Teach Ag Scavenger Hunt
Your job today is to find all of the owls that are hiding in the Holden Agricultural Department. Each owl contains an answer to one of the questions below. The first team to finish with the most correct answers wins! Good luck!
There is to be no running at any time!
Do not leave the agricultural department areas. These areas include both classrooms, the shop, and the greenhouse.
Leave the owls where you find them!
Have fun!
1. What is the average starting salary for the agriculture teacher? $40,142
2. What is the average number of extended contract days for the agriculture teacher? 37
3. What NAAE region is Missouri in? IV
4. What does NAAE stand for? National Associate of Agriculture Educators
5. What does MVATA stand for? Missouri Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association
6. How many female agriculture teachers teach in Region IV? 907
7. What states are located in region IV? Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio
8. Nationwide, how many agricultural education teaching positions were left open in 2015? 1028
9. Nationwide, how many agricultural teachers retired in 2015? 248
10. In Missouri, which college could you attend to obtain your agricultural education degree? Northwest Missouri State University, College of the Ozarks, Missouri State University, Southeast Missouri State University, or University of Missouri
11. Nationwide, how many agricultural education programs closed? 42
12. In Region VI, how many agricultural education graduates were there in 2015? 114
13. In Region VI, how many agricultural education programs are there? 1462
14. How many agricultural teachers are in Region VI? 2021
15. In Missouri, how many students are enrolled in agricultural education? 26,724
16. How many agricultural teachers are in the state of Missouri? 441
17. On average, how many students are enrolled in the agricultural education program in Missouri? 80.7
18. In Missouri, how many high school agricultural education programs are there? 332
19. In Missouri, how many middle school agricultural education programs are there? 210
20. How many four-year colleges and technical schools in the state of Missouri offer postsecondary agriculture programs? 17