Enrollment Management Committee

Board Room

December 08, 2008

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM

Members: Amelia Acosta, Jo McEntire, Aura Rios-Erickson, Yvonne Terrell-Powell, Bill Sperling, Samira Pardanani, Tom Prigmore, Barb Kristek, Amy Stapleton, Susan Hoyne, Chris Linebarger, Tonya Drake

Guests: Jeff Omalanz-Hood, Lynnette Peters, Cecilia Martinez-Vasquez

1. Assignment Response

a.  Advising – Aura

  1. The Advising Task Force has a new group this year. They have formed subcommittees.

a)  Distance Advising Program - to deliver virtual advising services.

b)  Advisor Assignment - took about a year to compile and is already out of date. TSS has this on their to-do list so that faculty can update easily and students can access easily. Should there be a formal advising assignment system? There are questions and it may take another year or two to be able to answer these questions.

  1. Aura and Alicia Zweifach have been going to the different divisions to show what has been done and Tonya has asked them to go to the dean team. The first podcast has been created. There will be a survey for students on the student advising page and there will be a counter on the pages to know how many hits they are getting. The faculty advising page is now listed on the sidebar of DAAG.

b.  Outreach – Jeff, Lynette & Cecilia

  1. High School - List of schools that are near and from where we get our students recently increased (hard to know which students planned to come to SCC and who might have come because of visits)

c)  Quarterly events

d)  SCC materials on their campuses

e)  Seattle schools now included

f)  Student of Color Conference

g)  Underrepresented groups as far away as Yakima

h)  Homeschool has been added into the recruiting.

i)  Breakfast conference for high school counselors

j)  SOAR (SCC advising and registration for Shorewood and Shoreline high schools)

  1. Non-High School

k)  Umajoya Festival for last two years

l)  Flyers go out to bags at food bank

m)  Splash is a spring recruitment event but it was not held this last year

n)  Veterans Fair was last week

o)  Ballinger Homes

p)  Coalition Greater Puget Sound Higher Education – group of mostly technical colleges that private technical colleges set up with public colleges

q)  Marketing is doing additional things

  1. IMS tracks students and gives students information. It provides different letters to different requests and can personalize to the student and send out information. Students are using the web primarily for choosing a college. Campus tours also take place.

c.  Demographics – Amy

  1. Amy sent links to information to the people who were at the last meeting.
  2. Reports:

r)  Susan has annual comparison report of course enrollment by department but cannot verify how accurate it is. The actual costs are not accurate on this report.

s)  Past information is not accurate but hopefully future information will be for comparisons of applicants. Registration desk is asking people who have not filled in a program to complete the form.

t)  Which colleges do applicants indicate interest in? Do they enroll at SCC or not?

u)  Demographic trends include numbers for 2003-2008 for race, gender, age, first generation, veteran status, and transfer plan.

2. What are our capacities?

a. Target programs and targeted enrollment populations

We need to know more about the budget and potential deductions before proceeding.

3. Other

a.  Chris Linebarger will ask Jim James to have information for the February meeting. Amy and Jim will provide information for January. We need to have more specifics for Womens Center and Multicultural from Lynette and Cecilia. Jim Hills or Chris Taylor to talk about web work group.

b.  There are other recruiting things on the community side – Shoreline Parade, Shoreline Arts Festival, Taste of Edmonds. Amy will send information to Lynda.

c.  Chris Linebarger has asked Marketing and Recruiting to put together some kind of a calendar. Then we can know where and when people are doing things or going places, and the types of materials they are presenting (is it up to date, sending correct message, looks like SCC). That will help to be more strategic in management and recruiting efforts.

d.  Amy reported that Young Life will be coming on campus once a month with about 60 kids that could be potential students.

e.  Maybe we could have something like “American Idol Guitar Hero” on campus. That could get young people on campus that maybe had not thought of SCC before.

Meeting adjourned 4:00

Notes taken by Lynda Knight