Project: Biodiversity Management Programme: EDF/2012/23-700

Subject: Short Term Consultancy for Regional Database Expert for Implementation of IGAD Biodiversity Common Database.

Closing date : August 12, 2015, 10 at 16:00hrs Djibouti time

Country : Djibouti

City : Djibouti

Organisation : Intergovernmental Authority on Development

Theme : Biodiversity Management Programme

Career category : Computer Science/Information Technology

Job years of experience : 5+ Years working on EIAs, Database Management

Job type : Consultancy

Project : IGAD-Biodiversity Management Programme

Title : Regional Consultant

Type of contract : Short Term Individual Consultant

Position of Title : Regional Database Expert/Consultant

Duty station : IGAD-Djibouti

Consultancy Duration : 2 Months (Sept 1 to Oct 31, 2015)

Accountable to : Programme Manager for Environment Protection

Number of Consultants: One (Regional Expert)

Deadline : Consultancy Deadline October 31, 2015

Objectives and tasks

The main objectives of the consultancy will be to collaborate with the BMP TA international database expert, and together with the regional biodiversity expert, in implementing the IGAD common database at selected national institutions, implementing partners and IGAD. The database will be implemented using hardware and software to be procured and installed by the BMP. The database model will be designed to meet the needs of efficient biodiversity information management, including assistance with Aichi target reporting (Convention on Biological Diversity – CBD). Trainings in database operation, maintenance and administration will be designed and delivered to technical staff of each host institution. Sample data will be migrated into the database according to adopted standards and procedures. Performance will be tested using standard queries. Maintenance and update procedures will be designed and implemented.

The following tasks are envisioned for the consultancy:

·  Participation in the design and implementation of the biodiversity database model and schema using PostgreSQL software and MS server;

·  Participation on implementation and operation of open source QuantumGIS software

·  Preparation of sample biodiversity data for migration into the database;

·  Participation in the design and testing of data migration procedures for each host institution;

·  Quality assurance of formatting and input of data received from disparate sources ;

·  Design of specialized query and analysis tasks for each database installation;

·  Implementation and testing of data and metadata catalogue for each database;

·  Training of assigned project staff on the use and administration of the database;

·  Preparation of documentation and operating manual on how to use the database;

Work with the Web Application Developer to develop and maintain a web interface for the database, in consultation with the IGAD Database expert and Team Leader.

Outcome and expected outputs (deliverables)

The outcome of the assignment will include:

·  Biodiversity relational databases, implemented and tested at the host institutions

·  Developed and delivered training programs to assigned staff at the host institutions

·  Migrated sample data available from the host and global sources

·  Manuals and Guides needed to operate and maintain the implemented database and GIS

·  Customized biodiversity applications such as queries and reports delivered and documented

The expect outputs (deliverable are as follows:

·  11 database implementation reports (3 IPs, 7 MS, 1 IGAD)

The template of the reports will be prepared in collaboration with the BMP TA international expert and agreed by the BMP.

Qualifications and experience:

The Applicant shall have the qualifications listed below:

·  University degree in Computer Sciences or related technical field is required;

·  Microsoft certifications in Access or SQL Server is beneficial;

·  Training or certification in MS SQL, PostgreSQL, PostGIS or similar programs is beneficial

·  Training or certification in QuantumGIS or ArcGIS is beneficial

The Applicant shall have work, training or academic experience as follows:

·  Minimum of 4 years work experience in database design or database administration, data management and data analysis;

·  Ability to use PostgreSQL version 9.1.0 and higher, i.e. enter data, update records and fields, modify database structure, generate customized reports;

·  Experience in SQL

·  Ability to design the structure of the database and write appropriate interfaces (e.g. Microsoft Excel) for data entry and ensure data quality and security;

·  Experience in training project personnel in the use of database management software applications;

·  Experience in writing and maintaining database design documentation and operating manuals;

·  Ability to manipulate large data sets

·  Ability to design and test optimal means of data mining

·  Excellent spoken and written communication skills in English


The database regional expert will work closely with the IT technical team of the host institution and IGAD under the direct supervision of the IGAD TA international database expert. His or her duties will include day-to-day interaction with the regional biodiversity expert and with technical staff involved in database implementation and operation and investigate optimal methods of data management and mining for each host site. He or she will participate in the development of data and metadata catalogue, customized database queries, data migration and database update methods.

How to Apply

Application letters shall include:

·  Curriculum Vitae in IGAD template (here attached)

·  Cover letter including a clear identification of the vacancy reference number and a brief explanation of what you believe makes you the most suitable candidate for the advertised position.

The detailed Terms of Reference can be obtained from the IGAD website;

Experts from within IGAD Region are encouraged to participate.

The above invitation should be sent to the following address:

CV TEMPLATE (Must be used to apply for the job)

1. Family name:

2. First names:

3. Date of birth:

4. Nationality:

5. Civil status:

6. Education:

(Date from - Date to) / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:

7. Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing

8. Other skills: Computer literacy, etc…

9. Present position:

10. Key qualifications (related to the assignment):



11. Specific experience in the region:

Country / Date from - Date to

12. Professional record:

Date from: Date to: Location:







Date from: Date to: Location:







Date from: Date to: Location:








13. Other relevant information (e.g., Publications, Trainings, etc)