10th Thurs* Kindergarten Play date (9-10am @ Town Park). Ease first day jitters by meeting new friends

16th Wed. * Teachers First Day Back to School

*Family Gardening: (8:30-10:00am) Clean-up our School Grounds - Help us look our best!

18th Fri.* Kindergarten Play date (9-10am @ Town Park). Ease first day jitters by meeting new friends

22nd Tues. * Back To School (6:30-8:00) Parents only. Welcome back and introduction to curriculum/classroom

23rd Wed.* Kindergarten Orientation (9-10am)Parent welcome in classroom, student introduction to bus ride

* Open House (1:30-2:30pm) Families visit classroom with student and drop off supplies

* Ice Cream Social (2:00-3:00) Enjoy Ice Cream, fruit and fun activities with our special teachers



4th Mon.* School Closed – Labor Day

7th Thurs.*Hamilton Spirit Day – Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

* PTA MEETING: guest speaker: Mrs. Anderson (tips for reading at home)/ PTA Budget

8th Fri.* After School Class Registration Due for Fall Session

* Student Directory & Volunteer Forms Due

* WATCH D.O.G.S Pizza Party and Orientation (6:00-7:00pm)

15thFri.* 1950’s Spirit Day: Wear a 1950’s outfit to school

* SOCK-HOP!(5:30-7:00pm) Wear 1950’s clothes or come as you are. Enjoy root-beer floats!
6:00-6:30 – Swing dance lesson. Car Cruise-in and Crafts!

18th Mon.* After School Classes Fall Sessions Start (1 hour 1x/week for 6 weeks ending week of Oct 23rd)

28thThurs.* FAMILY BREAKFAST (7:00-7:45am) Start your day with a free healthy breakfast

* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

* WATCH D.O.G.S starts

OCTOBER 2017 *Respect*

2nd Mon* Fall Picture Day – Dress your best!

5thThurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

6thFri.* WATERFORD FAIR * TRAFFIC CONTROL * (Shifts 9:30-1:30, 1:00-5:30pm–Get equipment 30 min early)

7thSat.* WATERFORD FAIR * TRAFFIC CONTROL * Please volunteer to help raise $6,000 for our School

8th Sun.* * WATERFORD FAIR * TRAFFIC CONTROL * Please volunteer to help raise $6,000 for our School

9th Mon.* School Closed – Columbus Day

10th Tues.* PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm) guest speaker: Mrs. Beach (Artsonia)

23rdMon.* School Closed – (Staff Development)

24th Tues.*FALL BOOK FAIR OPENS - Family Shopping Night 5:30-7:00 pm

27thFri.* Class Parties

31stTuesday* Original Works comes home

NOVEMBER 2017* Kindness *

2nd Thurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day – Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

3rdFri.* FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT (6:00-7:30pm) – Celebrate the end of the quarter with the movie “Trolls”.

Bring a blanket to sit on, popcorn will be provided.


* 1st Quarter Grading Period Ends – Report Cards come home November 15th

6th Mon. * School Closed – Teacher Planning Days

7th Tues.* School Closed – Teacher Planning Days

*Atomic Trampoline Spirit Night (3:00-5:00pm) 40% of admission donated to Hamilton PTA

8th Wed* PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm)guest speaker: Mrs. Howley (Common Sense Media)

9th Thurs.*Original Works orders Due

10thFri. * Picture Re-Takes and candid Photos

13th Mon.* American Education Week Starts (Parents join student for class project and lunch in cafeteria)

15th Wed. * REFLECTIONS FAMILY NIGHT (6:00-7:30pm) -“Within Reach”Arts & Music Celebration

6:00 Doors Open - 6:30 Musical Performance –7:15 Art Show Awards

22nd-24th* School Closed– Thanksgiving Holiday

DECEMBER 2017* Responsibility *

7th Thurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

* Teacher Appreciation: Cookies!Please send a dessert in the morning OR
a student made card for the staff lounge thanking teachers for making us “smart cookies”

8th Fri. * WINTER FUN FAMILY NIGHT (5:00-7:00pm) -Pancake Dinner & Crafts for gifting

15th Fri.* FAMILY SING-ALONG(1:30pm)- Join your students to sing winter songs from around the world

18th – Jan 1st * School Closed – Winter Break

JANUARY 2018* Trustworthiness *

1st Mon.* School Closed – New Year’s Day

4thThurs. * Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

5th Fri.* After School Class Registration Due for Winter Session

10thWed.* PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm)guest speaker: Mrs. Howley (Maker Space)

15th Mon.* School Closed – Martin Luther King Jr Day

16th Tues.* After School Classes Winter Sessions Start (1 hour 1x/week for 6 weeks ending week of Feb 19th)

26thFri.* 2nd Quarter Grading Period Ends – Reports Cards come home on Feb. 7th

29thMon.* Moveable Student Holiday

FEBRUARY 2018*Mannerly*

1st Thurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

2nd Fri.* BINGO! (6:00-8:00pm) - Join us for 10 rounds of bingo and great prizes for all!
6:00 – Advance Order Pizza Served - 6:30 Games Start

8th Thurs. * PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm)guest speaker: Mrs. LaFollette (SEARCH & Futura)

9thFri.* FAMILY BREAKFAST(7:00-7:45am) -Celebrate the 100th Day of School with free breakfast

19th Mon. * School Closed – President’s Day

26th Mon. * Read Across America Week starts

MARCH2018(National Reading Month )*Empathy *

1st Thurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Pajamas to school

2nd Fri.* FAMILY NIGHT - BEDTIME STORIES with MILK & COOKIES (6:00-7:00pm) - Come in your pajamas and

cozy up with milk and cookies while our Hamilton teachers read us some of their favorite bedtime


7thWed.* PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm)Nominating committees special presentation: Joel Esslinger, school

psychologist: The impact of sleep on students


26th – 30th* School Closed – Spring Break

APRIL 2017 (National Poetry Month) * Cooperation *

2ndMon. * School Closed – Staff Development

3rd Tues*After School Class Registration Due for Spring Session

5th Thurs.*PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm) Special presentation: Loudoun Vision 20/20 & Board Nominations

* Hamilton Spirit Day - Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

6th Fri.* 3rd Quarter Grading Period Ends – Reports Cards come home on April 18th8

9thMon.* School Closed – Teacher Planning Day

12th Thurs.* FAMILY NIGHT – S.T.E.A.M Night (5:00-7:00pm) - w/ Taco Dinner available for purchase

16th Mon.* Spring & Class Photos

*After School Classes Spring Sessions Start (1 hour 1x/week for 6 weeks ending week of May 21st)

24th Tues.* FAMILY BREAKFAST (7:00-7:45am)“Poem in Your Pocket Day” with a free healthy breakfast

25thWed.* Administrative Professionals Day

MAY 2017 *Perseverance*

2nd Wed. * 5th Grade Panorama Picture

3rd Thurs.* Hamilton Spirit Day – Wear Hamilton Spirit Wear or Blue

7thMon.* Staff Appreciation Week: Stock the Lounge (Each class sends in their assigned snack type)

8thTues.* Staff Appreciation Week: Bucks for Books (Send a dollar for Classroom Library Books)

9thWed.* Staff Appreciation: Words from the Heart (Send cards for staff saying “thank you”)

10th Thurs.* Staff Appreciation: You are “Souper” Lunch (Sign-up for an item to contribute)

11thFri. * Staff Appreciation: Wear your Teacher’s favorite color

17th Thurs.* Family Gardening 9:00-10:30am: Help clean-up winter debris and edge beds

23rdWed.* PTA Meeting (6:30-7:30pm) Board Elections

28thMon. * School Closed – Memorial Day

JUNE 2017

11thMon.* 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony & Celebration (12:00 pm)

12th Tues.*Water/Field/Movie Day


* 4th Quarter Grading Period Ends


If you are interested, the county has 3 parent organizations that meet monthly in Ashburn. Meetings are open to all.

* Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC): 3rd Tuesday of the month 7-9pm

* Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC): 3rd Wednesday of the month 7-9pm

* Loudoun Education Alliance of Parents (LEAP): 2nd Wednesday of the month 7-9pm

Hamilton Elementary PTA - Helping you be Informed and Involved.