OBJECTIVES / 1. Increase graduation rate.2. Increase school attendance by.
3. Decrease suspensions and expulsions. / Annual Review
Action Plan
Objective #1
Increase Graduation Rate
What / By Whom / By When2014
Collect county-wide data on graduation rates. / ISD / Quarterly throughout 2014
Understand current practices and policies each school district uses related to graduation. / Core Team / August 30, 2014
Identify the issues that result in failure to graduate. / Core Team / August 30, 2014
Identify solutions. / Core Team / December 30, 2014
Establish Legal Workgroup / Brian Helfert
Jennifer Brunelle
Andy Laurin / May 30, 2014
Review current truancy and home school laws. / Legal Workgroup / August 30, 2014
Draft changes to truancy and home school laws. / Legal Workgroup / December 30, 2014
Send recommendations to School-Justice Partnership Central Committee. / Legal Workgroup / January 30, 2014
Develop countywide day time curfew ordinance and submit to County Board of Commissioners. / Legal Workgroup / March 30, 2014
2015 Continue
2016 Continue
Action Plan
Objective #2
Increase School Attendance
What / By Whom / By When2014
Collect county-wide data on chronic absences and truancy. / ISD / Quarterly throughout 2014
Establish Standardization Workgroup / Becky Stepniack
Jeff Jones / May 30, 2014
Understand current practices and policies each school district uses related to attendance and truancy. / Standardization Workgroup / August 30, 2014
Identify the issues that result in absences, and truancy. / Core Team / August 30, 2014
Identify solutions / Core Team / December 30, 2014
Develop standardized truancy policy and practices for all county schools. / Standardization Workgroup / December 30, 2014
Action Plan
Objective #3
Decrease Suspensions and Expulsions
What / By Whom / By When2014
Establish Prevention Workgroup / Amy Galardo
Karen Thekan / May 30, 2014
Collect county-wide data on expulsions and suspensions. / ISD, Prevention Workgroup / August 30, 2014
Understand current practices and policies each school district uses related to suspensions and expulsions. / Prevention Workgroup / December 30, 2014
Identify the issues that result in expulsions and suspensions / Prevention Workgroup / December 30, 2014
Identify solutions / Core Team / December 30, 2014
Develop materials to help educators and school attorneys understand use of zero tolerance policies / Core Team / March 30, 2014
Menominee County School-Justice Partnership Team Members:
Russell Sexton, DHS, 906-789-7217,
John Mans, ISD Superintendent,906-863-5665,
Dawn Dennis Ruleau, Family Court J.O., 906-863-2634
Karen Thekan, CMH, 906-863-7841,
Jennifer Brunelle, Probation, 906-863-8529,
Becky Squires-Stepniak, Probation, 715-923-6711,
Andrew Laurin, DHS Child Welfare, 906-863-1428,
Rob Villas, DHS Assistance Payments, 906-863-1420,
Mary Stein, ISD, 906-863-5665,
Jeffery C. Jones, ISD, 906-863-5665,
Brian Helfert, Sheriff Dept./School Liaison,
Amy Gallardo, Private Agency, 906-290-3404,