Family Continuity

Policy and Procedure

Scope: Program (Please Check One)


Subject: Worker Safety: Weapons, personal safety devices and substances

Purpose: To provide each employee with a safe, healthy work environment, free from intimidation, harassment, and/or violent acts; and to define the agency’s policy regarding weapons, personal safety devices and substances.

Policy: Family Continuity is committed to the safety of its employees, both in its offices and program facilities, and at any location where agency business is conducted. Because crime and violence research clearly delineates the many dangers inherent in the carrying and use of weapons and other personal safety devices or substances to the public, clients, and the carrier him/herself, it is Family Continuity’s policy that no employee shall:

·  bring any weapon, dangerous device or substance (defined below) into any worksite;

·  use, attempt to use, or threaten to use any such weapon or dangerous device or substance while conducting agency business.

Definitions for Weapon:

·  any firearm, including a BB gun, whether loaded or unloaded

·  any knife (excluding a small pen or pocket knife), including a switchblade or other knife having an automatic spring release device; a stiletto

·  any police baton or nightstick

·  any martial arts weapon

Definitions for Dangerous device or substance:

·  any instrument, or article, that, under the circumstances, is capable of causing death or serious physical injury

·  any electronic defense weapon (tasers, etc.)

·  any substance designed to harm or incapacitate (Mace, pepper spray, etc.)

Definitions for Worksite:

·  any location, either permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duties, including:

o  office buildings and facilities as well as the surrounding perimeters and parking lots

o  community settings where clients are seen or agency business is conducted

o  any locations, including homes, where agency business is conducted

o  any vehicles when they are being used for Family Continuity business

Procedure: Family Continuity staff are expected to follow safety policies and procedures as outlined to assure their safety and that of clients and others. In addition, staff are expected to participate in agency safety training(s), and report dangerous conditions or events to their supervisors and program safety officers.

Employees are expected to assess the safety of every situation, and ultimately can choose not to participate in a meeting or not to enter an unsafe site until there is opportunity for supervisory input, a safety review, and consequent appropriate safety measures can be taken.

Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Effective Date: 4/9/08; 4/25/08

Revised Date:

Adopted By: Robin Risso

______(Team Member Sig.)

(if a Program Policy, must be: Program Director)

Kevin Nicastro

______(Team Member Sig.)

Approved By: Earl N. Stuck

______ CEO

(if a Program Policy: Regional Director
