Clerk: Mrs B Williamson, High Hall, Yedmandale Road, West Ayton, Scarborough, YO13 9JP.

Tel: 01723 865033 Email:

Minutes of the Ordinary Council meeting held at DVB Library on 9th October2017 @ 7.30pm

Notice of meeting – Public notice 1972 of the meeting has been given in accordance with schedule 12, Para 10 (2) of the Local Government Act.

Present: Cllr M Almond, Cllr. M Raw, Cllr. S Garbutt, Cllr. C Cussons, Cllr.A Combes, Cllr. P Hutchinson, B Williamson (Clerk), County Cllr. D Jeffels (part meeting), Borough Cllr. H Phillips (part meeting), 12 members of the public (part meeting), Mrs I Calvert (part meeting), Mr & Mrs Gregory (part meeting) both winners of the annual garden competition.

Apologies: Cllr. M Baines.1/17

Declarations of interest: Cllr S Garbutt – agenda item 11, rent review.2/17

Best kept garden competition:3/17

Cllr. Almond presented the cup and garden vouchers for winner of the best kept front garden2017 to Mrs I Calvert of Garth End Road & vouchers to the winner of the best pots and containers to Mr & Mrs Gregory ofPearson Garth.

Minutes of the previous meeting: 4/17

Pages 271, 272,273 & 274 accepted & signed as a true record of events.

Public Forum: 5/17

Chair addressed the assembly & invited questionson any issues

·Conyers Ingsresident expressed concern related to the numerous signs erected by the construction company on highway land changing the priority to construction traffic – Is this legal?

·Various planning conditions appear to be disregarded in relation to lorry wash not on site resulting in excessive mud / dirt on road, dust blowing, speeding lorries, working outside stipulated working times, noise pollution. These conditions are not being monitored & residents want to know who is responsible for this.

·Resident completed online SBC form highlighting & requesting information on above, delayed & inadequate response received. Who else can be approached?

·Concerns that drainage / sewage system & tarmac roads not in place prior to construction commencing.

Action taken on Public Forum: 6/12

·Clerk will contact Linden Homes about all the concerns expressed & seek response.

·County Cllr. Jeffels & Borough Cllr. Phillips will be asked to act on all the stated concerns &


· report back.

·NYCC Highways department will be informed of the signage changes & seek legality of the matter.

·Clerk will write to SBC Legal & Planning Departments on all the issues.

·Request for all concerned to look at the original planning conditions & stipulations.

Reports: 7-8/17

a)Police: This will now be compiled once a month & incorporate all villages to save time. Little recent activity other than one arrest for drug possession & complaint for inconsiderate parking in the village.

b)Borough Cllr.Phillips:Informed all that it was Safeguarding week & training likely to be available for safeguarding & IT security. Seeking any information / knowledge on homelessness in the area including sofa surfing. 20/10/17 date for Futurist demolition meeting. CC sort clarification on contractors & sort reassurance that the contractors would not asset strip the building to refurbish another of their theatre contracts. Informed anything of value had already been removed & internally was in a poor condition despite reports to the contrary.

c)County Cllr.Jeffels: Still awaiting update related to the junction of Garth End Road & A170. The parking issue on Yedmandale Road has been resolved with the Police speaking to the resident concerned & the road markings are going to be re-painted. NYM Local Plan published & views requested. The Bowling Club is to receive money from the Locality Budget. No decision yet on which housing association will be managing the new community housing being built by Linden Homes. Will speak to David Walker, planning manager, about all the concerns related to the Linden Homes site.

d)Farside Trust: AC informed that it had been well advertised but no applications, closing date 29/10/17. Money received from WAPC & HBPC. Signatories changed on bank account.

Clerks Report: 9/17

Items in circulation folder include Parish Notes, YLCA Chief executive reports. Footpath closure related to Linden Homes site resolve between builder & land owner.

Consultation papers & response forms on NYM Local Plan.

Request for grit bins to be refilled.

Street names for new development approved as Fenton Drive, Chamber Park Road & Sheepfold Way.

Contact from Friends of the Earth related to mining, fracking, gas / mining companies.

Clerk & Chair attended meeting with Highways department.

Numerous complaints in relation to construction site.

Annual Financial Statement for 201/17 has been approved by External Auditor (Littlejohn), copy on website &PC notice board.

Telephone kiosk purchase – mixed response from councillors. Discussed at length & vote taken to purchase with a view to housing a defibrillator in future. Clerk will action purchase.


Land Registry – final extension requested – 13/10/17. Unlikely to be met. Minute book covering 20 years received & Chair highlighted all related items, still not resolved, next book requested. Likely to involve use of solicitor to finalise.

Complaint received from R Pigg. Informed of negative comments made in relation to a project he is developing. Sort clarification on what WAPC understood his ideas to be. Liaison with clerk & currently resolved but his concerns recorded & discussed with Chair.

Thanks to Cllrs. Raw & Garbutt for volunteering to remove all the ivy on the bus shelter.

Village Hall notice board now installed in bus shelter.

2017/18 grants advertised, no applications received. Closing date 31/10/17.

Wykeham 106 Project needs to be ready for submission by end of October. Update from CC. Met with Peter Watson who has agreed to undertake art work for free. All in hand & will circulate later.

Website – Clerk has been administering since September. It was proposed & agreed by councillors Clerk to be paid £420 PA as a working from home allowance. To be reviewed September 2018. Proposed AC, seconded SG.


Bank reconciliation October 2017:£

Bank Balance

Yorkshire Bank: 15736.83


NYCC – flower bed contribution 200.41

S.B.C. Precept. Instalment 26500.00

S.B.C. Model Agreement. Instalment 21923.45


Unpresented cheque:

000048 247.14

Accounts to be approved this month:

000050PFK Littlejohn 120.00

000051Farside Trust 60.00

000052B Williamson (Office supplies) 80.59

000053B Williamson 246.94



Rent Reviews: 11/17

Discussion on current rental income. Bowling Club to be increased to £35 pa & Tenter Garth remain @£50 pa. Proposed AC, Seconded PH. Clerk will inform.


Parking area @ West Ayton Playing Fields: 12/17

CC spoken to Mr Oakley who had agreed for the free loan of digger to WAPFA for progression of parking area. Onsite inspection agreed a D7 required to develop. Informed arrangements now in place for next steps.

ASA will meet payments.

Linden Homes: 13/17

As discussed during the Public Forum. Cllr. Jeffels informed of what was said. He will also speak to officers / agencies concerned.

Shrub Beds:14/17

Several councillors felt the areas were full of weeds & supported by residents. Discussion & dispute over action taken.

Chair highlighted the contract & scheme of work stipulated two sessions of weeding & spraying in Spring & Autumn. Autumn session still to take place. He will speak direct to contractor for clarification & report back at the next meeting. No decision on replacement shrubs.

Christmas Celebration: 15/17

Date – Friday 1st December. Venue – Walker’s East Ayton @ 7.00. Clerk will book.

Arrangements for Christmas lights display to be installed.

Items for next Agenda: 16/17

# Linden Homes# Shrub Beds # Farside Trust# Grant applications

# Budget & Precept Planning# Grant Applications# Wykeham 106 application

# Update on R Pigg plans

To Confirm Date of Net Meeting:

Monday 13th November @ 7.00pm