NeillKennedy Middle School2013-2014

Date: 09/09/2013

NCES: H.2.1
Objective: SWBAT analyze the geographical and political influences and effects of the attach on the world trade centers on 9/11/2001
Materials: Photos of the WTC before and after 9/11, video montage
Content Vocabulary:
World Trade Center
World Trade Center
Ground Zero
Islamic Extremist / Language Objectives:
Reading: Students will read news articles from 9/11.
Listening: Students will listen to classmates and teacher
Speaking: students will present their ideas on various PERSIA perspective
Writing: students will fill in PERSIA model based on geographical and political perspectives. / Unit EQ/EU: What is 9/11?
Daily Essential Question: What were the influences for 9/11/2001?
6 min
10 min
15 min
25 min
10 min / Warm Up: KWL to gage prior knowledge of 9/11. Things you know, things you think you know, and things you wonder about.
Students will be given a chart and visuals. They will be given 5 minutes to jot down their thoughts on the chart according to these titles.
Focus Lesson/Modeling: Once students have returned to their seats, I will read off a few of the thoughts from each chart to gage student background knowledge and what they hope to know by the end of the lesson.

Once we’ve done this, students will then watch a Nick News video of what happened on that day. At the end of the video I will take questions on the video and clarify any misunderstandings. Most questions and items from the “things I wonder” section from the beginning of the lesson will be saved for the end.
Guided Instruction/Small Group Instruction: SW work collaboratively to jot down some of the Geographical influences of the attack on 9/11 using the video and a map of Manhattan. Students should point out New York City, Pennsylvania, Washington, DC. Boston, Mass., Newark, NJ, etc.
After they have jotted these locations down, we will write them in our PERSIA charts (students will have individual charts and we will have a class chart)
Within the chart we will write down the geographical influences we agree on and discuss why these are influences as well as those that are not.
We will then move onto Political influences. Using the nick news video and reading passage, students will figure out political/group leaders, wars that occurred after the attack, who was caught, etc. Examples: President George W. Bush, AL Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, Islamic Extremist, terrorist,
To close, we will do an around the room recap of the political and geographical influences on the attack of 9/11. Students will be encouraged to review their notes on religious influences, which will be the topic for tomorrow. At this time they will also complete their exit ticket.
Students of Major Concern: Jaylin L., Eli, Michael A, Josie / Accommodations: Gerson, Luk, Oretha will complete a vocabulary activity based on the vocabulary words of this week.
Terrorist, World Trade Center, Islamic, Extreme, resilient, destruction. While students are working in groups, they will be grouped together to do the word association. They will use the pictures in the article as well as pictures attached to the lesson to try to associate the appropriate word with the picture.
Daily Assessment: Students can define or describe,
World trade center
Islamic extremist
Of the Political and Geographical influences you involving the attacks on 9/11, which do you think had the greatest impact? Why? / Homework: Review notes on PERSIA focusing on Religion. Find a newspaper article from 9/12/2001
Materials: Copies of article
Copies of pictures, articles, KWL Chart