Vermont Emergency Medical Services District 5

Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2012

Attendees: Deb Bach; Mark Podgwaite – Lyndon Rescue; Natalie Fuller – Concord Rescue; Jayme Emery – Danville Rescue; Kirsten Nutter – Barnet Rescue; Bill Vinton – Waterford EMS; Dan Martin – Newbury EMS; Allen Rich – Gilman/Lunenburg EMS; Dr Stan Baker – NVRH

Meeting opened at 6:30 pm by Mark Podgwaite. Kathryn Aucoin

Secretary’s Report: Dan made a motion that we accept the report, Deb seconded it.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan made a motion to that we accept the report, Deb seconded it.


Communications Progress: No new information is available.

District Training: Training will be Wednesday March 21, 2012 at 1900 at NVRH. Dr. Baker will present Medication Overdose and Chart Review.

By-Laws / Protocols / Policies Committee: Nothing new to report.

District 5 EMT Class: There are 18 students. The class is going well. They will test on April 21st at Norwich.

LRI North EMT Class: The class is still on hold.

EMS Week: The committee will meet after the District Meeting.


Monthly Leadership Conference Call: There was no leadership call this month.

EMR CLASS: Kirsten inquired about hosting an EMR class in Barnet. Mark will get more information to her.

Transitions: The State of Vermont has formed 4 committees to work on this. Mark passed out an email with the names of the committee members. They should have more information by April 13, 2012.

EMT I REFRESHER: Mike is looking at hosting a refresher this year. He will get more info about this soon.

District Trailers: Deb said that she spoke to her insurance agent for Danville Rescue and she was assured that the trailer would be covered under Danville Rescue’s insurance.

District Treasurer: For health reasons, Kathryn Aucoin, has resigned as district treasurer. Kirsten has agreed to take over the duties until the election next month.

Nominating Committee: Deb, Jayme and Jon will be the nominating committee this year.

District 5 Award / AAA Star of Life: Mike Wright gave Mark some information that he distributed about the AAA Star of Life Banquet. We all agree that an award(s) for our district is appropriate. We will look into what other districts give as awards. We may incorporate sending 1 or 2 individuals from the district to the AAA Start of Life banquet. There will be more information to come.

Next meeting will be held on April 2nd at 6:30pm.

Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm on a motion by Deb.