Culture Wars Stats

71% of Americans believe . . .

"There are NO absolute standards that apply to everybody in all situations." [Barna Research Group]
Three out of five children feel rejected by at least one parent. [Judith Wallerstein, Second Chances: Men, Women and Children a Decade after Divorce]
More than 80% of all child physical and sexual abuse cases involve drugs. [Don Feder, "Legalizers Plan Harvard Pot Party," Boston Herald, 19 May 1994.]
The average teenager sees 14,000 sexual encounters on TV every year. [J. Kerby Anderson, Moral Dilemmas W Publishing, 1998), 61]
Adult bookstores outnumber McDonald¹s restaurants in the United States by a margin of at least 3 to 1. ["Effect of Pornography on Women and Children," U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, 98th Congress, 2d Session, 1984,227]
Only 1% of the American public is concerned with matters of purity. 70% of the pornographic magazines sold end up in the hands of minors. [Henry Boatwright, chairman of U.S. Advisory Board for Socials Concerns]
Pornography is found at 80% of violent sex crimes scenes, or in the homes of perpetrators. [Deborah Baker, "Pornography Isn¹t Free Speech," Dallas Morning News, 17 March 1989]
1 in 4 Americans have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) [J. Kerby Anderson, Moral Dilemmas (W Publishing, 1998), 59]
90% of teenage girls surveyed said they wanted to learn how to say "No" to sex. [Survey by Atlanta Grady Memorial Hospital]
Abortion is the most frequently performed surgery on adults in America. [National Center for Health Statistics, Atlanta, GA]

40 million abortions have taken place since abortion was legalized in 1973. [J. Kerby Anderson, Moral Dilemmas (W Publishing, 1998,), 1]

According to the Centers for Disease Control, homosexual men are a thousand times more likely to contract AIDS than the general male heterosexual population.
An estimated 30% of all 20-year-old homosexual men will be HIV positive or dead by the age of 30. [Satinover, Jeffrey, ³Reflections: Interview with NARTH,² February 5, 2001]
95% of gay men have had over 100 sexual partners - 71% of them had 500 or more sexual partners ³Survey Finds 40 percent of Gay Men Have Had More Than 40 Sex Partners,² Lambda Report, January/February 1998, p. 20. A. P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg, Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 308, 9; see also Bell, Weinberg and Hammersmith, Sexual Preference (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981).
In Sweden, a Christian pastor was recently jailed for describing homosexuality as "abnormal." [Ecumenical News International]
Only 1% of the American public is concerned with matters of purity.
10-15% of Americans suffer from alcoholism
Alcoholism is the third largest health problem (following heart disease and cancer). [Wayne Roques, Legalization: an Idea Whose Time Will Never Come, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Miami Field Division: U.S. Department of Justice, 27 December 1994.]
1 out of 3 babies conceived in the U. S. is deliberately aborted. [Abortion: Facts at a Glance (New York: Planned Parenthood of America),1]
AIDS remains the fifth leading cause of death among those aged 26 to 44, and 60 percent of new cases are contracted by men who have sex with men. [APA¹s Practical Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with HIV/AIDS,²
Epidemiology, Clinical Features Influencing Treatment, sections,, Anti-Viral Treatment section.]
44% of Americans claim to be "born again." Yet, only 33% of them embrace essential Christian doctrines found in the Bible. [Barna Research Group]