Closing Your Party

Ask 4 Closing Questions as a group

·  Have them flip profile sheet over. Ask them to # 1,2,3,4 in the pink box and have them answer these questions.

1.  If money were no object, which set would you love to have in your bathroom?

§  Queen, Princess or Basic?

2.  For your custom pampering session with me, which would you prefer?

§  Advance custom color session, or a microdermabrasion spa treatment

3.  When you have 2 or more women that are over 18 years old, at your pampering session, you’ll get $75 in MK for only $35 (or whatever hostess plan you use)! Isn’t that awesome?!? Plus, you’d be helping me get that many more faces closer to my 30 faces goal this month! So which would you prefer your pampering session?

§  One-on-one or Free w/friends

4.  Earlier I shared with you my story and how Mary kay works as a business. Please write the down the number that applies to your interest in Mary Kay as a potential part time or full time opportunity. 1 is thank you so much for sharing but I’d never do this in a million years but I will be a great customer! 2 is I’m more interested that I thought I would be. I’d like to take some information home with me! 3 is I have been looking for something more and would love to give this a try and order by starter kit bag today.

Now I also have a challenge to have 5 sharp women listen to a recorded call or watch a quick video and give my Director your feedback in the next 24 hours. If you are a #1 or #2 and would be willing to help me out, then just put YES for #4. You will also receive a free lip gloss for doing this.

Individual Close (***So important to close individually) Just walk thru these 4 Questions with each person individually.

a.  Refer to her #1 – Ask them, “I see you’d love ____, if money were no object. That’s great! Would you like to take that home today?” (Pause and wait for the sale). If she can’t get that then work your way down.

b.  Refer to her #2 & 3 – Ask them, “I see you’d love to have a _____ (#2 Answer) type of session next time, _____ (#3 Answer). That’s great! Is during the week or weekend best for you?” Book her in YOUR schedule, during a time that you’ve already decided works good for YOU! Don’t forget to utilize the events on Tuesdays and Saturdays at the Boutique.

c.  Refer to her #4 – If she wrote that she is a 3 then sign her up. If she is a 1 or 2 Say, “Great! Thank you for helping me out with this part of my training! Would you prefer to listen to a call or watch a video? Great! Here is a packet with more information and the number for the recorded call (or video you can text or email her)? What time tomorrow would you like my director to follow up with you?” Give her a Recruiting Packet. The lip gloss number is on the back. If she wants the video you’ll need to text or email her the link. Text your Director when she has completed the call or video.