
Simon Allen, Nigel Westaway, Molly Scott Cato, John Meadley, Dave Judd, Julia Lawrence, Erik Wilkinson, Mike Jones, Marta Suarez, Neil Buick, Gail Bradbrook, Helen Royall

  1. Apologies were received from Martin Whiteside, Liz Hillary and James Beecher.
  1. Simon Allen agreed to chair the meeting and Gail Bradbrook to take the minutes.
  1. Appointment of directors. In response to a question about the appointment of new directors, it was confirmed that directors would represent and be nominated by the different groups but that their appointment could only take place at a general meeting. Only directors have formal voting rights at Council meetings, but they would expect to take note of the views expressed by all who are present at such meetings.
  1. Finance: There is currently a balance of around £1,400 in the bank account and a further £969 is being transferred from the old Transition Stroud account. Of the projected balance of £2,369 approximately £400 is due to Helen for her work under the TRIPSWITCH contract. It was agreed that, in those instances where Transition Stroud is managing a contract on behalf of a third party (e.g. Stroud District Council), in which people are being contracted to deliver agreed services, then those payments should be made as per the contract without further reference to the Council – subject to the conditions for making payments (see below in next paragraph) being met. In those instances where payments are to be made from funds raised by Transition Stroud, then the approval of Council is required.

It was further agreed that the Secretary may make payments of up to £100 from the bank account without a second signature. Where payments exceed £100, the Secretary should either have two approved signatures on the cheque or emails approving the payment from two of the recognized signatories. The Secretary was asked to maintain a paper trail of the approval of all payments. LH

Neil Buick asked for guidance on how the utilization of funds in the OPEN HOMES account should be decided – and was asked to bring a proposed budget to the next meeting. NB

It was noted that the current approved cheque signatories are Nigel Westaway and John Meadley. It was agreed that Simon Allen, Liz Hillary and Martin Whiteside should be added to the list of signatories- currently John Meadley and Nigel Westaway. JM/LH

  1. Money contribution scheme. As the concept of a money contribution scheme was approved at the last meeting of the Council (item 4 on 15th February) it was agreed that the scheme should be implemented immediately. M S-C
  1. Public liability insurance. Quotations had been received from Endsleigh Insurance (£471) and Ecclesiastical (final figure awaited but around £700). Discussions with BTCV suggested cover might be available for around £200, but it transpired that Transition Stroud is too big. Another quote had been received from Royal Sun Alliance at £189, but it was not clear if this would cover all our requirements. It was agreed that the quality of cover was more important than the price and that Simon should continue negotiations with Sun Alliance. SDC is contributing £300 towards the cost of the public liability insurance that it requires of Transition Stroud. SA
  1. Other business. John Meadley requested reconfirmation of the contribution of £220 from the Transition Stroud bank account to make up the final shortfall needed to pay Marling School the £1,270 required for the low carbon bursary. It was recognized that the project had been brought to TS as an emergency and agreed that, under normal circumstances, the project would have been brought to the Council prior to being launched. John agreed to produce a report on the outcome of the bursary. SA
  1. Next meeting. The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 20th May at 1930 at The Exchange.

John Meadley for Liz Hillary (unable to attend)

Company Secretary

10 May 2010