New Materials in the Library

September 18, 2008

Assistive Technology

Family Center on Technology and Disability. (2008). 2008 assistive technology resources [CD]. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: SS-CD-09399


Waisman Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison. (2008). Medical home services for autism spectrum disorders. Madison, WI: Author.

Call Number: FF-AUTI-09368

ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (2008). Autism Spectrum Disorders [Issue title].

Call Number: SS-JOUR-09382 (In Zero to Three folder on journal shelves)


ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (2008). Current trends in child welfare [Issue title].

Call Number: SS-JOUR-09406 (In Zero to Three folder on journal shelves)

Child Assessment

Ringwalt, Sharon. (2008 ). Developmental screening and assessment instruments: With an emphasis on social and emotional development for young children ages birth through five. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina, FPG Child Development Institute, National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center.

Call Number: FF-CHAS-09357

Child Identification

Batsche, G., Elliott, J., Graden, J., Grimes, J., Kovaleski, J., Prasse, D., Reschly, D., Schrag, J., and Tilly, W. D. (2006). Response to intervention: Policy considerations and implementation. Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Directors of Special Education.

Call Number: FF-CHID-09366

Education, Early Care and

Buysse, Virginia and Wesley, Patricia W. (2006). Evidence-based practice in the early childhood field. Washington, D.C: Zero to Three.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-09364

Tarlov, Alvin R. and Debbink, Michelle Precourt. (2008). Investing in early childhood development: Evidence to support a movement for educational change. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Call Number: SS-EDUC-09403

Ahearn, Eileen. (2008). Synthesis of two reports on critical issues for special education in charter schools. Alexandria, VA: Project Forum.

Call Number: SS-JOUR-09370 (In "in Forum" notebook under news letters)

ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. (2008). Faith-based services and very young children [Issue title].

Call Number: SS-JOUR-09381 (In Zero to Three folder on journal shelves)


UNICEF. ([2003]). Parenting education toolkit: Working with families to support young children. New York: Author.

Call Number: SS-CD-09400


National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY). (2008). Building the legacy: A training curriculum on IDEA, our nation's special education law [CD]. Washington, DC: Author.

Call Number: SS-CD-09405


Habib, Dan. (2008). Including Samuel [DVD and Viewer’s Guide]. Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire Institute on Disability.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09402

Odom, S. L., Vitztum, J., Wolery, Ruth, Lieber, Joan, Sandall, Susan, Hanson, Marci J., Beckman, Paula, Schwartz, Ilene, and Horn, Eva. (2004). Preschool inclusion in the United States: a review of research from an ecological systems perspective .

Call Number: FF-LREN-09367

Interagency Coordination

Ochshorn, Susan. (2000). Partnering for success: Community approaches to early learning. A report on partnerships in low-income communities. New York: Child Care Action Campaign.

Call Number: FF-INTC-09369


Utah State Office of Education and Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center. (2008). The Utah Institute on Special Education Law, August 6-7, 2008, Agden Eccles Conference Center, Ogden, Utah. Ogden, UT:

Call Number: SS-LITI-09494


U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2008). Part C SPP/APR indicator analyses .

Call Number: SS-MONI-09339 (2008)

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. (2008). Part B SPP/APR indicator analyses .

Call Number: SS-MONI-09340 (2008)


Winton, Pamela J, McCollumn, Jeanette A, and Catlett, Camille. (2008). Practical approaches to early childhood professional development: Evidence, strategies, and resources. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.

Call Number: SS-PERS-09365

Procedural Safeguards

Henderson, Kelly. (2008 ). Optional IDEA alternative dispute resolution. Alexandria, VA: Project Forum.

Call Number: FF-PROC-09371

Technical Assistance

Fixsen, Dean L., Naoom, Sandra R., Blase, Karen A., Friedman, Robert M., and Wallace, Frances. (2005). Implementation Research: A Synthesis of the Literature. Tampa, FL: The National Implementation Research Network, University of South Florida.

Call Number: SS-TAST-09401

Videos (mostly from Pat and Shelley’s collections)

ENRICH Outreach, JFK Partners and Early Childhood Connections. (1999). Being a kid: Services and supports in everyday routines, activities, and places. Denver, CO: Western Media Products.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08357-1999

Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. ( 2002). The spirit of the quest [videotape]. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 11

Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. ( 2006). Sustain the quest and keep on rolling! [videotape]: Special Quest, the Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program (Year 4). Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 9

Hilton/Early Head Start Training Program. (n.d.). Special Quest success [videotape]. Rohnert Park, CA: California Institute on Human Services, Sonoma State University.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-08887-Video 10

NYS State Department of Social Services and Education Department. (1997). Including preschool children with disabilities in daycare settings.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09372

Community Playthings. (n.d.). Equipped to play. Robertsbridge, E. Sussex, United Kingdom: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09373

Illinois STARnet, Western Illinois University. (1999). Alternative therapies: Experience with canine & equine assisted activities for the young child. Macomb, IL: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09374

Illinois STARnet, Western Illinois University. (1998). The Illinois early intervention services system: The sooner we start the farther they'll go. Macomb, IL: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09375

Texas Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention. (1999). Early childhood intervention in medical practices: How physicians and health care professionals can make a difference. Austin, TX: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09376

New Hampshire Department of Education. (n.d.). There's a light in the window: Preschool special education in New Hampshire. Concord, NH: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09377

UNC-TV. (n.d.). North Carolina people with William Friday: Donald Rosenblitt, M.D. Research Triangle Park, N.C.: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09378

Indiana Child Care Collection, Ball State University. (n.d.). Welcoming all children: Inclusive child care. Muncie, IN: Author.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09379

(n.d.). Make a promise: Include all children.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09380

Guam CEDDERS. (2004). Inclusive child care on Guam.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09383

Special Care Program. (n.d.). What a wonderful world. Williamsburg, VA:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09384

(n.d.). Shining bright: Head Start inclusion.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09385

Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Special Education . (n.d.). Special education in Washington state: It's the right thing to do. Tacoma, WA:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09386

PEAK Parent Center. (1998). The IEP: A tool for realizing possibilities. Colorado Springs, CO:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09387

Auckland College of Education, Television Unit. (n.d.). Early intervention: The Auckland Central early intervention teams. Auckland:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09388

Vermont Department of Education. (n.d.). Vermont's new IEP process.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09390

(n.d.). Ohio interviews: Natural environments teleconference.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09391

Talaris Research Institute and KCTS Television/PBS. (n.d.). Parenting counts: A focus on early learning.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09392

Civitas. (2000). Begin with love.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09393

Connecticut State Department of Education, Family Resource Center. (n.d.). Schools of the 21st century.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09394

Texas Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention. (1999). Between us: Families talk about their babies and toddlers with special needs. Lamar, TX:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09395

Association for the care of children's health. (1999). Family centered care. Washington, DC:

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09396

(n.d.). Arkansas children: Ready, set, go!

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09397

(n.d.). It's in everyone / Setting up learning environments / Plan, do, review / The new room arrangement / Supporting children' learning / Creative Curriculum / Winds of change / Teaching the whole child.

Call Number: SS-AVIS-09398