IRRELEVANT SENTENCE PRACTICE - Read the paragraphs below and UNDERLINE the sentence that does not fit the topic of each.
1. (I) The Greek islands make a perfect place to go on holiday. (II) There are literally hundreds of islands to choose from. (III) Many of the Greek islands are still very unspoiled and quiet, retaining traces of a more peaceful pace of life. (IV) Athens is the rather overcrowded and polluted capital of Greece. (V) For those wanting more excitement, there are islands with plenty of bars and restaurants. (VI) Getting to the islands could not be easier; there are regular ferry connections to all the main islands from Athens and Raffina.
2. (I) Although often referred to as tidal waves, a tsunami is not a usual wave which is only much bigger. (II) Instead it is an endlessly onrushing tide that forces its way through any obstacle. (III) Most of the damage is caused by the huge mass of water behind the initial wave front. (IV) The sheer weight of water is enough to pulverize objects in its path, often reducing buildings to their foundations. (V) People unaware of the danger may remain at the shore for collecting fish from the exposed seabed.
3. (I) Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. (II) They cover about 7% of the Earth's surface and are havens for millions of plants and animals. (III) The plants of the rainforests generate much of the Earth's oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. (IV) There are many types of tropical rainforests in the world. (V) However these plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.
4- (I) Science is systematic because of the attention it gives to organizing knowledge and making it readily accessible to all who wish to build on its foundation. (II) If the results support the hypothesis, the scientist may use them to generate related hypothesis. (III) In this way science is both a personal and a social endeavor. (IV) In other words, it is beneficial both to the individual and to society at large. (V) Therefore, science contributes a great deal to the improvement and the quality of human life.
5- (I) Seismic waves are the vibrations from earthquakes that travel through Earth. (II) The Richter magnitude scale was developed in 1935 by Charles F. Richter of the California Institute of Technology to compare the intensity of earthquakes. (III) They are recorded on instruments called seismographs. (IV) Seismographs record a zigzag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations beneath the instrument. (V) Sensitive seismographs, which greatly magnify these ground movements, can detect strong earthquakes from sources anywhere in the world.
6. (I) Even if it sounds odd to many of us, some ice cream manufacturer allegedly once tried a ketchup ice cream. (II) Ketchup dates back as far as 1600 AD, when sailors traveling to China discovered a sauce called ketsiap. (III) It was a sauce that was made out of soy or oysters and didn't contain tomatoes. (IV) This version quickly changed ingredients to include mushrooms, anchovies and lemon peel. (V) Then in the late 1700's tomato ketchup began the transformation to today's sweet tomato version.
Each central idea is followed by three statements that provide relevant, on-target support and three that do not. In the spaces, write the letters of the three relevant statements of support.
1. Central Idea: Elephants are very intelligent animals.
A. For years, hunters shot elephants to obtain the ivory from their tusks. B. Like chimps, elephants can recognize their reflections in mirrors. C. Elephants tear off branches of trees to use as fly swatters. D. Elephants have been seen keeping vigil over their dead companions. E. An elephant can live as long as sixty-five years. F. Elephants should not be forced to perform in circuses.
Items that logically support the Central Idea: ______
2. Central Idea: Drinking coffee can be bad for people.
A. Some people don’t like the taste of decaffeinated coffees. B. Coffee in the evening can interfere with sleep at night. C. As addictions go, coffee is less dangerous than tobacco. D. Too much coffee can cause the hands to shake. E. Drinking too much coffee can lead to a faster heartbeat and light-headedness. F. Most coffees cost under five dollars a pound.
Items that logically support the Central Idea: ______
3. Central Idea: If you think school is difficult, it’s even harder for older students.
A. Studies show that more and more adults are returning to school. B. It takes a lot of work to re-learn study habits. C. Many older students have family and job responsibilities in addition to classes. D. Some older students are afraid of not “fitting in.” E. It is never too late to gain new knowledge. F. Older students can contribute to class discussions by talking about their “real-world” experiences.
Items that logically support the Central Idea: ______
4. Central Idea: Workers in early American factories led difficult lives.
A. The average work day was twelve hours long. B. Early factory workers were paid pennies an hour. C. Female factory workers often worked in textile mills. D. The first American factories were built in the late 1700s. E. All workers on power machines risked accidents that could maim or kill. F. Labor unions have greatly improved conditions in today’s factories.
Items that logically support the Central Idea: ______