TF Magnet

Version: “High Temperature Superconductor, Composition Altered from ARIES-AT”

Date Acquired:May 15, 2007

From: Leslie Bromberg

Commented: Lane Carlson, 9/28/10

Note: LCC, 9/28/10. Currently the systems code is using the “ r-theta plane, ‘Next Step’, conservative costing” for the TF magnet algorithm out of the 7 within the code.

1. r-theta plane, "PPPL Version, Conservative Costing"

2. r-theta plane, "PPPL Version"

3. r-theta plane, "Next Step", conservative costing

4. r-theta plane, "Next Step"

5. r-theta plane, HTSC

6. r-theta plane, Nb3Sn

7. r-theta plane, ARIES-AT coil design with fixed volume fractions


Material Data

Physics Parameters

Bounding Box for the Plasma

lower and upper bounds in plasma radius

lower and upper bounds in plasma height

These inputs were extracted from the plasma contour obtained earlier.

Inboard Radial Build From Plasma Edge to TF Coil


(See “PF Magnet.doc” for more build information.)

Number of TF Coils



Volume Fractions of Different Material Components

Total Volume

Total Cost


Inboard Radius of the Inner Surface of the TF Coil


Maximum Magnetic Field


Current Density in Superconductor

obtained by interpolation from experimental curve[LCC5]

From SiC code, Geometry.cpp:

double btmaxVec[5] = {6.0, 10.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0};

double jscVec[5] = {1.52e9, 1.35e9, 8.84e8, 5.43e8, 1.30e8};

Btmax / 6.0 / 10.0 / 14.0 / 16.0 / 18.0
Current density / 1.52e9 / 1.35e9 / 8.84e8 / 5.43e8 / 1.30e8

Current Density in Copper


Cross-Sectional Area Fractions of Cable Components


Current in the TF Coil


Cross-Sectional Areas


Number of Turns per Winding Pack


Coil Casing Dimensions

iteration loop i=1:5

total TF coil[LCC11][LCC12]casing thickness (LCC – is this splint into two? a/2 + TF coil + a/2?

From ZD Jan 2009 presentation.

end iteration loop

Total Cross-Sectional Area of the TF Coil


Volume Fractions of TF Coil Components


Total Volume of the TF Coil

  • Generate the outer and inner contour of the TF coil:

outer leg contour

curved portion of the inner leg contour

straight portion of the inner leg contour

The equations above were used in order to produce the inner and outer contour of the TF coil.

  • Integrate the contours to obtain the volume:

Total Cost

All the components are listed in the material data table, under Inputs, page 1.

[LCC1]This has been set for SiC in Aries.cpp from the scrape-off layer to the PF coil. For DCLL, the build is an input file “” that is read by Aries.cpp.

[LCC2]A constant in code. Would like to be an input if number of coils change in the future.

[LCC3]Computed in Geromety.cpp TF section

[LCC4]Computed in Geometry.cpp TF section

[LCC5]Not really interpolation but uses nearest value from the table. Should this eqn from paper “An Advanced…” be used instead?

jsc=(-.0908*x^2+1.0224*x+12.32)e8, also used in CK “sysengr.f” code

[LCC6]This is currently set at 2.24E8 A/m2 in, NOT as Jsc/2 in both SiC and DCLL.


1. F_He = .25 in

2. F_ins = .11 in

3. d_sheath OK in code

4. f_sheath OK in code

[LCC8]In input file.

[LCC9]All OK in code

[LCC10]“ATF” is defined in the codeGeometry.cpp, but then Nwp is found by dividing by Aturn. Bt should be *2, not ^2. This is correct per C. Kessel. 8/1/11

[LCC11]coefficient = 0.208 in code ?? Segments in code are broken up as G1, G2, G3. In G3, code has extra log(R2/R1). In G2, code has Bt as Bo. Reference for this eqn??

Last term ln(R2/R1) should be squared. Coeff should be

[LCC12]FN said this equation took 3 months to construct, yet there is no reference.

[LCC13]In code, called delta*width

[LCC14]Not in code