Teachers Guide

Unit 1

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “X.” If it is wrong, make an “O.” If you are right, you get 1 point! (translate into Korean)

I have 2 (pencils). (O) (hold up any 2 of the same items)

There are 4 students in our class. (X)

I have 6 mothers. (X)

I like cheese. I have big ears. I am a mouse. (O)

One mouse, 2 mouse (mice). (X)

Here is lots of candy (show only one candy). (X)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner.

There are 6 mice. (3)

I see one mouse. (1)

Oh no! Lots of mice! (2)

Unit 2

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s play the mime game. Look at the words. I will do an action. Shout out what I am. The first person to do so gets one point!

walk around waving arms quickly like a fly while making a buzzing sounds (bee)

move hand like a crawling spider (spider)

move index finger (or body) like a worm (worm)

act as though opening a box (box)

put thumb and first finger very close together to indicate a tiny thing (small)

flap arms slowly and walk around the room, making a bird sound (bird)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence about each picture. You must say “true” or “false.”

“In number 1, I see a boy” (false)

“In number 2, the boy is small.” (true)

“In number 3, I see a box.” (true)

Unit 3

Vocab Warm-up

I will say a sentence. Please say the missing word. (teachers can also use actions here to accompany the sentences if the students’ listening comprehension is very basic)

I like to eat ______(cookies)

I cook in a ______(kitchen)

I live in a _____ (house)

The (pencils—or other item) are _____ my bag. (in)

My ____ is cute. (cat)

Jam is in a _____. (jar)

Listening Practice

I will ask questions about the pictures. First person to answer will get one point!

Picture 1—what is in the kitchen? (cat)

Picture 2—how many cookies in the jar? (one)

Picture 3—what do you see? (kitchen)

Unit 4

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will ask a question. Answer with a vocab word. First person with the right answer will get one point! (if students are low, these questions can be asked in Korean)

How many fingers on my hand? (5)

What is this (point to arm) ? (arm)

Who lives in the water? (starfish)

I have no cookies. How many cookies do I have? (none)

What do you walk on? (legs)

How many legs do spiders have? (8)

Listening Practice

Who am I? Listen to my sentence. Tell me what picture I am in.

I have 2 arms. (3)

I swim with 5 arms. (1)

I walk with 6 legs. (2)

Unit 5

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner. (if students are low, teachers may use actions to accompany sentences or even speak the sentences in Korean)

I am the color of fire. (red)

I am the color of water. (blue)

I play with this. (toy)

I have everything. (all)

Cookies are my favorite snack. (like)

Elephants are this. (big)

Listening Practice

Look at the pictures. I will say a sentence. Say the missing word.

Picture 1—his toy is _____. (blue, big ...)

Picture 2—He has a ____ toy. (small, pink ...)

Picture 3—He likes ____ toys. (all, small ...)

Unit 6

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “X.” If it is wrong, make an “O.” If you are right, you get 1 point!

My (shirt—or any other item) is yellow. (O)

Spiders are a kind of fish. (X)

Fish live in water. (O)

I am looking at you. (O)

(student’s name) has a pink (bag—or any other item). (X)

There is water in the sea. (O)

People swim in the kitchen. (X)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence about each picture. You must say “true” or “false.”

In picture 1, I see 4 fish. (false)

In picture 2, there is a pink fish. (true)

In picture 3, he is swimming. (false)

Unit 7

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s play the mime game. Look at the words. I will do an action. Shout out what I am. The first person to do so gets one point!

act as though holding something in the hand, sniff it and smile (flower)

with the hand, make motions like water (water)

stand very straight and put arms up like 2 branches (tree)

move hand like “over” path in picture (over)

move arms like a bird flying (fly)

hook thumbs together, and move hands like wings (butterfly)

Listening Practice

I will ask questions about the pictures. First person to answer will get one point!

Picture 1—what is the butterfly flying to? (a toy)

Picture 2—where is the butterfly? (over the cat)

Picture 3—Is the butterfly over a jar? (no)

Unit 8

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner. (if students are low, teachers may use actions to accompany sentences or even speak the sentences in Korean)

I am a small mountain. (hill)

I like flying. (fly)

I like eating flies. (frog)

I like running. (horse)

Horses eat this. (grass)

This is the opposite of under. (on)

Listening Practice

Who am I? Listen to my sentence. Tell me what picture I am in.

I have 4 legs. (2)

I am in the grass. (1)

I like the hill. (3)

Unit 9

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Please say the missing word. (teachers can also use actions here to accompany the sentences if the students’ listening comprehension is very basic)

I wear ____ on my feet. (shoes)

I sleep in a _____. (bed)

This is ___ desk. (my)

This ____ is (white)(point to wall). (paint)

I use a paint ____ to make pictures. (brush)

Oh no! My pencil is _____(drop pencil). (falling)

Listening Practice

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “X.” If it is wrong, make an “O.” If you are right, you get 1 point!

Picture 1—the paint brush is falling. (O)

Picture 2—this is blue paint. (X)

Picture 3—paint is on the bed. (X)

Unit 10

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will describe a word. Shout out what word it is. First person with the right answer gets one point!

I do this with music. (listen)

My grandfather is 73. What is he? (old)

I bought my book yesterday. What is it? (new)

Heavy metal is a kind of this. (music)

You must be this in the library. (quiet)

This is the opposite of quiet. (loud)

Listening Practice

Look at the pictures. I will say a sentence. Say the missing word.

Picture 1—I listen to a _____. (frog, sound ...)

Picture 2—the music is _____. (loud, heavy metal, ...)

Picture 3—this girl is on the _____. (hill, grass, ...)


Teachers Guide

Unit 11

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s play the mime game. Look at the words. I will do an action. Shout out what I am. The first person to do so gets one point!

act as though holding a ball, and throwing it through a basketball hoop(ball)

act as though holding a ball and pretend to bounce it (bounce)

make a hand gesture for water, then pretend to throw some thing into it, make a hand gesture for the water splashing up (splash)

hold hand very high up (high)

hold hand very low to the ground (low)

hold hand like water, pretend to splash it on face, have hands follow path down face like water (wet)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner.

Jimmy is wet. (2)

Jimmy has a red ball. (3)

The ball is low. (1)

Unit 12

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Please say the missing word. (teachers can also use actions here to accompany the sentences if the students’ listening comprehension is very basic)

This is not good. It is ____. (bad)

I eat ____ at 12 o`clock. (lunch)

I drink _____ at lunch. (milk)

This ___ is red. (apple)

I eat a ______at lunch. (sandwich)

My ______is so cute. (puppy)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence about each picture. You must say “true” or “false.”

In picture 1, there is a cookie in the lunch box. (false)

In picture 2, I see a big apple in the lunch box. (true)

In picture 3, there is a big sandwich in the lunch box. (treu)

Unit 13

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “O.” If it is wrong, make an “X.” If you are right, you get 1 point!

I can swim in the sky. (X)

I see you. (O)

This is singing. (pretend to have a mic, sing one line of a song) (O)

(student’s name) is next to (another student’s name/other thing). (X)

An apple is my favorite song. . (X)

I love my mom and dad. I love them. (O)

Listening Practice

I will ask questions about the pictures. First person to answer will get one point!

Picture 1—where are the birds? (in the sky)

Picture 2—what are they doing? (one)

Picture 3—where is she? (next to the birds)

Unit 14

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will ask a question. Answer with a vocab word. First person with the right answer will get one point! (if students are low, these questions can be asked in Korean)

Where do flowers grow? (garden)

What is outside the house? (yard)

What is the opposite of big? (little)

What is the opposite of clean? (dirty)

What is an old puppy? (dog)

What can I do in the ground ? (dig)

Listening Practice

Who am I? Listen to my sentence. Tell me what picture I am in.

I dig and dig. (1)

I like the flowers. (3)

I am very dirty. (2)

Unit 15

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner. (if students are low, teachers may use actions to accompany sentences or even speak the sentences in Korean)

I eat this on my birthday. (cake)

I do this with a pencil. (draw)

I can swim in this. (lake)

I draw this. (picture)

I feel this. (love)

Drawing pictures is this. (hobby)

Listening Practice

Look at the pictures. I will say a sentence. Say the missing word.

Picture 1—She draws a _____. (mouse)

Picture 2—She ____ a house. (draws, is drawing ...)

Picture 3—She____ to draw. (loves, likes ...)

Unit 16

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s play the mime game. Look at the words. I will do an action. Shout out what I am. The first person to do so gets one point!

hold hand like you are writing something (pen)

show all ten fingers (ten)

pretend to be holding a book and flipping its pages (book)

point to self (teacher)

point to student (student)

slowly bring down fingers one by one on one hand, as if counting to 5 (count)

Listening Practice

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “X.” If it is wrong, make an “O.” If you are right, you get 1 point!

Picture 1—she has a dog. (X)

Picture 2—he draws a bird. (X)

Picture 3—he is a student. (O)

Unit 17

Vocab Warm-up

I will say a sentence. Please say the missing word. (teachers can also use actions here to accompany the sentences if the students’ listening comprehension is very basic)

I am not a girl. I am a ______. (boy)

_____ is after autumn . (Winter)

Winter is very _____. (cold)

_____ falls in the winter. (Snow)

An ____ is very small. (ant)

I don’t like you. Please ______. (go away)

Listening Practice

I will say a sentence about each picture. You must say “true” or “false.”

“In number 1, I see a cold fish” (true)

“In number 2, the ant is cold.” (false)

“In number 3, the boy loves winter.” (true)

Unit 18

Vocab Warm-up

Let’s do the X/O game. I will say a sentence. If it is right, make an “X.” If it is wrong, make an “O.” If you are right, you get 1 point!

I walk fast (appear to be walking slowly). (X)

This is a car (show picture of a bus). (X)

This is a bus (show picture of a bus). (O)

You are busy when you sleep. (X)

We can take the train to Busan. (O)

Seoul is a big city. (O)

Listening Practice

I will ask questions about the pictures. First person to answer will get one point!

Picture 1—what is the boy next to? (a train)

Picture 2—what does the mouse see? (a city)

Picture 3—Is the bus clean? (no, dirty)

Unit 19

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will say a sentence. Slap the picture that matches my sentence. The first person to slap is the winner. (if students are low, teachers may use actions to accompany sentences or even speak the sentences in Korean)

I use this to draw. (pencil)

I do homework on this. (desk)

My desk is not clean. It is this. (messy)

She is married to my dad. (mom)

This is not here, but over in that place. (there)

I use this on the whiteboard. (marker)

Listening Practice

Look at the pictures. I will say a sentence. Say the missing word.

Picture 1—there are two _____. (pencils)

Picture 2—the desk is in the _____. (house)

Picture 3—mom’s desk is _____. (messy, big ...)

Unit 20

Vocab Warm-up

Look at the vocab. I will describe a word. Shout out what word it is. First person with the right answer gets one point! (if students are low, teachers may use actions to accompany sentences or even speak the sentences in Korean)

I do this with water. (wash)

This is on my head. (hair)

If you give me a gift, I will do this. (thank)

After I wash my hair, I do this. (dry)

You do this with scissors. (cut)

This person cuts hair. (hairdresser)

Listening Practice

Who am I? Listen to my sentence. Tell me what picture I am in.

She dries my hair. (3)

Thanks, Mom. (1)

She washes my hair. (1)