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The Titan’s Curse

By Rick Riordan

Chapter 1: My Rescue Operation Goes Very Wrong


I’m wondering who Thalia’s mom is. She gets mad at Percy when he mentions her mom.

What is Thalia’s favorite magic item?

What has Chiron taught Thalia that he hasn’t taught Percy?

Who is Thalia’s father?

What is their purpose of being at Westover Hall?

Chapter 2: The Vice Principal Gets a Missile Launcher

Percysicle summon

insufferable projected


What is The Great Stirring?

What is a manticore?

I’m wondering who the Hunters are.

Who is Zoe Nightshade?

It seems to me that Zoe and Thalia don’t like each other.

Chapter 3: Bianca Di Angelo Makes a Choice

plummet hastily

faltered quavered

What does Bianca do at the end of this chapter?

Who is going to help everyone get back to Camp Half-Blood?

Chapter 4: Thalia Tortures New England

What does Apollo drive?

I thought it was funny when Thalia said, “Apollo is hot.” Then Percy replied that he is the sun god. That’s an example of irony or a pun. It’s playing with the word “hot” because it has two meanings.

Apollo is a lot different from his sister. Write at least two ways they are different.

Ha! I loved Apollo’s haiku poem! Haiku is a form of poetry from Japan that is usually about nature.

How many syllables are in each line of a haiku?

1st line ______2nd line ______3rd line ______

That was a great chapter! How did it end?

Chapter 5: I Place an Underwater Phone Call

I think it’s interesting how Apollo said good-bye to Thalia and Percy. Since he is the god of prophecy, he knows things that they don’t know yet.

In this chapter we find out what happened to Thalia’s mom. Percy assumes it has something to do with Thalia being so nervous to drive the sun van. Thalia’s reaction to Percy when he mentions it makes me think she was nervous for a different reason. What happened to her mom?

Percy talks to his half-brother Tyson and finds out that Luke’s boat is near the Panama Canal. What two bodies of water does the Panama Canal link?

Chapter 6: An Old Friend Comes to Visit

It’s interesting that Percy had a bad dream about Annabeth the same night that Zoe had a bad dream about Artemis. I wonder what happened to Clarisse.

Who is the old friend that comes to visit?

What does she say is going to happen?

Chapter 7: Everybody Hates Me But the Horse

Who are the five going on the quest?

Make a prediction. What is Percy going to do?

Chapter 8: I Make a Dangerous Promise

What was the promise that Percy made?

What is Percy’s plan now?

Chapter 9: I Learn How to Grow Zombies

Exciting chapter!

What happened the first time the General tried to grow zombies?

As Percy ran out, one of the zombies ripped his shirt, sniffed it, and passed it around for his other zombie friends to sniff. Why is this bad for Percy?

Chapter 10: I Break a Few Rocket Ships

How did Percy and Zoe kill the lion?

Chapter 11: Grover Gets a Lamborgheni

Why can’t half-bloods live in San Francisco?

Why don’t Zoe and Thalia get along?

Who is the homeless guy?

Chapter 12: I Go Snowboarding With a Pig

What is “the gift from the Wild” that Grover was talking about?

What saved Percy when he got shot in the back?

Interesting. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, the Lord of the Sky, is afraid of heights. That’s another example of irony.

Who is the Lord of the Wild and why is it significant that they all felt his presence?

Chapter 13: We Visit the Junkyard of the Gods

Saguaro (pronounced sawaro) cacti are those huge cacti with arms you can see in the desert. They can be from 15 to 50 feet tall!

I wonder why Bianca and Nico stayed at the Lotus Hotel in Las Vegas and who got them out.

Which god and goddess does Percy meet in the middle of the desert?

What did Bianca steal from the junkyard?

Chapter 14: I Have a Dam Problem

Who was the lady with the grey eyes in the elevator?

Who saved Percy, Thalia, Zoe, and Grover at the end of the chapter and how did they do it?

Chapter 15: I Wrestle Santa’s Evil Twin

I wanted to stand up and cheer at the end of this chapter!

What is the monster that they’re searching for?

What happens to the one who kills this monster?

Who helped Percy, Thalia, Zoe, and Grover at the end of this chapter and why was it so surprising?

Chapter 16: We Meet the Dragon of Eternal Bad Breath

Wow. Annabeth’s dad is not what I expected! What is her family like?

Who is the General and what is his usual job?

Who is Zoe’s father?

Chapter 17: I Put on a Few Million Extra Pounds

At the end of the chapter, who has the sky?

Who came to help?

Chapter 18: A Friend Says Good-bye

No questions. Enjoy reading!

Chapter 19: The Gods Vote How to Kill Us

What did Thalia do that was so surprising?

Why did she do it?

What is Percy’s fatal flaw?

Chapter 20: I Get a New Enemy for Christmas

Wow! Great book!

Who is Bianca and Nico’s father?

How does the book end, with a cliffhanger, onomatopoeia, foreshadowing, or irony?

Who was your favorite character?

Rate this book from 1 to 5 (1 is lowest, 5 is highest).

What is the point of view of this book?

What is the genre of this book?


The Titan’s Curse