[Department/NDPB name, Comms activity name]

Professional Assuranceapproved

Communications Activity

6 Monthly Evaluation Review


Version Feb 2016

[Date published]

Produced by:

[Name, title/responsibility]

PA Reference No:

EvaluationProfessional Assurance Report Template

The6 month evaluation review of your marketing communications activityshould seek to provide robust evidence of how it contributed to the stated communication objectives as they relate to policy objectives.

Some simpler/smaller activities may not requirevery detailed evaluation, whereas more complex/larger activities will require more extensive evaluation. For many activities the full outcomes and payback may not be visible after only 6 months.

This template lays out a best practice approach to communication evaluation and reporting, and should be followed as far as possible. For the Evaluation Framework, which offers guidance on planning and implementing communications evaluation, please visit the GCS website:

Evaluation reports should be returned within 6 months of the end of the communications activity support by a case studyto:


1.1Brief context on why this activity was required and what was its overall Impact? ?

  • Provide a brief background on the activity (i.e. why it was required) as well as a summary of how the communications activity has “worked” overall in achieving the communications objectives.
  • Highlight areas of the activity that were most effective and those that did not meet expectations.
  • Also highlight any creative or innovative approaches undertaken and/or any potential savings made.

1.2 Key Insights for the Future

Highlight lessons learned– insights gained that you can use to inform future stages/share with othersand indicate whether this activity can be worked up into a case study.


2.1 Objectives and Target Audience:

  • State the key policy objectives that this activity is linked to and how the communication was intended to support the organisation.
  • Outline the target audiences.
  • State the objectives and the role established for communications.
  • Outline how you expected the activity to work (using a journey map if appropriate)

2.2 Communications Strategy

  • Include details of all relevant Inputs(the activity that took place) and highlight any changes made from the original PA submission.
  • Outline the creative approach used(with details of the core messaging/proposition that was used in the campaign)
  • Provide copies of any creative material/content execution that was created for this activity (as an appendix to this report).
  • Reference research and/or insight used to inform the communications strategy and detail how the insight was sourced and used (as an appendix if necessary).

2.3Costs and timing of activity

  • Provide detailed costs for and timing of the activity (inc. start and end dates of activities)

2.4 KPIs and Targets

  • Outline any targets orKPIs set for this activity


3.1Approach to Evaluation

  • Outline the overall evaluation approach taken.

3.2 The Performance Metrics

  • Provide a summary of the main performance metrics used to evaluate the campaign with a focus on outcomes.
  • Ensure these relate back to the objectives of the activity and any targets/KPIs set.

3.3 Data Sources Used

  • Provide details of the data sources used (including how and when the data collected and by who)
  • Includedata from third parties and/orexternal agencies.


4.1The Findings

  • Highlight how the activity performed in terms of:
  • Outputs(what was delivered & target audience reached)– Overall coverage and reach achieved via channels used (linked to the Inputsdetailed in 2.2).
  • Outtakes (what the target audience think, feel or do to make a decision) – the reception of your communicationin terms of recall, understanding of and engagement with your message/s and the effect on your target audience, includinglikelihood to act.
  • Outcomes(the result of your activity on the target audience)-how the activity performed in terms of generating advocacy (i.e. word of mouth both off-line and online), changing attitudes and/or behaviours and/orany direct response to calls to action.
  • Organisational Impact(the quantifiable impact on the organisations goals)
  • Payback and ROMI– Where appropriateprovide either Return on Investment (RoI) or a cost per result (CPR) for the activity.
  • Outline any barriers or issues (e.g. with customer journey) that emerged and how they were addressed, including any external factorsthat took place during the period being evaluated that may have had a positive or adverse impact on the outcome (such as a policy change, economic issue, seasonality issue, news event/s, or ‘competitive’ activity)..
  • Provide any ‘control’ data gathered and/or isolate the results of any tests that you carried out from the main body of results supplied.


5.1Key Insights for the Future

  • Highlight any significant learnings and insights that arose from the evaluation.
  • State what this means for any future communications activity designed to address the policy objective.