Minutes of Council Meeting of Drogheda Borough Council held in the Council Chamber, Fair Street, Drogheda, on Monday, 9th June, 2008 at 7.00 p.m.

In attendance:

MEMBERS: In the Chair: The Mayor, Councillor A. Donohoe.

Councillors: P. Bell, T. Byrne, M. Coogan, M. Godfrey,

F. Maher, J. Mulroy, T. Murphy, G. Nash,

M. O’Dowd, K. O’Heiligh, D. Wilton.

OFFICIALS: Mr. C. Murray, County Manager, Mr. D. Foley, Town Clerk,

Ms. M. T. Daly, Senior Executive Officer,

Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer,

Mr. D. Messayeh, Acting Senior Executive Engineer,

Ms. J. Kiernan, Administrative Officer,

Ms. E. O’Hanlon, Administrative Officer.


Confirmation of Minutes.

On the proposal of Councillor M. Coogan, seconded by Councillor T. Murphy, the Minutes of Council Meeting held on Monday, 12th May, 2008 at 7 p.m. were adopted.



The family of the late Mr. Sean Weldon,

The family of the late Mr. Patsy Murtagh.


Matters arising from the Minutes.

An update from the Office of Public Works re Decentralisation was circulated to the Members (copy of update attached to minutes).


To receive presentation by Indecon Consultants on review of Economic Development Plan.

The Mayor, Councillor A. Donohoe, welcomed Mr. Pat McCloughan of Indecon International Economic Consultants. Mr. Pat McCloughan gave a presentation on the Economic Development Strategy which is currently being prepared for Drogheda and its environs (copy of presentation attached to minutes).


To consider report and submissions received in response to Part 8 for proposed housing development at Mell, Drogheda.

Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer, outlined that Drogheda Borough Council had met with Fountain Hill Residents Association and their concerns with regard to traffic management issues have been addressed. The Part 8 was then proposed by Councillor G. Nash, seconded by Councillor M. Godfrey and agreed by the Members.


To advance a revised loan of up to €10,395,853 to Foscadh Housing Association, Ballymakenny Road, Drogheda for the provision of 65 housing units at St. Laurence’s Park, Drogheda under the Capital Loan and Subsidy Scheme.

At the outset Councillor K. O’Heiligh declared that he had an interest in Foscadh Housing Association and would take no part in the consideration of this matter. He then withdrew from the meeting while the matter was being discussed.

Following a discussion, it was proposed by Councillor P. Bell and seconded by Councillor T. Murphy and agreed by the Members that the item be deferred to the next Council meeting and that a written report on the increased costs be circulated to the Members for consideration.


To consider report and submissions received in response to proposed Traffic Bye-Laws.

A report on the proposed Traffic Bye-Laws was given by Mr. D. Agnew, Borough Engineer and issues raised by the Members were addressed by the Borough Engineer. The Traffic Bye-Laws were then unanimously agreed to by the Members.


To consider proposed relocation of existing ramp at 258 Rathmullen Park, Drogheda.

On the proposal of Councillor M. O’Dowd, seconded by Councillor P. Bell, the Members agreed to the proposed relocation of existing ramp at 258 Rathmullen Park, Drogheda.


To receive report on Municipal Policy Committee Meetings held on 26th & 27th May, 2008.

A report was given by Ms. Mary T. Daly, Senior Executive Officer, on the Infrastructure Municipal Policy Committee Meeting which took place on the 26th May, 2008. A further report on the Community and Environment Municipal Policy Committee held on 27th May, 2008 was also given by Ms. Mary T. Daly and noted by the Members.


To receive update on Draft Casual Trading Bye-Laws 2008.

Ms. Mary T. Daly, Senior Executive Officer, clarified that the Members had not agreed to the extinguishment of the Market Right or the adoption of Casual Trading Bye-Laws at the Council Meeting on 12th May, 2008. A report had been circulated to the Members at this meeting and it was agreed that draft Casual Trading Bye-Laws would be prepared for further consideration by the Members.

Following a discussion, it was proposed by Councillor M. O’Dowd, seconded by Councillor P. Bell and agreed by the Members that Drogheda Borough Council meet the Traders in committee prior to the July Meeting to consider their proposals with regard to the Market in Bolton Street and a further report would then be brought to the Members at the September meeting.

This concluded the business of the Meeting.
