(March 12, 2007, amended 3/17)

Participants Present:

Claudio Borri +39 055 479-6543

Andrej Bulat

Federico Flueckiger

Maria Larrondo Petrie +1 561 297-3899, Cell: +1 561 308-5568

Lueny Morell +1 787 819-7418, Cell: +1 787 370-0031

Spencer Potter +1 (202) 331-3504

Nicolò Wojewoda +31 648043237

Cc: Hans Hoyer +1 (202) 331-3511

Frank Huband +1 (202) 331-3545

Ali Kaylan

Patti Greenawalt +1 (202) 331-3522

Dennis Cummings +1 (202) 331-3502

Minutes: (Highlights show who needs to follow up)

·  Meeting Started 10:37 am EST

·  Discussed the Sep. 30 IFEES Colloquium Draft Program (see updated draft attached)

o  Conference will start at 8:30 am with Registration/Coffee/Tea

o  The 1st session (9:00am-???) will have the theme: Setting the Stage – Global Challenges and Opportunities Facing Engineering Education and will have 5 speakers:

1.  IFEES Vision and Strategic Plan

Confirmed Speaker: Claudio Borri, President of IFEES

2.  Pilars of the Knowledge Based Economy – The Role of Engineering Education

Speaker from the World Bank Institute – Either Bruno Andre LaPorte –Hans to follow up

3.  Theme TBD

Council of National Academies – William A. Wulf – to be invited by Maria

4.  Theme TBD

European Commission – Sieglinde Gruber – Letter sent by Claudio, waiting for reply.

5.  Theme TBD

European University Associations – Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer – Former Rector of Istanbul Technical University and Board Member of the EUA – Claudio will invite

o  The 2nd session (2:30pm - ???) will have the theme: Global Strategies Addressing Engineering Education Challenges and Opportunities and will have 5 speakers:

6.  Global Engineering Deans Council – Benchmarking Best Practices Worldwide

Seeram Ramakrishna – Dean of Engineering National University of Singapore – Maria has invited, will confirm.

7.  Building, Maintaining and Expanding Student Participation Worldwide in IFEES

Andrej Bulat, or Nicolo Wojewoda will represent BEST/SPEEDO – Andrej or Nicolo will confirm

8.  Industry and the Public Sector’s Role

Daimler Chrysler (Turkey)– Hans, or (Nicolo will ask BEST President Omer Hantal for Turkish industry reps) or Dassault – Claudio will invite if Daimler Chrysler cannot present.

9.  Theme TBD

Representative of Turkish Government –Kemal Gürüz– Federico will invite, in collaboration with Ali Kaylan

10.  Africa

President of the new African Engineering Education Association – Funcho Falade – Lueny will invite

o  The 3rd Session – 3 different alternatives were discussed:

a)  Originally – Lueny suggested having 3 rapporteur’s take notes during the conference and give their thoughts on what was said and open for discussion

b)  Maria suggested that the four vice presidents present their vision for the area for which they are responsible and call for participation in their committees

c)  Claudio suggested that we address Quality Issues in Engineering Education and invite:

11.  EUR-ACE Project Coordinator, and NIA?? – Giuliano Augusti, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"

12.  Someone from ABET - ???

We ran out of time to discuss fully, but the general thought was to do the rapporteur’s and the vice president’s report and call for participation at the IFEES Business Meeting, and go with Claudio’s suggestion.

·  Invitations will be done first informally to find out availability and then formally.

o  Spence will send Maria IFEES draft letterhead

Claudio and Federico will send Maria their electronic signatures

o  Lueny will send a copy of the letter to check for availability she uses to Maria

o  Maria will compose a draft letter that will be used by the person that will invite containing Claudio’s signature as president and both conference co-chair’s signature

·  Logistics of the conference was discussed but many questions came up:

o  Venu: Bosphorus University

ð  What is the sitting capacity? Maria will find out from Patti Greenawalt

ð  Transportation: Do they have buses to transport participants from the conference hotels? Maria will find out from Patti Greenawalt

ð  Audio Visuals/Laptops: Is there a cost associated or is this part of the venu donation? Maria will find out from Patti Greenawalt

o  Audience

ð  Claudio feels it should be as open as possible to maximize IFEES visibility and growth

ð  Need to know the maximum target number to set costs – will discuss next conference call

o  Registration

ð  Do we need separate registration or part of ASEE? Do we need separate Name Tags? Maria will find out from Patti Greenawalt

o  Budget and Cost to Participants:

ð  Need to know the maximum target number to set costs – will discuss next conference call

o  IFEES Program/Handout

ð  IFEES Brochure – Colloquium Program? What will be distributed? – will discuss next conference call

o  Sponsorship:

ð  Turkish Deans Council was discussed in an email by Hans. Does sponsorship mean? Sponsor breaks/lunch/materials?

o  Invitations to participate:

As soon as the program is finalized and the costs are set we need to do a call for participation to the target audience. We can disseminate through the membership (liaison) list of IFEES and other venues.

ð  Will there be online pre-registration? Will it be through the www.ifees.net or through the ASEE online registration system? Can someone just register for the IFEES Colloquium and business meeting?

ð  Federico pointed out that an online search does not produce our IFEES page in the first page of links. Hans should ask Dennis Cummings, the ASEE webmaster to look into how to purchase the IFEES name in GOOGLE, MSN, YAHOO so that it pops up as the first entry, or at least on the first list of 10.

·  Next conference call to be scheduled week of April 9. Preferably Wednesday, April 11 at 9am EST. Spence please check with Lueny to see if it can be set up.

·  Meeting Adjourned: 11:38 am EST

Prepared by: Maria Larrondo Petrie

First IFEES Colloquium

Sunday, September 30th

Istanbul, Turkey

Draft as of March 12, 2007

Theme: Making Engineering Attractive


·  Share strategic developments, innovations, challenges and problems that engineering education organizations face around the world.

·  Identify the common problems that can be addressed by international collaboration.

Target groups:

·  Main organizations, actors and stakeholders interested in joining IFEES

·  Non-engineering education organizations heavily involved in socio-economic development (NGO, banks (WB), investors, foundations, etc) interested in learning about IFEES and helping craft/sponsor the roadmap

Sessions/Topic / Speaker / Who invites? / Support?
8:30 / Registration, Coffee, Tea
Session A - Theme: Setting the Stage - Global Challenges and Opportunities Facing Engineering Education
9:00 – 9:25 / 1. IFEES Vision and Strategic Plan / Claudio Borri, IFEES President / Claudio
9:25 – 9:55 / 2. Pillars of the Knowledge Based Economy – the Role of Engineering Education / Bruno LaPorte, World Bank Institute:
(or who replaces Frannie Leautier) ( , +1 202 473-2780 or Fax: +1 202 676-0855) / Hans
9:55 – 10:25 / 3. Theme TBD / Sieglinde Gruber, European Commission (, European Commission Office SDME 03/51, B-1049 Brussels, Tel. (32-2)29-84342 or FAX: (32-2)29-99079) / Claudio
Coffee Break
10:40 – 11:10 / 4. Theme TBD / William A. Wulf, Council of National Academies: (, Tel: +1 (202) 334-3201, Asst: Barbara Schlein, – FAX 202 334-1680) / Maria
11:10 – 11:40 / 5. Theme TBD / Gülsün Sağlamer, European University Associations . (may be old info: , İTÜ Rektörlüğü, Ayazaga Campus, Maslak, İstanbul Tel: +90 (212) 285 33 33, FAX: +90 (212) 285 66 10 ) / Claudio
Session B – Theme: Quality and Program Recognition
11:40 – 12:10 / 11. EUR-ACE / EUR-ACE Project Coordinator, and NIA?? – Giuliano Augusti, Università di Roma "La Sapienza" ( 39 6 44585155: 39 6 44884852 / Claudio?
12:10 – 12:40 / 12. ABET
12:40 – 14:10 / Lunch
Session C - Theme: Global Strategies Addressing Engineering Education Challenges and Opportunities
14:10 – 14:40 / 6. Global Engineering Deans Council – Benchmarking Best Practices Worldwide / Seeram Ramakrishna, Dean of Engineering, National University of Singapore (, Tel: (65) 6874-6591 (GMT +8 hours) Fax: (61) 6872-3638 ) / Maria
15:10 – 15:40 / 7. Building, Maintaining and Expanding Student Participation Worldwide in IFEES / Andrej Bulat or Nicolo Wojewoda, BEST/SPEEDO – European and Global Student Organizations , or / Andrej and Nicolo
15:40 – 16:10 / 8. Industry and the Public Sector’s Role / Daimler-Chrysler (Turkey) or Dassault
Daimler Chrysler (Turkey)– Hans, or (Andrej or Nicolo will ask BEST President Homer Hantal?? ) or Dassault – Claudio will invite if Daimler Chrysler cannot present / Hans/Andrej/Nicolo - Daimler-Chrysler or Claudio -Dassault
16:10 – 16:25 / Break
16:25 – 16:55 / 9. Theme TBD / Kemal Gürüz, Turkish Government / Federico and Ali Kaylan
16:55 – 17:25 / 10. Africa / Funsho Falade, President, African Association of Engineering Education () / Lueny
Session D – Overview of 4 IFEES Area
17:25 – 18:05 / 11. Panel of IFEES Vice Presidents / Norbert Kraker, Sipho Madonsela
Javier Páez Saavedra, Nitte Shetty / ???? Extra time so I added
18:05 / Session E - Closing Remarks / Claudio Borri / Claudio
18:15 / Adjourn

Information on the keynote speaker gathered on the Internet

Wm. A. Wulf Biography

Wm. A. Wulf is president of the National Academy of Engineering and vice chair of the National Research Council, the principal operating arm of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering. He is on leave from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, where he is a University Professor and AT&T Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Among his activities at the university are a complete revision of the undergraduate computer science curriculum, research on computer architecture and computer security, and an effort to assist humanities scholars exploit information technology. Wulf has had a distinguished professional career that includes serving as assistant director of the National Science Foundation; chair and chief executive officer of Tartan Laboratories Inc., Pittsburgh; and professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. He is the author of more than 100 papers and technical reports, has written three books, and holds two U.S. patents.


Prof. Gülsün Sağlamer

Former Rector of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) from
1996-2004, Gülsün Sağlamer is currently the President of ITU’s technology park and incubation centre, the Advanced Research and Innovation (ARI) Teknocity. She is an Executive Board member of the International Association of University Presidents, an active member of the CESAER network and Vice President of the CMU and an EUA Board member since 2005. She served on the Executive Board of the national SME development agency from 2002-2004.

Gülsün Sağlamer is a professor of architecture. She has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University and a visiting professor at Queen’s University in Belfast. She is a member of the editorial board of three international scientific journals and has been on numerous juries, most recently for the prestigious Daimler-Chrysler-UNESCO Mondialogo Engineering Prize. She has received several architectural prizes and was awarded Honoris Causa by Carleton University, Canada (2001) and Universitatea de Nord Din Baia Mare University, Romania (2002).

During her tenure she has successfully completed an ambitious reform programme at ITU that restructured all undergraduate and graduate programmes, mobilised diverse funding sources to substantially expand the institution’s research infrastructure, and created new mechanisms for orienting research and education towards market-driven innovation. Above all, she has been a strong proponent of internationalisation in higher education and of establishing quality culture for sustainable improvement.



Prof Seeram Ramakrishna BEng, MTech, PhD

Dr Seeram Ramakrishna is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering at the National University of Singapore (NUS). As Dean of Engineering, Professor Seeram leads the largest research intensive Engineering school, which is ranked No. 9 amongst the world’s technology universities by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES). The Faculty has strategic partnerships with top Engineering schools in USA, Europe, China and India. Under his leadership, the Faculty has established three new departments namely Bioengineering, Environmental Science & Engineering, and Materials Science & Engineering, and three new programs namely Engineering Science, Engineering Systems, and Management of Science & Technology.
Professor Seeram is a board member of Defence Science & Technology Agency (DSTA), Ministry of Defense; Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore; Australian National University Engineering School, and more than 10 research centers & institutes. He serves on various regional and international alliances for promoting Engineering education and cooperation.
Besides, he actively promotes nanoengineering research & education as Co-Director of the NUS Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative (NUSNNI).
Honors and Awards:
Professor Seeram serves on the editorial boards of eight international journals and is a peer reviewer for about two-dozen journals. He is the author of over 150 journal papers, 20 book chapters, 8 edited volumes, and two books ‘An Introduction to Biocomposite Materials’ and ‘An Introduction to Electrospinning & Nanofibers’. He is an inventor of 10 new technologies related to biocomposites, electrospinning, tissue engineering, and membranes. He is a visiting professor of Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, MIT, USA; Technical University of Munich, Germany; Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India; and Tongji University, China. He received numerous research awards and honors worldwide, which include: Fellow of Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), UK; Fellow of Institution of Engineers Singapore (FIES); Fellow of Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (FIMMM), UK; Fellow of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (FAIMBE), USA; ICMAT2005 Best Poster Award; Hewlett-Packard and FEER Gold Medal; NUS Outstanding University Researcher Award; Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship from Singapore government; Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the Asia-Australia Conference on Composite Materials; Young Investigator Award from Japan Society of Artificial Organs; Japan Society for Promotion of Science Award; Best Paper award from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Seeram Ramakrishna, PhD

Engineering Dean


National University of Singapore (NUS)

Singapore 117576

Phone: (65) 6874-6591 (GMT +8 hours)

Fax: (61) 6872-3638

