Southern States Communication Association
Ethnography Interest Group Business Meeting
Minutes for April 10, 2015
5:50 meeting started
I. Linda Vangelis announced business from Southern States Communication Association’s business meeting: SSCA’s strategic plan is a working document that is uploaded on the website, and SSCA is asking for feedback and help to update it. Everyone should check it out.
II. Next year the SSCA conference will be in Austin, Texas. When everyone registers for the conference, please check the ethnography as an interest group since this helps determine our role as interest group, etc. We had 5 panels this year.
III. Linda V. turned meeting over to Deborah Breede. Deb asked for ideas to help plan for next year’s conference.
- DeborahB. suggested centering around 1) ethnography of food, music, the west; 2) landscapes for dialogue and healing; 3) invisible cultures.
- Other suggestions 1) partnering with performance studies division or philosophy and ethics; 2) preconference at NCA maybe looking at tourism and tie it to SSCA…boundary blurring; 3) look at narrative and legend; 4) contact Guy Clark to see if he will attend-maybe as a spotlight speaker; 5) connect with other interest groups to appeal to a larger audience; 6) get local bands to perform and explore ideas of music as catalyst for writing and site for ethnography; 7) the largest record fair in the world (sells old recorders and highly attended event) is in Austin, and we could include ethnography of space. Austin Record Fair.
IV. Liz Edgecomb reported on this year’s conference: All panels the ethnography interest group recommended for inclusion in SSCA were accepted. The group had 13 student submissions and 10 accepted; 9 faculty submissions and 6 accepted; 2 panel submissions and 1 accepted. Congrats to Liz E. for organizing this year’s panels.
V. Elections: 2 positions open Vice Chair-Elect and Secretary.
A. Linda V. nominated Cara Mackie for Vice Chair-Elect. Tom Frentz seconded and moved for vote. No discussion and vote unanimous. Cara M. will be Vice Chair-Elect 2015-16.
B. Davis Lee nominated self for Secretary and Jennifer Erdely nominated self for Secretary. Christine Davis called for private vote. Private vote. David
L. is voted in as Secretary for 2015-16.
Officers for 2015-16
Linda V. - Immediate Past-Chair; Liz E.-Chair; Deborah B.- Vice Chair; Cara M.- Vice Chair-Elect; David L.- Secretary
6:15 meeting adjourned
Officer Contact Information for 2015- 2016 conference, Ethnography Interest Group
Immediate Past Chair:
Linda Vangelis
Christopher Newport University
Liz Edgecomb
Xavier University of Louisiana
Deborah Breede
Coastal Carolina University
Vice-Chair Elect
Cara Mackie
Florida Southern College
David Lee
Oglethorpe University