The Epistle

September, 2013


Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,

Do you remember when schools provided pencils? It was always great to get rid of that old pencil with the worn down eraser for a brand new one. You felt you could write and draw a lot better with that new pencil. My question is this: “Do you see yourself as a pencil?”

Mother Teresa once said, “I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.” Each and every day we write down over life with our actions and words. We do not have to do big actions, but simple little actions. You can not help the world by trying to save everyone but one person at a time.

Everyday people watch your actions and words to see if you really are the kind of person you say you are. Sure you will make mistakes, but that does not mean you need to stop trying. You are in the midst of creating a master-piece by God using you as a pencil to write a beautiful love story – His love story. Each and every day a new chapter will begin, the last chapter is over and a new start is ahead of you. Let God use you for His glory each day. Here is a pencil prayer for you:

“Dear Writer God, please give me the humility to recognize that I am only a pencil, not an expensive pen, and yet you can use me to express Your love to the world. Just as Jesus testified to Your light, may I, small pencil that I am, testify to Your great love. May all that I do this day be an expression of that love. Amen.”


Hymn of the Month

Be Thou My Vision

Occasionally hymns we sing during the service become popular in the contemporary Christian music scene. “Be Thou My Vision” is one that has been sung by many contemporary groups. This beautiful hymn dates back to the eighth century from Ireland. It expresses the ageless need of man to have a heavenly vision and to experience God’s care and personal presence throughout our earthly journey.

This hymn was translated in 1905. Through the years, this hymn has become a favorite for many. Truly our visionary attitude throughout life is often the difference between success and mediocrity. One is reminded of the classic story of two shoesalesman who weresent to a primitive island to determine business potential. The first salesman wired back, “Coming home immediately. No one wears shoes.” The second responded, “Send a boat load of shoes immediately. The possibilities here are unlimited”.

May we as believers be characterized as people of vision – “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith….”

Hebrews 12:2.

August Highlights

* Approved fees for Weddings were added to Continuing Resolutions eff. 1/1/14

* Congregational Meeting was approved for September 22, 2013. (Rescheduled from April 28, 2013 due to lack of quorum)

* A motion was made and carried to purchase replacement curtains for Fellowship Hall. Funds to come from Memorial Committee and donation made by Bob Bastian.

*A motion was made and carried to allow choir to have a Dinner Theater on October 5, 2013 with the “Quartet of 5”.


Child Care Center

September is here and we begin a new school year here at St. Paul’s Child Care Center. We look forward to a busy but fun school year for the children. All of the classes will begin with a topic on “All About Me,” and making new friends. They will also expand and talk about their families. Most of the classes will talk about apples and the different colors and tastes. Kindergarten will also have to learn new school rules and bus rules. With everything the children will be learning, they will still have time to be creative and make crafts to go along with their themes. We will also spend time outside every day to observe the changes in the season to come.

Happy September,

Margaret Bossons,

Child Care Director

Upcoming Events

Celebrate the beginning of Sunday School on Sept. 8th at 9:00amwith breakfast in Fellowship Hall

Saturday, September 14th is Applefest - a celebration of the apple in its many delicious incarnations. There will be a little something for everyone at this festival: games, contests, music, entertainment, crafters, food, and did we mention apples?

September 22,2013. There will be only one service beginning at 9a.m. NOTE: there will be Sunday School classes.(Meeting rescheduled from April 28 due to lack of quorum).

Sept. 25 New Member Class in Library

Sept. 29 New Member Installation

October 5, 2013

St. Paul’s Dinner Theater

Chicken Dinner: 4:30-6:00pm

Quartet of 5: 6:30pm

Tickets available for purchase by contacting church office or choir members





Thank You’s

* For the HYFAD Scholarship for my graduation. I will put this towards my college expenses –

Cole Derhammer

* For your generous donation of two hams –

Board, Staff & Clients of Victory House

* Many thanks to everyone who gave so much of their time and talents this week at VBS. Special thanks to all parents and congregation members that donated food and supplies including Sue Hodge for her donation of 30 lbs. of chicken & 5 lbs. of bacon, Darryl & Janice Dawkins for their $300 donation (used for food), and Jennifer Cline for her $40 donation to assist in our good will projects. I would like to especially thank all the volunteers.Without their dedication, VBS would not be as successful as it has been. —

Shelly Laudensalger

*St. Paul’s would also like to thank Kathy ReyherLutheran Congregational Services for their extremely generous donation of 13 cases of 48/8oz. bottles of water for our V.B.S. program.





9/1Jason Kesack

9/1Katelyn Lawlor

9/1Barbara Roth

9/2Jason Mengel

9/3Paula Kesack

9/4Ryan Kish

9/5Corey Hersh

9/6Lisa Bauer

9/6Laura Klotz

9/6Megan Henry

9/6Maggie Phillips

9/6Shirley Teets

9/7Sandra Osiecki

9/8Norma Bauer

9/8Katherine Buss

9/10Boyd Chamberlain Jr.


9/12Richard Ackerman

9/12Joseph Bauer

9/12Jacob Sutter

9/13Al Renn

9/15Julia Sparacello

9/16Adriane Strohl

9/18Brittany Steidel

9/19Belle Chambers

9/19Erin Dolan

9/19Ethan Schweitzer

9/20Raymond Laubach

9/21Tammy Bastidas

9/21Cory Daddona

9/21William Hrusovsky

9/22Robert Buss II

9/22David Eck

9/22Paul Peters Jr.

9/22Wade Reinhard

9/22Sara Santos

9/23Philip Ginder

9/23Tyger James

9/23Alicia Roth

9/23Thomas Sierzega

9/24Jacob DeAngeles

9/25Deborah Price

9/25Donna Sheckler

9/25Alan Shook

9/26Lori Heffner

9/26Louis Kuhns

9/27Debra Hoffman

9/27Alyssa Rushatz

9/28Mason Forstoffer

9/28Kathleen Witt

9/30Carole Cardona

9/30Tammie Englert


9/30Emily Reiner



Special Birthdays

A few of our seniors will be celebrating birthdays this month. Please take the time to remember them with a card or note









September, 2013


8:00 Holy Communion
9:15 Holy Communion / 2

Church Office Closed / 3
7:00 Property Meeting / 4
6:30 Choir
/ 5 / 6 / 7
8 Services in Sanctuary
8:00 Holy Communion
9:00SS Breakfast
10:30 Worship
/ 9
7:00pm Worship Meeting / 10 / 11
6:30 Choir / 12
7:00pm Finance Meeting / 13
6:30 Fundraising Meeting
Deadline for Epistle articles / 14

8:00 Holy Communion
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Holy Communion / 16 / 17
7:00 CCC Meeting / 18
6:30 Choir / 18 / 20
9:00am Epistle Volunteers / 21
22 One service
9:00 Sunday School
9:00 Worship/
7:00pm Council Meeting / 24 / 25
6:30 Choir
7:00 New Members Class / 26 / 27 / 28
8:00 Holy Communion
9:00 Sunday School
10:30 Worship
New Members Installation / 30











If you would like to be a sponsor for any of these opens dates, request forms are in the Narthex or contact the church office. Payment must be submitted with request.



Serving at St. Paul's in September, 2013


Sunday School Registration

*Sunday School begins September 8 at 9:00 a.m.
Child’s Name: ______
Child’s Address: ______
Phone Number: ______Date of Birth: ______
Has the child been baptized? (Circle one) YesNoIf yes, date of baptism? ______
Grade in School: ______Sunday School Grade: ______
Known Allergies: ______
E-mail Address: ______


Mother’s Name: ______

Phone Number: ______
Address: ______
Father’s Name: ______
Phone Number: ______
Address: ______
Whom shall we contact in case of emergency? Name and phone number, please:
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______


SeptemberWorship Services

Sept 1st 15th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion

9:15 a.m. – Holy Communion

Sept 8th 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Services resume in Sanctuary

8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School Breakfast

10:30 p.m. –Worship

Sept 15th 17th Sunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School

10:30 a.m. – Holy Communion

Sept 22nd18th Sunday after Pentecost

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School

9:00 a.m. –Worship/Congregational Meeting

Sept 29th19thSunday after Pentecost

8:00 a.m. – Spoken Holy Communion

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School

10:30 a.m. – Worship/New Members Installed

Radical Love Triumphs

For most of human history wisdom was largely part of an oral tradition. From one generation to the next, wisdom was passed down. These days it sometimes seems that technology has replaced that tradition of shared wisdom. Rather than ask a trusted elder the temptation is to pull out a smartphone and do a quick Internet search. Next thing you know, there it is, wisdom at your fingertips—maybe. Could it be that something is lost in the process? We can find facts online, but virtues like humility, respect of elders, hospitality, servant hood, and peacemaking do not seem to translate as easily in the electronic age. In the gospel of Luke14:7-14, Jesus takes the time to pass on some ancient-yet-prudent wisdom from the proverbs of Solomon to a crowd of social climbers who obviously were not familiar with such prudence or wisdom.

More significantly Jesus lifts up the mysteriously gracious and life-transforming values of the kingdom of God. Jesus lifts up the humility required to take the lowest seat at the table, never hoping to be invited to a place of greater honor or status. Jesus invites his followers to practice the hospitality that offers a banquet of the finest of foods for people who cannot repay. Jesus invites his followers to embody the kind of radical-yet-relational love of Jesus himself. This radical love is taught by both individuals and congregations. Communities of faith by their practices of generosity and compassion embody the love of Jesus in their communities