Deception Pass Park Foundation

Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2013 Board Meeting

I. Call to order

·  Liz Merriman called to order the regular meeting of the Deception Pass Park Foundation at 6:00 PM on Wednesday January 30, 2013 in the Deception Pass Park Administration Office.

II.  Roll call

·  The following members were present: Liz Merriman, Barry Wenaas, Steve Young, George Churchill, Estelle Johnson, Barbara Shaw, Matt Klope, Brian Shelly, Sam Wotikpa, and Park Manager Jack Hartt. Also present were park neighbors Julian and Jean Lee, Abbie Martin from the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce, Karen Rye, Ken Hunt, Larry Stiles, Vince Triano and Bud Betz from the WIRCA.

III.  Approval of agenda and minutes from last meeting

·  George C. moved to accept the agenda as presented, seconded by Estelle J., and there were no objections.

·  The minutes from the 27 February meeting were presented. The motion for approval was so moved by George C. and seconded by Barry W. There were no objections. It was noted and taken for action that Rick Colombo’s last name was misspelled.

IV.  Officers Reports

a)  President’s report:

·  Liz M. noted and we thank Sam W. for the extra submissions and, therefore, traffic on the Foundation’s Facebook page. It was agreed to aim for putting all the Foundation’s events and Park interest stories on as well.

·  Liz M. distributed the 2013 Calendar and asked for suggestions to help massage it into a viable tool.

·  With the addition of new members and the beginning of a new year, Liz M. recommended a board retreat in March/April. Liz M. to take action.

·  Liz M. will develop and distribute job descriptions for board members.

·  Jack H. will present the “State of Parks” at the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce 16 May. Liz M. will approach the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce to offer the same – with Jack’s permission.

b)  Treasurer’s report:

·  A financial statement was presented with a balance as of February 27, 2013 of $50,276.14. A motion for approval was so moved by Barry W. and seconded by Liz M. There were no objections.

V.  Committee Reports

a)  Fundraising Committee update:

·  The 2013 Deception Pass Challenge committee is on track.

·  The Deception Pass 2014 Calendar committee is on track.

·  Upcoming Musselfest in Coupeville includes a bike race. – Barb S. and Estelle J. will represent the Foundation with a booth at the Rec. Hall.

·  Next Fundraising Committee meeting will be 14 March at 5:00 PM at the park Admin Office.

b)  Project Committee update:

·  Sam W. presented an update of the general interpretive budget spent and projects completed, in progress, and ready for funding: Sam has the detailed listing available for review and a copy will be attached to final copy of this months minutes.

·  Requested funds: Funding up to $1,500 for NASWI and Rosario signage project, moved to vote by Barry W, seconded by Barb S. and approved by Board voice vote.

VI.  Unfinished business

·  Scholarship Program Proposal/Process – this will be on hold until after the summer fundraising events.

VII.  New Business

·  The idea of a yurt/cabin at Quarry Pond for a steady stream income source was discussed. It was decided a business plan would be a good first step. Will check on progress at next board meeting.

  1. Adjournment

·  Liz Merriman adjourned the meeting at 7:20 PM

·  Meeting minutes submitted by Stephen Young. Secretary.