Workgroup 111 Minutes for Sub Group B telecom held January 19, 2007

In attendance: Sandra Ridder, Kevin Yost, Mary Ann Bennett, Mike Maroney, Rick Tauceda,Jim Brockman,Cher Rupp-Ruggeri, Jim Brockman and Steve Colella

Progress made by companies within Subgroup B that are not presently part of PostalOne! that were going to apply to PostalOne! was discussed.

Sandra Ridder relayed here experience and indicated that her first phone call to the PostalOne! help line was unfavorable as the person she talked to did not know what she was asking about. On the second call she was directed to apply via the website. She completed the 1357 form and faxed it to Postal One. After 2 weeks she has not received any follow up. Her local representative indicated they had not received notification of the application. Cher was going to investigate.

Both Mike and Kevin had not been able to apply however did so during the telecom. It was discovered that form 1357 does not have a space for person’s title nor can it handle additional offices. Additionally PostalOne! will need to know the finance number of the Post Office the permit holder uses, and also the permit type. This information is not requested on form 1357. While applying during the call,Cher directed that the permit type and finance numbers be written on the form and then faxed in. Cher provided the finance number since this will not be readily known by the person applying. Form 1357 needs to be revised to collect all required information to ensure a smooth application process. A link within the application allowing the applicant to look up the finance number also would be helpful. Both Mike and Kevin will fax in there application and report back to us regarding any contact from the USPS.

Cherconfirmed the USPS new Customer Registration interface will not deploy until the end of July after the rate case. Once built, clients will be able to manage all of their accounts through one site. Clients once registered will need to know the finance number, permit number and type to move data into one profile. The USPS will work first with the present CAPS clients first. During the registration the system will list names of companies already registered to hopefully eliminate issues with company name variations.

Ghost numbers were discussed again. The company that appears within the ‘Mailing Presented for’ box on the mailing statement will require the ghost permit. It was again pointed out that both the mailing agent and ghost permit company will not be able to see any financial data only the mailing statements connect to them.

An update on the HQ letter to all permit holders also was given. This letter will inform permit holders of PostalOne! and various changes especially with mailing statements and the lack of a round stamp. The letter is still in idea form and a draft does not exist. It is not known if this letter will go to permit holders prior to the rate case. We will get another update in our February 20 meeting.

No progress was made on the best practice list. Steve Colella will get the request for experiences from the PostalOne!User group. This will provide a base to begin putting the best practice list together.

It was asked if there are any issues that software vendors are facing that would delay the rate case. The answer was ‘no’.

It also was asked if the USPS legal department has signed off on PostalOne! and the procedure for permit holders to have the ability to move funds. The answer was ‘yes’ and Susan Redman will discuss this in more detail at the February 20 meeting.

It also was disclosed that statements entered into PostalOne! prior to the rate would have the new postage applied automatically if the statement were released after the rate case.

The new Customer Registration will not be implemented until after the rate case. Therefore companies with multiple locations should wait until after the deployment before applying to PostalOne! for multiple locations. They can apply a single location at a time.

A final issue surface regarding POS (Point of Sales Unit). All deposits made at a retail window with POS will automatically post in a customer’s permit account at the BMEU. As a result it would be no longer necessary to make deposits at the BMEU office. As a result of this change some offices including Dallas and Royal Oak, are no longer accepting checks at the BMEU forcing mailers to take the checks to the retail window. In some cases the retail window is miles from the BMEU which creates an logistical issues for mailings. Cher was going to check into this since checks are still supposed to be accepted at the BMEU.

Action Items:

Cher: Copy of the PDF mailing statements

Discuss with Pritha to determine how the group can have input in creating mass mailing and also to see if an external training version can be provided to the industry.

Check with Royal Oak and Dallas on POS issue

Steve:Contact PostalOne! user group for best practice ideas

Sandra, Kevin, Mike: Report on PostalOne! progress

Next telecom: February 2 (2PM EST) invitation has been sent please contact me if you have not received one; 866-700-7181 and passcode 8619139

Next in person meeting:Tuesday February 20 1-4PM Room IP629

(Room will be open at 12:30)