
Mulan 3

Introduction: In the last movie Mulan and Shang got married, and Su got with Chein Po, Ting Ting got with Ling, and Mei got with Yao, but now things are about to change a little. Mulan and Shang had two kids one girl and one boy, the girls name is Mi and their son’s name is Ping. Now we look at our other couples Su and Chein Po are very happy together and so are Ling and Ting Ting, but for Yao he is all alone a tragic day for everyone is now Mei has died by the hands of an evil doer he has come forth and burned down Yao and Mei’s home, but Mei was still inside when the house caved down on top of her and Yao was not home, because he was out working to make money to buy a ring to ask Mei to marry him, but he comes home to find everything he had is gone. Mulan and Shang offer Yao to stay with them in their guess house. Yao decides to stay, but he thinks all is lost for him.3 years later, Now the story begins.

Yao- Good morning Mulan, Shang, Mi, and Ping.

(Everyone)- Morning Yao.

Yao- I will be going into town to buy a few things do y’all need anything?

Mulan-No, we are fine, thanks for offering.

Yao then walks out and heads towards town, but he didn’t know that today would bring a little light to his sadness.

Voice#1- hey pretty lady, why not give me all your money or would you rather I take your life. hehehe.

Voice#2- That’s a sad attempt of threating me when you have no clue who I am.

Voice#1- What!! Then why don’t you introduce yourself you worthless woman.

Voice#2- I am Star and you really don’t want to piss me off.

Voice#1- I’ll kill you!!

Star- Just try.

They began to fight as Yao walks up he sees the woman is strong and can handle herself very well, but then the man snicks a knife out of his shoe when the woman turned away, so Yao runs over and body slams the other guy out the way. Star looks back at Yao and smiles, but then another man comes in front of Star.

New Voice#2-You dumb woman your fight damaged my working area now you must leave and don’t come back to this town ever again because if I catch you here I’ll have you killed.

Star- Fine I’ll leave cus it wasn’t that nice of a place to come anyway.


Star walks away not even worried about anything, but Yao still wonders who she was, so he tries to follow, but once he turns the curve that she took, she’s gone nowhere in sight, so Yao goes back to Mulans, not knowing that Star is following him from on top of each roof top.

Mulan- Shang do you think that Yao will be ok I mean he’s always dragging around looking so sad I feel bad for him.

Shang- Oh Mulan, try not to worry so much Yao will be fine it just takes time for people to heal.

Mulan- I know Shang, but it makes me sad to see our friend so sad.

Shang- me too Mulan, but we will just have to wait until he feels ready to open up or move on.

Mulan- Your right, Shang look theirs Yao.

Shang- Hey Yao how was your day.

Yao- It was incredible!

Shang and Mulan- Huh?

Shang-What happen?

Yao- There was a woman fighting her heart out and a guy tried to pull a fast one and stab her, but I body slammed him, she looked at me and smiled, then another guy came and told her she couldn’t come back to that town and she left, but I tried to follow her and when I turned the corner she was gone.

Mulan- Wow that’s amazing, but what was her name?

Yao- That’s the sad part, I didn’t catch up to her to ask her..

Mulan and Shang- Oh.. Who’s that up there?

Yao-Huh? I don’t know get back I’ll protect you both.

Star jumps down off the house, she has a hooded shirt so Yao doesn’t recognize her.

Yao- You stay back, or I’ll have to knock you out.

Star- Hmm. I’m not after hurting anyone I just wanted to thank you for earlier.

Star takes the hood off to show Yao who she is.

Yao- It’s you, how did you fine me? Mulan and Shang this is her.

Mulan and Shang are very surprised to meet the unknown woman.

Star- I followed you from on top of the roof tops, oh by the way my name is Star nice to meet you Yao.

Yao- That’s cool.. But hey how do you know my name?

Mulan and Shang look at each other wondering the same thing.

Star- I know a hero when I see one and I’ve heard a thing or two about you and everyone else here.

Yao- You think I’m a hero.. Sigh.. I’m no hero I let Mei die while I was out working.

Star- That wasn’t your fault, and I know who did it, this man is evil he takes what he wants when he wants it, but I’m strong enough to take him and someday I will.

Yao, Shang, and Mulan look at Star and wonder who this evil guy is and then Yao asks her the question.

Yao- who is he?!!

Star- He goes by the name Dark Night. He is very strong but he could never control me, nor could he ever own me.

Yao- I’ll get him for what he done to poor Mei.

Shang- I’m with you Yao.

Mulan- So am I.

Yao- Thanks you guys.

Star- Yao after what you did to help me it’s hard for me to tell you this, but I wasn’t going to let you join me in this fight, but I feel the way you feel I’ve lost loved ones to him too, so I will show you the way and I’ll fight by your side till the end.

Yao looks shocked to hear Star say these things and he wonders how she knows the Dark Night so well and which loved ones did she loose, but before he could ask some old friends show up. Ling, Ting Ting, Su, and Chein Po have come to visit, but are shocked to see someone new.

Ling- Umm who’s this woman?

Chein Po- She looks strong, but nice.

Su- Maybe she’s a friend of Mulans?

Ting Ting- I don’t know, but the way she looks we better not make her mad.

Mulan- Hey everyone come meet Star this is Yao’s friend. hehe

Ling, Ting Ting, Su, and Chein Po- Huh Yao’s friend!

Yao- Well if she wants to be my friend, then yes she’s my friend.

Ling- Wow your girlfriend. Ha ha

Yao- No I didn’t say that…

Star blushes and begins to laugh.

Star- I get the joke I’m a girl and I’m his friend, so girlfriend.

Yao then blushes, but is happy to know that they are friends, but now he wants to know what happen to Star in the past.

Yao- alright enough jokes, Star do you mind telling us how you know the Dark Night and what happen to you in the past?

Su and Ting Ting- Dark Night? Who’s that?

Yao- He is the one that killed Mei, and some of Star’s loved ones.

Su, Ting Ting, Ling, and Chein Po- Oh My!!

Yao- Yeah, but we are going to go after him tomorrow.

Su and Ting Ting- We will stay here with Mulan and Shang’s kids.

Mulan- Thank you both.

Shang- What about you Ling and Chein Po?

Ling- I’ll join y’all.

Chein Po- Me too.

Voices from behind we will stay will the kids too.

Mulan- Grandma ma, Ba Ba, Ma Ma! Thank you.

Grandma ma- Any time deer.

Ba Ba and Ma Ma- They are our grandchildren and you must help your friends.

Yao- Great, so Star tell your story.

Star- Well it was long ago, my mother and father were in trouble, the Dark Night came and told them if they wanted to live they would have to give me up to him to be his bride once I reach 17. They were so afraid and I was already 16 going on 17 in 7 more days, I ran up and I shouted hey you back away from my family, I’ll do it, I’ll become your bride if you promise never to bother my family or anyone else ever again. He looked at me and smiled I’ll do whatever it takes to get you, so deal. My family was upset that I was going to be leaving soon to go to this evil man, but they were happy to know that their daughter would stand up and take care of them. My family set me up with my horse and sent a guard with his horse to make sure I make it there safe. The guard and I were friends, his name is Mao and we set out on our journey. We stopped a few times before making it there, but just before we could make it there Mao stopped me and said you can’t go through with this I want let you, I was confused, but I pushed him away from me, he grabbed my arm and told me to forgive him for what he was about to do, he said I love you, but I have to do this, I told him wait and he looked at me what is it, I told him you can’t love me and you can’t stop me from finishing this mission cus if you do you will kill my family, but then he didn’t listen to me he hit me over the head and I was out. When I woke up I was in a boat floating down river far away from the Dark Night’s castle and even more away from home. I was able to make it to land and I saw my horse, she followed me down river, so I climbed up onto her and headed for home to wait for the Dark Night to come looking for me, but I didn’t know that Mao already went to the Dark Night and Lied to him and told him that I was running away and he will never find me, I then found out cus when I made it home my house was burnt down my family dead in front of me and Mao half dead and he told me what he told Dark Night, and he told me he was sorry but he thought that Dark Night would just leave everyone alone and go looking for me, then he too died. I was able to forgive Mao before he died so he could die in peace. Then in the night I knew I had to fine Dark Night and make him pay for what he did, but the only way I would be able to get close enough to kill him is if I’d lie and tell him I will marry him now and tell him that Mao lied to him and knocked me out and shipped me down river so that’s why I wasn’t there to marry him when he wanted me. I saw someone in the dark running I followed, it was Mei, she was running past my place and went into her house and she had a hooded shirt like mine then I knottiest Dark Night was right behind her cus he thought it was me. I ran trying to help her, but then I was stopped by a group of men I had to fight to protect myself, so I did. After that I rushed over to help Mei, but I was too late, he realized it wasn’t me and locked her back in the house and burned it down, so when I got there all I saw was sadness and anger filled up inside me and in the man that came to a burned down house, I didn’t go near the upset man, but I said if I ever met him I’d help him on his journey, and then that’s when I got into a few years’ worth of training, then I meet the man I saw then I realized it was you Yao so I followed you and here we all are fixing to go on that journey.

Yao- Wow, so you really mean it, you’ll help me?

Star- Sure Yao I can’t let you go on your own without me to help you and guide you there.

Ling-(whispers to Chein Po) I think those two are going to fall for one another throughout the journey.

Chein Po- I think so too, and it would be nice to see both of them happy.

Ling- You said it!!

Yao- What y’all talking about?

Ling- Oh umm nothing.

Star laughs then tells everyone they should get some rest for their journey starts tomorrow. Star stays up walking around thinking about Yao and worrying that something might happen to him if he helps her, he’s not a sleep yet and he looks outside and sees Star is sitting outside by herself and walks out to keep her company. Ling and Chein Po saw Yao get up and leave, so they went to see what was going to happen. Yao looks at Star and sees tears going down her face so he walks up to her.

Yao- Umm Star are you ok?

Star- Oh, umm yeah I’ll be fine, just thinking that’s all.

Yao-Oh. Umm do you mind if I ask, what about?

Star-(Blushes) Well I....I was thinking about you and I was worrying about your safety in this journey, I know your strong, but I still worry for what reason I’m not so sure.

Yao- (Blushes) Umm do you mind if I sit with you?

Star- Not at all. (smiles)

Chein Po and Ling smile and then Mulan and Shang walk up on them.

Shang- What are y’all doing?

Ling- Nothing..hehe

Chein Po- Ling just tell them the truth.

Mulan- Well what is it?

Ling- Look over there.

Mulan and Shang look and they see Star and Yao sitting by each other, talking, laughing, and now they’re getting up and splashing water on each other by the water fountain, then they both stop and look at each other with blushing faces and smiles.

Shang- They look so happy together.

Mulan- I wonder if they will fall for each other even more throughout this journey and get married after this is all done.

Ling- I hope so.

Chein Po- Me too, it would be nice to see them both happy.

Chein Po, Ling, Mulan, and Shang go back to sleep. Now back to Star and Yao.

Yao- Umm Star what do you plan to do when you meet back up with the Dark Night?

Star- Well I want to make him be live that I like him and forgive him for hurting my family, then if and when he falls for it I will test my strength against his until he is destroyed.

Yao- But what about us, what do we do, what do I do?

Star- Yao I don’t want any of you to get hurt or worse killed, I can’t let someone that I really care about and love die because of ME!!

Yao’s eyes got big, everyone jumps up to see what’s going on and when they look they see Star Crying and then they see Yao pull her close and kisses her. Yao is Crying too, but he is happy.

Chein Po and Ling- Yes, Yes, woo hoo.

Su and Ting Ting- Aww

Mulan and Shang- What a happy site to see.