Bardia Public School


Children are entitled to enrol at Bardia Public School (BPS) if their home is within the designated intake area as defined by the Department of Education. The DoE School Intake Zone Enquiry on-line tool should be used to determine whether the student is a “Local Area Placement” for BPS.

Parents/Caregivers may seek to enrol their child at BPS even though their home is not within the designated intake area (refer to Non-local Enrolment Applications).


The enrolment ceiling for BPS is currently 246 students.

At BPS, where spare accommodation exists (not a demountable), except for enrolments at the commencement of the school year, non-local placements must not generate demand for extra staff or create disruption to school routine.


The enrolment buffer (currently 236 at BPS) refers to the places left available for local area enrolments – currently 10. No additional accommodation (permanent or demountable) will be provided to cater for increased enrolments resulting from non-local placements.


·  Local students must be enrolled at any time during the year, regardless of class sizes.

·  Non-local students are to be enrolled at the beginning of the year, prior to the formation of classes, regardless of Year numbers, if the enrolment buffer has not been reached. (The onus being on the school to arrange classes to accommodate these children.)

·  Non-local students will only be enrolled throughout the year if they can be accommodated in existing classes (i.e. classes not to exceed recommended numbers of K=20; Yr 1=22; Yr 2 =24 & Yrs 3-6 =30). School routine is not to be disrupted by re-structuring classes for such enrolments. Refer to “Enrolment of Students in Government Schools: A Summary & Consolidation of Policy” - August 1997, Page 8.


At BPS when demand for non-local places exceeds availability, the school will establish a placement panel to consider and make recommendations on all non-local enrolment applications. The composition of the panel will include one staff member, other than the principal, and one school community member nominated by the school’s parent organisation. The panel will be chaired by the principal who will have a casting vote.

Criteria for Non-local Enrolment Applications:

·  Compassionate reasons;

·  Proximity and access to the school;

·  Siblings already enrolled at the school; and

·  Safety and supervision of the students before and after school.

A waiting list of up to 10 students will be compiled. Parents will be informed where their children are placed on this list.


Children may enrol in kindergarten at the beginning of the school year if they turn five years of age on or before 31 July in the year. Documentation providing proof of age, such as birth certificate or passport, is required on enrolment.

Every child enrolling in Kindergarten will undertake assessment in the Best Start program. This usually occurs over three consecutive days during the first week of the school year.

Parents have the right of not having their children immunised. However, in the event of an outbreak of a vaccine preventable disease, unimmunised children will be required to remain at home for the duration of the outbreak.


When a student with a disability presents for enrolment an appraisal of the student’s educational needs will be carried out by the Placement Panel and the Learning Support Team. Appraisals will involve parents / caregivers and will entail consideration of the student’s support needs in areas such as curriculum, mobility, social skills, personal care and communication. It will involve consideration of supporting documentation from medical practitioners or other health and education professionals.

Services and resources to be considered when enrolling a student with a disability into a regular class include.

  Targeted funding, specialist teachers consulting services

  Modifications to buildings to facilitate access

  Provision of special transport service

The decision on where to enrol a student with a disability, and with what level of support, will depend on a number of factors, including the student’s educational needs, the expressed desires of parents and caregivers, the capacity of the system to provide the level of support services required generally and at a particular location and the availability of support services at alternative locations.


Where parents wish to appeal against the decision of a school Enrolling Officer or the Placement Panel, this must be set out in writing for the consideration of the Principal. If the situation is not resolved at the local level, parents have right of appeal to Director, Public Schools, Glenfield Network. Such appeals would only be upheld if the DoE Enrolment Policy, the BPS Enrolment Policy or the Criteria for Non-local Enrolment had not been applied fairly.


Once proof of address is established and your child is coming from a public school, a ghosted enrolment form can be printed for amendment and completion.


The Departmental procedures and application forms are found in the document “Enrolment of Temporary Visa Holders in NSW Government Schools”.


Macdonald Road BARDIA (Bardia) NSW 2565

Phone (02) 9606 2459 Fax (02) 9829 3967


Application for Out of Area Enrolment at Bardia Public School (BPS)

Please provide any relevant information on the form for use by the school’s placement panel.

Student’s Name ……………………………………….…………… Date of Birth …………………………
Other names …………………………….…………
Address …………………………………………………………………………..……. Postcode ……………….………
Parent’s Name …………………………………………….………………….………..………………………………….
Phone (H) ……………….…..……Phone (MOB) ………………..……………… Phone (W)………………..………...
Current Primary School / Pre School ……………………………………………….………….…………………………

Criteria for Non-local Enrolment Applications will be:

·  Compassionate reasons;

·  Proximity and access to the school;

·  Siblings already enrolled at the school; and

·  Safety and supervision of the students before and after school.

Please provide details of any compassionate reasons why you wish your child to be enrolled at BPS.



Please provide details of any issues related to proximity and access to the school that would support your application for enrolment at BPS.



Please provide the names of any siblings who are currently enrolled at BPS



Please provide the names of any other children you have attending another school, their ages and the name(s) of the school(s).


Please outline how you feel that an enrolment at BPS will improve for your child’s safety and supervision, before and after school.



Please add any other comments that you feel are relevant in considering this application.






Macdonald Road BARDIA (Bardia) NSW 2565

Phone (02) 9606 2459 Fax (02) 9829 3967


Date __ / __ / __

Mr & Mrs

Dear ,

I am pleased to inform you that your application to enroll ______at Bardia Public School for 2017 has been accepted.

Dates for the kindergarten orientation sessions are:

Tuesday 11 October 2016 – 9.05am to 11.00am

Tuesday 18 October 2016 – 9.05am to 11.00am

Tuesday 25 October 2016 – 9.05am to 11.00am

You and your child are invited to attend these extremely informative sessions.

Thank you for your interest in our school and I trust that your time with us will be rewarding.

Mr. B. Moseley


2016 BPS Enrolment Policy