V., K. Krishnan and K.T.M. Hegde. Petrography of Ancient Indian Lime Plaster. Journal of Archaeological Science, 13, pp 543-551.
Book Review
2004 Krishnan, K. Indian Archaeology in Retrospect (4 volumes) (S. Settar and Ravi Korisettar Eds.) Indian Council of Historical Research and Manohar 2002. Man and Environment XXIX(2), pp 123-125.

Other Articles