
Attention, Attention. This is the captain speaking.

We have landed on a planet called FLIMIBUFF. It is amazingly similar to earth. We have been working day and night for two months trying to regain communication with earth. We have failed. We will all die unless we fight for our lives. We will be forced to settle here and start a new life.

Time is running short; after five days, we will run out of food, water and fuel. We will spend the next week planning our new society. Although I will be an advisor and participant, you will be responsible for the success of our society. You will work with your group and complete the task assigned. Obviously, it is in the best interest of the group for you to work in a group that best uses your unique talents, even if it does not mean working with your friends.

We will divide into groups according to the following tasks:

Educational system - On Flimibuff, we can correct the errors made in the American educational system. Decide at what age children should begin school, what subjects should be taught, what our educational goals should be, and how we should train our teachers. You should also consider our need for a library and how we might recover the literature we have lost by leaving earth.

Language - Every community develops a body of colloquial or slang language along with its formal language. The planet is a new place, so we need some new words.

Write a dictionary of new words to be used to describe the unique features of and events on Flimibuff.

Constitution and government - You must write a basic Constitution setting up the basis for our government and law. Organize a system of community government and write the basic laws by which we may live together in harmony. You should consider the Bill of Rights, the court system, and the police department. How will we deal with complex moral/social/legal issues like abortion?

Customs, costumes, and food - We have left behind our traditions of our native land. You should decide what customs our new community should observe and how our family life should be organized. Consider moral standards as well as social norms. You should also design the dress for our people and determine what types of food we will eat and how we will get it.

Map and transportation - This new land must be explored and charted. You should design a plan for construction of our community and a system of public and private transportation. Design our homes, schools, stores, and whatever other dwellings we will need.

Occupations and currency - Many new kinds of jobs will be necessary on our new planet. Remember, we have no machines except what's aboard ship. Develop a system of currency and credit so people will be able to buy what they need.

Recreation and Entertainment - All work and no play makes Flimibuff a dull planet.

Decide what games or sports might be suitable for our new planet's terrain

(Flimiturf). What diversions might we create to entertain ourselves?

Each person will choose a group to work with and put their best creative effort into their team. You will have time in class to plan your part of our planet and you will present your part of our planet on Thursday/Friday. Each person on the team is required to present a portion of your team’s findings. Feel free to teach us your new game or language, bring a sampling of your food, or whatever you feel will make us understand your part of the planet. Creativity counts here, so get into it! Work together, be creative, have fun, and let your imaginations run wild! As in the real world, if any group works totally independently of the rest of the groups, the society will not work.