AMES, Roger T (Mr.) / Philosophy/US History / Peking University
University of Hawai'i / / Fall
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Deweyan Pragmatism and Confucian Philosophy: A Dialogue; 2. Becoming Practically Religious: A Deweyan and Confucian Context for Rortean Religiousness; 3. In Whitehead’s Wake: Reading Confucius to Reconstruct Confucius; 4. John Dewey, Tang Junyi, and the Very “Idea” of Confucian Democracy; 5. "Getting Rid of God:” A Prolegomenon to a Dialogue between Chinese and Western Philosophy; 6. Indigenizing Globalization and the Hydraulics of Culture: Taking Chinese Philosophy on its own Terms; 7."The Way is Made in the Walking:" Responsibility as Relational Virtuosity; 8. Making This Life Significant: The Serious Business of Creativity
DUNCAN, Russell (Mr.) / US History / Northwest University
University of Copenhagen / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Science, Religion, and American Culture; 2. The American Character: Values and Dissent; 3. Now Arriving! China, India and Mexico: Contours of Contemporary Immigration; 4. Focus on American Society: Family, Class, Gender, Race; 5. American Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity Since the Cold War; 6.The American Political System in the 21st Century
HODGES, Graham (Mr.) / US History / Peking University
Colgate University / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Thomas Jefferson, Thaddeus Kosciuszko and Slavery; 2. Anna May Wong: America's First Chinese Actress; 3. The New York City Cabdriver; 4. Slavery in the Northern States of the United States; 5. James Wong Howe and American Vision; 6. New York City
KULIKOFF, Allan L. (Mr.) / US History/Am. Revolution & Econ History / Nankai University
University of Georgia / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Flags everywhere: contemporary American patriotism in historical perspective; 2. Benjamin Franklin in history and memory; 3. The Transition to capitalism in the United States; 4. Revolutionary violence and the origins of American democracy; 5. America's first national economic cricis, 1775-1800; 6. Rural revolts and farm violence in early America
McSHANE, Megan (Ms.) / Art History / Zhongshan University
Florida Gulf Coast University / / Fall
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. American Artists, Land Reclamation, and Phytoremediation: Art and Ecology; 2. Studies in the Future: The 1939 New York World's Fair Pavillions Democracity and Futurama; 3. Contemporary Art From the Florida Collections: Looking at New Media; 4. A History of Video Art Featuring Bill Viola and Nam June Paik; 5. Dorothea Tanning and American Surrealism; 6. Machine Age Design in American Industry
REZVANIAN, Rasoul (Mr.) / Economics/Business / Beijing Univ of Posts and Telecom
Northeastern Illinois University / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Productivity and efficiency of banks in China; 2. Recent banking regulations (deregulation) and their impact on banking operations; 3. Graduate and undergraduate business curricula in US universities; 4. Valuation of real estate (residential and commercial) and the secondary mortgage markets; 5. Worldmindedness of Chinese business students compared with European and American counterparts; 6. My Experience as a First Generation American Immigrant: Challenges and Opportunities
SHOTWELL, Larry (Mr.) / Economics/Business / Shanghai Univ of Finance & Econ
Sonoma State University / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Financial Innovation and Developments in the U.S.; Sources of Change and Consequences; 2. U.S. Monetary Policy Over the Past Thirty Years: Financial Crises That Did Not Happen; 3. Derivatives: What they Are, Different Types, What They Do, and Risk Implications; 4. U.S. Central Bank (Federal Reserve) Monetary Policy: Process, Objectives, And Current Policy Activities; 5. The U.S. Federal Reserve System (The Central Bank): Structure, Objectives, and Policy Making Process and Tools; 6. The Nature of Stock Market and Stock Trading in the U.S.
SWANSON, Gary E. (Mr.) / Communications/Journalism / Tsinghua University
Northwestern University / / Fall
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. What is Real? - Digital Photo Enhancement and Manipulation; 2. "Investigative Journalism - Going Undercover to Tell the Story; 3. Making the Committment to Quality Journalism; 4. Outside Influences - How Can Journalists Remain Objective?; 5. Documentary in America; 6. Impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympics on Media; 7. Copyright and Intellectual Property - What Limits Does it Place on Working Journalists?
TOWNLEY, Charles T. (Mr.) / Information Science / Beijing Normal University
New Mexico State University / / Fall
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Intellectual Property Rights in Higher Education: Creating World Class Universities and Faculties; 2. Accreditation of Professional Degrees in the United States: Universities and Professional Societies Collaborating to Improve Professional Degree Quality; 3. Knowledge Management: Key to Organizational Success in a Global Economy; 4. How Organizations Learn: Using Knowledge to Achieve Strategic Goals; 5. Winning through Knowledge: Individual Skills for Competitive Advantage; 6. Knowledge in the Academy: Creating Effective Schools and Universities for the 21st Century; 7. Cross-Cultural Learning: Techniques for Successful Learning across Cultures; 8. Delivering Instruction at the Right Place and the Right Time: Using Distance Education to Increase University Effectiveness
URBAN, Michael (Mr.) / Public Health/Environment / Northeastern University
University of Missouri / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Floods, hurricanes, and other catastrophes: The role of disasters in shaping American environmental policy; 2. Managing the Missouri River: Ecology verses economics; 3. Dam policy in America: Environmental impacts and policy trends; 4. Fixing nature: Restoration, idealism, and pragmatism in U.S. environmentalism; 5. The role of myths and tall tales in the development of American environmental ethics; 6. The history and legacy of agricultural drainage in the U.S.
WALDRON, Randall E. (Mr.) / Economics/Business / Beijing Jiaotong University
University of South Dakota / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. American Antitrust: How the U.S. promotes competition in markets (This talk stems from my work in industrial organization and would be of interest to economists, policy-makers, and the legal profession.); 2. Marriage and Other 'Prisoner's Dilemmas' (Aimed at economists and others with an interest in game theory, this presentation deals in a peripheral way with policy decisions but is mainly a theoretical construct.); 3. Managing the 'Prisoner's Dilemma.' (Adapted from presentations I give in the States to business practitioners, this presentation is of general interest to the business community.); 4. Graduate Business Education in the U.S. (Here I will talk mainly about American MBA programs and value of the degree. Clearly aimed at students.); 5. Cost Benefit Analysis Versus Economic Impact: A practitioner's guide to project evaluation (Designed to help policy makers outside the competitive marketplace, this talk derives from a paper intended for American public administrators but also of interest to Chinese.); 6. Game Theoretic Perspectives in the Teaching of Microeconomics. (This talk is about pedagogy in introductory economics classes, and is of interest to teaching economists.)
FULBRIGHT SPOUSES available for lecturing:
GAO Yunxiang (Ms.) / Asian History / Peking University
Ryerson University / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. Nationalist and Feminist Discourses in Translating the Cults of "Health" and "Beauty" of Western Physical Culture in 1930s China 2. Reframing the "Athletic Movie Star" in China's "National Crisis" 1931-1949 within the Transnational Media 3. Cultivating Female Tiyu Professional Authority: The Trans-Pacific Life and Career of Zhang Huilan (18988-1996): China's First Female Ph.D. in Physical Education 4. Chinese Women's First Appearances in the Olympic Games 5. Kissing from a Western Novelty to a Chinese Language of Bodily Intimacy Beyond the Racial, Cultural, and Ideological Boundaries 6. The Athletic Female Body and China's "National Goods Movement"
HAGHIGHI, Kayhan (Ms.) / Real estate / Beijing Univ of Posts and Telecom
Independent / / Year
Guest Lecture Topic: Residential real estate marketing and transactions
URBAN, Kerri (Ms.) / International studies / Northeastern University
University of Missouri / / Year
Guest Lecture Topic: Preparing for and adjusting to life in U.S. universities
WALDRON, Lisa (Ms.) / International education / Beijing Jiaotong University
Independent / / Year
Guest Lecture Topics: 1. How to Survive, and Thrive, as an International Student Living in the US (A discussion about practical daily life including topics such as housing, transportation, money, shopping and restaurants); 2. American Holidays and other Celebrations (A discussion of their history and importance); 3. Making Friends with American Students and Families; (A discussion of how to meet, get to know, and maintain friendships across cultural borders); 4. Let’s Hit the Road! (A discussion about how to plan your next sightseeing trip in the US); 5. Let’s Do Lunch! (A discussion of how to eat out in an American Restaurant and guidelines for dining in an American family’s home); 6. Spiritual Life in the USA; 7. Surviving Culture Shock (A discussion of how to deal with the excitement, stress and homesickness involved with living in a different culture); 8. Cooking up A Storm (A discussion of American cuisine and cooking techniques); 9. American Family Life; 10. Speaking with Americans – Conversation Starters and Ways to improve your conversational English Skills
AMES, Roger T (Mr